This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
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thank you!!
Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit Posted Mar 11, 2005
NPY: I came here because, back in post 4, Della intimates that I may be her ex-lover. High comedy, there.
I'm also here to tell you personally that, despite your apparently revisionist perspective, I thought you and I managed to have a reasonable conversation over there. It was when dear Della showed up that it got ugly. As usual.
See who you think is ugly: F19585?thread=606523
thank you!!
NPY Posted Mar 12, 2005
Well, from where I'm sitting, that didn't read as you. I though it was someone else.
I do agree that that other thread did get very ugly at points. Though I'm not going to lay blame on any one person. We are all responsible for what we've said there. Though I do prefer civilised rather than constant insults.
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