This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 12, 2002
You must have this thread confused with the privite one you have going with T'Mershi. Oh well one more thing for the ole file.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 12, 2002
You seem to have quite an obsession with T'mershi.
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 12, 2002
I can not help it I find you and T'Mershi's liaison intriguing.
That you both share an infantile fixtation brought about by arrested development is individualily insignificant. However when it simultaneously occurs in geographicly isolated individuals who then meet and bond in a digital enviorment is rare. When they become amoured with each other it then warrants further study. Maybe even a paper to be published
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 12, 2002
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 12, 2002
arrested development = An abnormal state in which developement has stopped prematurely.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 12, 2002
As I suspected you hadn't heard of the musical group.
My next question: By your "arrested development" comment are you insulting the two of us as people or are you insulting our nations?
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 12, 2002
arrested development = an alanta based group tham emultes hip hop, soul, blues and funk. Disbamded in 1996 rebanded 1999.
Do not know either of you well enough personally to insult you.
I have no anomamosity torwards either of your countrys, On the contrary I think New zealand is beautiful and the few people I have met from there have been polite, and friendly. {of course there are always exceptions } I do not know much about the danish however again the few i have met havr been pleasant {agian exceptions can be made
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 12, 2002
I would call infantile an insult. How long are you planning to keep up the pretence? "Do not know either of you well enough personally to insult you."
I haven't met any danes, that I'm aware of. But living in a town that gets 1.5 million visitors a year makes it difficult to remember just who you have had contact with. Personally I have a good impression of Michigan from people I know there and my history teacher came from Orlando (SP?). The majority of yanks I'd get on well with are the ones still in america. 99% of yank tourists I've met, however, have been right twits. Prone whining and winging.
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 12, 2002
>I would call infantile an insult. How long are you planning to keep up the pretence? "Do not know either of you well enough personally to insult you."<
I was making observations only. Strictly clinical not personal.
>The majority of yanks I'd get on well with are the ones still in america. 99% of yank tourists I've met, however, have been right twits. Prone whining and winging<
Now there you go again stereo typing and american bashing all in one sentence and a few words added for good measure.
PS. The area I live in is also very popular tourest destination. Population triples during late June through august {summer here}
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 12, 2002
">The majority of yanks I'd get on well with are the ones still in america. 99% of yank tourists I've met, however, have been right twits. Prone whining and winging<
Now there you go again stereo typing and american bashing all in one sentence and a few words added for good measure."
It is/was a statement of fact. Therefore it cannot be stereotyping or bashing. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.
"I was making observations only. Strictly clinical not personal." Trying to pass off insults as clinical observations is childish. I'll ask again, why are you bothering with the pretence?
BTW the population of the town I live in is 64,000 if you tripple the population you won't come close to 1.5 million. So I don't think you have any idea what I'm talking about.
what's up with yanks?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Aug 12, 2002
Sadly, Apparition, I think you may be right. (Correct. I must emphasise that, as he may take it politically.)
I don't know why birth thinks that he has the right, or the expertise to analyse people. I don't know about you, but the 'clinical observation' type people get right up my nose!
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 13, 2002
della #2
They're as nutty as fruitcake especially insurgent and starbirth as loony as good old two bit.
della #21
Oh starbirth there's passive agressive for you if we are doing psycological profiling
della #33
No more for now I'm getting really peeved.
della #55
Starbirth - are you a psychologist, a wannabe shrink, or just an enthusiastic amateur? 'Analysing'someone for his/her deficiencies is totallypassive aggressive and in RL, is often an invitation for a thumping! *** Warning! Do not assume I expressed a desire to commit physical violence upon you or any other person! I did not such thing! I never will do any such thing, and I never have done any such thing! Ever*** I call upon all to bear witness that I did not threaten to thump Starbirth, or express any desire to do so, as he may accuse me of such in future....
della last post
I don't know why birth thinks that he has the right, or the expertise to analyse people. I don't know about you, but the 'clinical observation' type people get right up my nose!
Looks like you started off with analysing people in post #2 and #21 but when things got too hot in the kitchen you lost your cool #33 and by #55 your anger had taken hold and you resorted to threats/denial. so I can understand that in your last post why a researcher of human behavior who do not allow emotion to cloud their observation of a subject they are profiling so angers you. All is good Della, all is as it shoud be.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 13, 2002
"so I can understand that in your last post why a researcher of human behavior who do not allow emotion to cloud their observation of a subject they are profiling so angers you."
Does he really belive all the mushroom food he spouts. Would you like me to copy and paste every question and statement you've avoided? Ooops that was a direct question
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 13, 2002
Starbirth; when do you plan to log on as Dark Thoughts again?
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 13, 2002
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 13, 2002
Well, Well the whole gang is here. I guess two against one wasn't god enough odds. Let the bashing begin!!!
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 13, 2002
Well Starbirth, you're the one who does all the bashing. I'm not sure there's only one of you though
Hell of a way to avoid any question though Not that it'll surprise anyone.
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 13, 2002
Now i get it you are accusing me of being "darkthoughts" not having them. I guess the pressure finnally got to you. I should take it as a compliment that I set up a clone site almost a year ago just to give myself a pat on the back {along with several others} and put you down.
You got me you sure are qiute the investigator!
Key: Complain about this post
what's up with yanks?
- 61: starbirth (Aug 12, 2002)
- 62: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 12, 2002)
- 63: starbirth (Aug 12, 2002)
- 64: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 12, 2002)
- 65: starbirth (Aug 12, 2002)
- 66: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 12, 2002)
- 67: starbirth (Aug 12, 2002)
- 68: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 12, 2002)
- 69: starbirth (Aug 12, 2002)
- 70: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 12, 2002)
- 71: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Aug 12, 2002)
- 72: starbirth (Aug 13, 2002)
- 73: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 13, 2002)
- 74: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 13, 2002)
- 75: T´mershi Duween (Aug 13, 2002)
- 76: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 13, 2002)
- 77: T´mershi Duween (Aug 13, 2002)
- 78: starbirth (Aug 13, 2002)
- 79: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 13, 2002)
- 80: starbirth (Aug 13, 2002)
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