This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

what's up with yanks?

Post 41

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Every time you post you prove the mental midget profile. Through my daily life I don't give a monkeys one way of the other about America. Wether or not a programme from there is going to get another season is about total affect your country has on my daily life.

I see nothing wrong with "left" politics, esp as the right wiing brings so many uncaring and evil things with it.

Perhaps it's left of me but I have an interest in the rest of the world and how ever much you attack those who dissagree with you (I notice no reaction from you when Digital Redneck said America was mostly rural), In my country there's a little thing called freedom of expression and as a voting citizen of a country that was democratic before yours, it's my duty to express all the opinions I fee like smiley - tongueout

what's up with yanks?

Post 42


here is an old truism.
If you are a youth and are not "liberal" you have no heart. If you are no longer a youth but are not "conservative" you have no brain."

peace apparition I have no problem with you far laft views.

what's up with yanks?

Post 43

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

If you are no longer a youth but are not "conservative" you have no brain."

Conservatives support war and armed conflict. There is something very disturbing about equating killing people with having a brain. I don't like where this is going.

what's up with yanks?

Post 44


Now that is what I am talking about. It was just a qoute about youths exuberance and growing older. You are now clasifying conservatives as you do americans. You have the tendency to stereotype anyone who does not fit your view of the world. You seem to find no fault with that because you are doing it to a prosperous country or people. I guess it is your far left upbringing that allows you to justify a bigoted attitude towards americans as they exemplify abundance. As I have said before you seem to be in conflict with your lifestyle and your perception. You see yourself {do to your upbringing} as a crusader for the downtrodden and have nots of the world. However since you live a life of relative comfort in a flourishing country you feel guilt at this. So you attack that which represents overabundance to you ie America. Someday I hope you will be able to see there is nothing wrong with working hard and making a good life for yourself. That there are always going to be injustices in this world, greedy people, killers, stupid people ect. ect ect. That they are human not just american - wealthy or conservative. Lastly that you can help people without condeming people. I really hope you find peace.

what's up with yanks?

Post 45

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

If you had peace in your like you wouldn't be ranting here.

"You see yourself {do to your upbringing} as a crusader for the downtrodden and have nots of the world." That's an example of stereotyping.

"You are now clasifying conservatives as you do americans." americans? Get off your ego trip. I've already made my statement on how america affects my daily life, so get over yourself.

" You have the tendency to stereotype anyone who does not fit your view of the world." - your statement. " I guess it is your far left upbringing that allows you to justify a bigoted attitude towards americans as they exemplify abundance." - your stereotype of someone who doesn't fit your view of the world. I see you keep bringing up americans again - refer to what I just said.

"You see yourself {do to your upbringing} as a crusader for the downtrodden and have nots of the world." - You know nothing about my upbringing and I'm not about to fill you in.

"Someday I hope you will be able to see there is nothing wrong with working hard and making a good life for yourself." - Is that an attack on me of on the left of politics.

"That there are always going to be injustices in this world, greedy people, killers, stupid people ect. ect ect. That they are human not just american" - again, get off your ego trip and claiming everything to be about america.

Your post/rant just re-enforces the usual reaction of a conservative who's politics have been challenged. A lot of ranting with no substance. Not american, conservatives the world over.

" I really hope you find peace." - I have peace, you're the one that's still here and ranting.

what's up with yanks?

Post 46


I hope this helps: Pharmacology

The antidepressant effect of sertraline is presumed to be linked to its ability to inhibit the neuronal reuptake of serotonin. It has only very weak effects on norepinephrine and dopamine neuronal reuptake. At clinical doses, sertraline blocks the uptake of serotonin into human platelets.

Like most clinically effective antidepressants, sertraline downregulates brain norepinephrine and serotonin receptors in animals. In receptor binding studies, sertraline has no significant affinity for adrenergic (alpha(1), alpha(2) and beta), cholinergic, GABA, dopaminergic, histaminergic, serotonergic (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT2) or benzodiazepine binding sites.

In placebo-controlled studies in normal volunteers, sertraline did not cause sedation and did not interfere with psychomotor performance.

Following multiple oral once-daily doses of 200 mg, the mean peak plasma concentration (C(max)) of sertraline is 0.19 mcg/mL occurring between 6 to 8 hours post-dose. The area under the plasma concentration time is 2.8 mg hr/L. For desmethylsertraline, C(max) is 0.14 mcg/mL, the half-life 65 hours and the area under the curve 2.3 mg hr/L. Following single or multiple oral once-daily doses of 50 to 400 mg/day the average terminal elimination half-life is approximately 26 hours. Linear dose proportionality has been demonstrated over the clinical dose range of 50 to 200 mg/day.

Food appears to increase the bioavailability by about 40%: it is recommended that sertraline be administered with meals.

Sertraline is extensively metabolized to N-desmethylsertraline, which shows negligible pharmacological activity. Both sertraline and N-desmethylsertraline undergo oxidative deamination and subsequent reduction, hydroxylation and glucuronide conjugation. Biliary excretion of metabolites is significant.

Approximately 98% of sertraline is plasma protein bound. The interactions between sertraline and other highly protein bound drugs have not been fully evaluated (see Precautions).

The pharmacokinetics of sertraline itself appear to be similar in young and elderly subjects. Plasma levels of N-desmethylsertraline show a 3-fold elevation in the elderly following multiple dosing, however, the clinical significance of this observation is not known.

Liver and Renal Disease:
The pharmacokinetics of sertraline in patients with significant hepatic or renal dysfunction have not been determined.


what's up with yanks?

Post 47

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Hmmm why am I not surprised by your knowedge of the anti "Antidepressant" or perhaps you were reading from your own pill bottle?

what's up with yanks?

Post 48


Psychomotor retardation
and anhedonia in depression
Lemke MR, Puhl P, Koethe N, Winkler T
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Kiel, Germany.
Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999 Apr; 99(4):252-6

Anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure, and observed changes in psychomotor performance are frequent psychopathological phenomena in major depression with possible common neurobiological mechanisms. Interest, pleasure and reactivity to pleasurable stimuli contribute to movement generation and observable behaviour. Therefore the relationship between anhedonia and psychomotor retardation was studied in 48 depressed patients. Subjectively experienced anhedonia correlated with self-rated but not with observer-rated global severity of depression. There was a significant correlation between anhedonia and psychomotor retardation assessed with the Widocher Retardation Scale. The results suggest the existence of an empirical relationship between reduced ability to experience pleasure and observable psychomotor retardation in depression. Specific measures of psychomotor phenomena may provide further insights into the relationship between observable behaviour and self-experienced symptoms in depression

what's up with yanks?

Post 49

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

This may suprise you but I'm not interested in your medical history. You obviously seem to have a problem letting go of things that don't matter. It's an internet message board. I shudder to think what your life must be like if internet massage boards have you so consumed and emotional.

what's up with yanks?

Post 50


Thats what I get for trying to help.

what's up with yanks?

Post 51

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

smiley - laugh

what's up with yanks?

Post 52


This post has been moderated as it most likely would really really get under apparitions skin.

what's up with yanks?

Post 53

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

What? you're still here. Get a life, you'll feel better smiley - smiley

what's up with yanks?

Post 54


have one smiley - injured on hold

what's up with yanks?

Post 55

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Starbirth - are you a psychologist, a wannabe shrink, or just an enthusiastic amateur? 'Analysing'someone for his/her deficiencies is totallypassive aggressive and in RL, is often an invitation for a thumping! *** Warning! Do not assume I expressed a desire to commit physical violence upon you or any other person! I did not such thing! I never will do any such thing, and I never have done any such thing! Ever*** I call upon all to bear witness that I did not threaten to thump Starbirth, or express any desire to do so, as he may accuse me of such in future....

You simply assume that Apparition had a 'far left' upbringing. He had a normal and usual one for NZ at that time, neither left nor right, as his family and I were busy getting on with jobs, relationships etc., as you do. Of course *I* feel guilt about living in abundance while people starve, or are oppressed, that's normal. That's why Apparition's brother went to perform street theatre for Amnesty International yesterday.. That's why we do various other things we do.

If we attack America (and we are far from being the only ones), do you not think Starbirth, (Nebula) that perhaps it's because America (or more properly, Dubya and co) give us reason?smiley - peacedove

what's up with yanks?

Post 56


Della in post 41.

I see your far left {were all brothers,make love not war,peace} ethical posturing go right out the door when you get mad at someone. I do have to give you credit though for insinuating physical violance against my person and then inserting a disclaimer in the same paragraph. smiley - winkeye {Glad you do not have your finger on the nucear button}

Your second paragraph confirms my profile of apparition better then i ever could. smiley - winkeye

So you finally admitt you atack america and are justified because , well other people do it. {if other people jumped off a bridge would you?}

You really should not let emotions ifluence your postings smiley - winkeyesmiley - zen

what's up with yanks?

Post 57

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Della I'm inclined to advise you to give up on this "person"

"You really should not let emotions ifluence your postings" - I've never witnessed him use anything but emotion. He's a sad little man without enough of personal life to view a message bord in perspective. Can you see another reason he's still here?

"Your second paragraph confirms my profile of apparition better then i ever could." The deluded little man is using what you write to prove to himself his "profiles" (childish taunts) of me.

Join me in a big awwwwww and a

what's up with yanks?

Post 58


>Della I'm inclined to advise you to give up on this "person"<

It is a natural reaction to push away those trying to help.

> He's a sad little man without enough of personal life to view a message bord in perspective. Can you see another reason he's still here?<

Do not worry Apparition no matter how hard you try to insult and drive me away with offensive remarks I will not give up on you.


>The deluded little man is using what you write to prove to himself his "profiles" (childish taunts) of me.<

It is all in the words hey appy, you say "toe-mate-toe "and I say "toe-mot-toe" you say "childish taunt" I say "clinical profile"



what's up with yanks?

Post 59


>Della I'm inclined to advise you to give up on this "person"<

It is a natural reaction to push away those trying to help.

> He's a sad little man without enough of personal life to view a message bord in perspective. Can you see another reason he's still here?<

Do not worry Apparition no matter how hard you try to insult and drive me away with offensive remarks I will not give up on you.


>The deluded little man is using what you write to prove to himself his "profiles" (childish taunts) of me.<

It is all in the words hey appy, you say "toe-mate-toe "and I say "toe-mot-toe" you say "childish taunt" I say "clinical profile"



what's up with yanks?

Post 60

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

hmm a double post. He must be doing something feverish with his hands smiley - winkeye

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