This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Started conversation Jul 18, 2002
and read the two pages before it. I'm off to bed not (went home at 2) I'm
what's up with yanks?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 20, 2002
Oh, it's moved on since Thursday, when I was last there! They're as nutty as fruitcakes, especially Insurgent and birth... as loony as good old Two-bit!
I'm sorry you're ill! What is it? Get well soon
Lots of good wishes
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Jul 20, 2002
I still feel very but I'm better than I was.
Speaking of nuts. Even two bit can muster some argument. but starbirth...
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Jul 21, 2002
See it's alright when americans do it
I did much less and everyone jumped on me in favour of two bit.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Jul 26, 2002
I've well and truely gone this time. Lentilla is probablt trashing me now.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Jul 27, 2002
wow I had a look at the thread. Lentilla's acting like I made the personal attack that I've quoted starbirth as saying
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Jul 30, 2002
I realize that apparition and I have exchanged barbs but our communications have at all times been courteous. You always came across as a person who promoted kindness and a live and let live posture. So I guess I am a little taken aback that you would initiate an attack on my psychological makeup. {not to mention insurgent who is a child and any others in the thread "what wrong with americans' who do not accept your agenda}
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Jul 30, 2002
Starbirth attacked my "manhood" and now it seem you're next in line. Like I said before - It seems to be okay when an American does it.
Starbirth - "In Thread between her and apparition Della says:
Subject: what's up with yanks?
Posted Last Week by Della the Cat woman Music fanatic, science fiction practitioner: I love a sunny day!)
This is a reply to this Posting Posting 2
Oh, it's moved on since Thursday, when I was last there! They're as nutty as fruitcakes, especially Insurgent and birth... as loony as good old Two-bit!
Then she say's in this thread:
Lentilla, I am shocked by the vitriolic tone that this thread seems to have developed! Apparition feels he was being,at the least double teamed and I can see why! I wish people could be more Irenic - no that means peaceable, not ironic, I fell in with that before...
Starbirth wonders if talking in a condecending manner to Lentilla, and making accusations of the mental health of 3 researchers {one whose is a child} because they do not agree with your view of the world has anything to do with the "vitriolic" tone of this thread."
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Jul 30, 2002
I assume you are refering to my pyschological profile of you. I seems to have hit a nerve with you. Let me give you some free advice. Ones manhood can not be called into question unless you yourself allow it to.
Oor instance I am the father of 3 children and find raising and supporting them the most importent job a man can do.
I run a small corporation employee several other family men. Make very good money and work very hard for it.
I do my best to be a good member of the community i live in, respect and and acknowledge those I live with.
If I were to percieve that someone online was calling my manhood in question it would have have no impact on me for my manhood is not in Question . Nor would I need a mother figure to stand up for me.
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Jul 30, 2002
I do have one small question. How do you attack the "manhood" of a female? Or were you just taking a swipe at Della?
what's up with yanks?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jul 31, 2002
Starbirth, I think there have been some misunderstandings going on here! Also, I apologise, I didn't mean to impugn the sanity of insurgent and of you - I should have said that your *statements* were nutty, and not y'all! Sorry! Nevertheless, that being said, the Americans thread seems to have 'gotten' pretty personal and abusive.
Re Apparition, I admit it, I am not just a mother figure to him, I *am* his mother... I felt y'all were double-teaming him, or maybe triple-teaming would have been a good way to put it, as I happen to know he is a sincere and kind person.. but I know how he feels about getting angry! It's easy to do, when confronted by *some* actions of American society and government!
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Jul 31, 2002
I agree with you that the "whats wrong with americans" has gotten personal and abusive. The title itself does not help. Besides being a negitive it is just not right. Why is it you do not see sites saying"Whats wrong with those Black People" or "Whats wrong with those gay people" or "Whats wrong with muslums" You won't see them because they would engender sterotypes. The threads would immedeitly come under fire from the self appointed political correct for promoting bigotry, hate and/or cultural discrimanation.
Yet no one thinks twice about doing it to americans, why because we belong to a powerful nation. What would you think of a tread saying "why are new zealanders ignorant" would that put you on the defensive? Think about it.
About apparition all I can say is I always thought he gave as good as he got. I can say since the day I came into the thread, in fact my very first post I asked a question and was told something to the point that an intelligent person would read the posts back to begining so they do not ask stupid questions.{by one person} another quiped thats americans for you always jumping in the middle of an aurgument. {great way to promote cool headed debate}
Since it is so easy for apparition to become angry with the US Goverment maybe he should get into NZ Foriegn Affairs so he can try and change things. As for american society why should that bother a citizen of New Zealand?
what's up with yanks?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Aug 1, 2002
"Since it is so easy for apparition to become angry with the US Goverment maybe he should get into NZ Foriegn Affairs so he can try and change things. As for american society why should that bother a citizen of New Zealand?"
Ah, that's the main thing, birth! American society bothers NZers, because American society and politics are so powerful and so influential in the world! What y'all do affects us, it affects the whole world, especially if Dubya gets his way in terms of invading Iraq!
More later!
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 1, 2002
Ah, that's the main thing, birth! American society bothers NZers, because American society and politics are so powerful and so influential in the world! What y'all do affects us, it affects the whole world, especially if Dubya gets his way in terms of invading Iraq!
More later
Have you ever thought of the reasons this country is so powerful and it's culture so pervading. Could it be the very qualitys that make this country a powerful military and economic force and a cultural icon also lend themselves to some of the more unfortunent trends this country has taken as well. After all it does take a certian arogance/confidence to fly to the moon. A hard nose/strong personality to leave your homeland and make a new life in a new land. A strong workethic/greed to build strong economy. A large ego/inner strength to sustain confidence. I could go on but I think you see where I am going. Like Love and hate a thin line separates many of these qualitys. As I have tried to say say before we are an amalgamation of the human world. When you have the best that the world hos to offer it is almost certain you will have some of the worst also. So you ask me "what is wrong with america? I tell you " No were near as much that is right with it.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 1, 2002
"When you have the best that the world hos to offer" - Masturbation. Someone belives their own propperganda.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 1, 2002
"This is where any Journal Entries would appear, if this Researcher had made any. Unfortunately they haven't managed to write anything, which is a shame because their Journal is where they could tell everyone what they've been up to. Is your Journal empty too? If so, this is how it'll appear to other Researchers who visit your Personal Space."
- this and 7 seven mostly infrequent conversations
other than attacking people who dissagree with you. Why are you here?
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 2, 2002
"This is where any Journal Entries would appear, if this Researcher had made any. Unfortunately they haven't managed to write anything, which is a shame because their Journal is where they could tell everyone what they've been up to. Is your Journal empty too? If so, this is how it'll appear to other Researchers who visit your Personal Space."
- this and 7 seven mostly infrequent conversations
other than attacking people who dissagree with you. Why are you here?
For almost a year and a half I have been here to meet intelligent, kind people who share a sense of humor and a love for Dougless Adams books.
Are you now in charge of determining whether members reasons for joining and their home pages live up to "your" standards.
How enlightning.
what's up with yanks?
Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) Posted Aug 2, 2002
"For almost a year and a half I have been here to meet intelligent, kind people who share a sense of humor and a love for Dougless Adams books.
Are you now in charge of determining whether members reasons for joining and their home pages live up to "your" standards.
How enlightning." - not a likely sounding story.
You used the word "kind" I've never seen anything approaching kind from you. Eg attacking me over an argument between 4 people in which one claimed to be 16 at a late stage, after calling people idiot and moron etc. Singling me out hmmm... seems like nothing more than a vantage point to attack me. All I've seen you do is attack people. You even attacked Pattern Chaser well meaning catch phrase for the end of his posts.
By any chance did you take any notice of the link in the post the you didn't respond to?
what's up with yanks?
starbirth Posted Aug 2, 2002
Apparition, here we go
post #1 you show posts 1882-1899 of your auguements with a disturbed child going on to teach him a lesson {you manage to get in that americans are cowards}
post#3 you call me nuts and unable to muster a aurgument.
post#4 You whine about my psycological profile I made of you in another thread. You whine at me barating you over yelling at a child.
seems I have hit a nerve. I still have not engaged you on this thread.
post#6 you whine about lenilla picking on you
post#7 you whine some more about lentilla
post#10 My first time engaging you on this thread I basicly tell you that you should not let anyone call your charactor into question. If someone makes a statement to you and you know it is not true than it has not affect on you.
post#16 you rudely acuse me of believing propaganda using sexually exsplisive language {mastrabation}
post#17 you point out my home page journel and find it does not live up to your standards. and question my right to be at h2g2
post#19 you then accuse me of being rude to everyone i meet {with no proof}
Apparition it seems I have hit a nerve with you with my psycological profile. As is evident in this thread you continously engage me and have let this get the best of you. You have obviously allowed this to anger you and it is most likely spilling over into your daily life. I do not want to be responsibil for damaging your health be it mental or physical. I make my peace with you and wish you nothing but serenity.
Key: Complain about this post
what's up with yanks?
- 1: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 18, 2002)
- 2: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 20, 2002)
- 3: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 20, 2002)
- 4: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 21, 2002)
- 5: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 26, 2002)
- 6: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 27, 2002)
- 7: starbirth (Jul 28, 2002)
- 8: starbirth (Jul 30, 2002)
- 9: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Jul 30, 2002)
- 10: starbirth (Jul 30, 2002)
- 11: starbirth (Jul 30, 2002)
- 12: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jul 31, 2002)
- 13: starbirth (Jul 31, 2002)
- 14: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Aug 1, 2002)
- 15: starbirth (Aug 1, 2002)
- 16: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 1, 2002)
- 17: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 1, 2002)
- 18: starbirth (Aug 2, 2002)
- 19: Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for) (Aug 2, 2002)
- 20: starbirth (Aug 2, 2002)
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