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Post 41


I could've spent a week in the Medina if I could have found the hotel. I didn't get my bottom pinched, not even by the female traffic cop, I found Tunisia to be not too touristy, except for the coach park in Sidi Bou Said, but surprisingly European ( the teenagers all wear Serie A football shirts). Must be the satellite T.V.
Where did you live in the Far east?
Can you give me any pointers, or is your knowledge too out of date?


Post 42


I could've spent a week in the Medina if I could have found the hotel. I didn't get my bottom pinched, not even by the female traffic cop, I found Tunisia to be not too touristy, except for the coach park in Sidi Bou Said, but surprisingly European ( the teenagers all wear Serie A football shirts). Must be the satellite T.V.
Where did you live in the Far east?
Can you give me any pointers, or is your knowledge too out of date?


Post 43


It is getting on for 30 years since Dad was posted to Singapore,can't believe it was that long ago!

It was a great adventure as a child, apart from the heat and humidity. It was just at the end of the British rule and there were quite a few riots, towards the end of our time there, we had curfews every night.

We used to get bored of swimming and water skiing, we went swimming every afternoon and to the islands for water skiing most weekends! I would give my eye teeth for that sort of life now.

We used to travel up through Malaya to visit various friends and holidayed in Penang and Pangkor.

My older brother went back a few years ago on business and said that it was very different, most of the places we knew had gone.


Post 44


Probably under vast skyscrapers, surprised they haven't done that to Raffles hotel.
Don't fancy Singapore myself, probably based on their old policy of compulsory haircuts...


Post 45


He said that Raffles could only be photographed from one angle otherwise it's dwarfed by skyscrapers.

I expect they have cleaned up the river too so it doesn't smell anymore!

I would much rather go to Hong Kong if I was going in that direction, it looks more interesting.


Post 46


I replied to this days ago. but it seems to have been lost in the ether. Mind h2g2 has been virtually unuseable for me all week.
Anyway, tho' I fancy HK in spite of my dislike of hyper crowded places, ( I've watched too many Run Run Shaw urban kung fu movies), the teaching requirements there are way above my standard.


Post 47


It would be an interesting place to stop over, but I'm not sure how much there would be to do over a period of time.

An ex-colleague of my husband lived there for four years or so, whilst her husband was working on the new airport. They had a fantastic standard of living there, but it was a bit of a shock coming back to life in the UK!


Post 48


Yes I was at uni with someone who had been an inspector in the HK police. Corrupt a s anything and with the worst of racist attitudes.
That is a long time ago tho'.


Post 49


Where abouts are you at the moment? You have probably told me but my memory is awful these days!

We are planning to see the leaf colours in New England this autumn. Because of my sons' exams and waiting for the results, etc we didn't want to go away during the summer, neither of us fancied a beach type holiday so it seemed a good alternative. We are touring round all six states and should be good fun. We have a couple of months before we have to pay the invoice smiley - erm!


Post 50


I tend to keep secret the dire fact that I currently reside (unwillingly ) in Wolverhampton,but wish I was back in Leeds.
Watch out for the Maple syrup, it made me sick. Still that was on the flight back from Texas, when I saw two dawns and got jetlag baaaaad.


Post 51


Ah yes, I remember now smiley - doh.

Maple syrup is not nearly as nice as Golden Syrup smiley - winkeye

So much for being nearly June, the wind and heavy showers make it feel like November here, I have had to light the fire the sitting room feels so cold!


Post 52


I was about to berate you for being a nesh southerner, when I realised I haven't the faintest idea when the heatings on in my place, ( the whole estate is literally centrally heated,( like they do in Russsia y'know?)), but the thermostat is on 20 degrees.
I've taken to looking on the 'Net for the weather in Vietnam as I fancy doing my teaching English as a foreign/ second language there, Lately it's been raining, (they get much more rain than the U.K.) about 24 degrees and 100 per cent humidity. Having lived in 100 per cent humidity, I don't fancy that so much.


Post 53


High humidity is much worse than high temps isn't it? Your skin is always warm and clammy and instant coffee melts before you get the hot water on it!

A friend of mine went to Vietnam on holiday a few years ago and said it is a very beautiful country, probably due to all the rain!

It is still cold and wet here! I hope the weather gets better for the weekend. It is the local agricultural show on Monday and they need a good attendance to make up for the loses last year when it was cancelled.

I love seeing all the animals shampooed and brushed ready for the judging. My rewad for walking to the park is a oint of Pimms smiley - winkeyesmiley - drunk


Post 54


Wouldn't know about the instant coffee, ( gives me migraine) but my desert boots used to grow mushrooms in them overnight, you had to wash your hair before the sun went down, or you'd wake up in the morning with it still wet, and you had to eat chocolate whilst still in the shop ( air conditioned ) you bought it in.
How much is an oint of Pimms? is it less than wuart, or more than a fill?
Actually, I've never had Pimms, and the only time I've seen sheep and shampoo, one bashful ewe was trying to get that embarrassing blue mark off her back....


Post 55


Hey , I've been away but are you still there?


Post 56


I'm still around, but on my other page, as I haven't got around to retreiving the password for this one.

Been anywhere nice?


Post 57


Yes, Leeds. ( Has some exotic bits if you know it well, but the temperature could be better).
Why not get another password from Aunty Beeb?


Post 58


I've kind of settled in here now. I can still get into my old user space if I boot the PC up in NT, so must get around to creating a link between the two pages. I use NT for business stuff, so use it as rarely as possible smiley - winkeye

Are you up to anything interesting this summer? I want to get down to Cornwall to see the Eden Project, over a long weekend. I expect the main problem this time of year will be trying to find a B&B. I also seem to remember from a holiday down that way a few years ago that veggie selections on the menu were thin on the ground. H ate a lot of cheese and onion pasties smiley - yuk


Post 59


Hey I want to go to the Eden Project too, but think on, I can't even eat the cheesendonyin pasties.
My Summer will probably be tied up trying to write an attention grabbing C.V. , neatly obscuring my lack of teaching practice, and come September being down at not having got out of the country. Apart from that, I'll get tied easily, sleep a lot and not get out enough with my cameras.


Post 60


As Cornwall is supposed to have a reputation for Crusties and altenative life stylers, we were surprised that were so few places for veggies to eat.

I was reading an article that said the Eden Project was artificial and the writer couldn't understand why people were so interested in it when there are plenty of botanical gardens around the country that have been growing the same plants for years. All of which is true, I suppose.

I know it is not intended for the Project to be self supporting like the experiment in the US, the name of which escapes me. But the project reminds me of the film Silent Running one of my favourites.

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