A quickly written intro

Welcome to Offnor's personnal space!

In real life, I'm an engineering student living in Paris, France. Of course, I'm known there by another name, but there are some people that can make the connection.

I came to know h2g2 when Douglas Adams died. Lots of articles about this sad event had links to this place, and after what I suspect to be the vast majority of bycomers left the site to other, more attractive shores, I stayed.

Once the site became responsive again, I enjoyed the many entries it hosted, and learned a bit about its organization, goals and means. And now, I intend to enter the nice community of h2g2's Researchers.

My primary, shortest-term goal is to write en entry about the Parisian transportation systems - metro, trains, buses and other - which I came to know well the past few years. I've always lived in the Paris area, indeed.

My life is pretty busy these days, however, and I intend to do this entry well, so it might take some time. Or it might be written tomorrow morning, since I have most of the entry already in my head.

Well, time will tell, but before that, I'd like to hear from you, especially if you ever had to use our nice transportation system.


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