A Conversation for PARIS | run for your life

Well done

Post 1


As an occasionnal Parisian, I can say that Paris can also be described the way you did.

Please note however that there are a lot of cute places, small streets, great gardens... for the well-informed wanderer, alas.

Well done

Post 2


When i was there I suddenly ended up in some strange little bar, which didn't seem to have any name, was painted in wierd colors, and with 200 people standing outside because the lack of space inside. Strange. You don't happen to know the place?

Well done

Post 3


There are so many bars and such in Paris, and your description fits a lot of them, it seems. And besides, except bars around the places where I work and live, I'm not an expert in Parisian bars and pubs. Sorry.

Well done

Post 4


Well, that's good. Not a very good place...

Well done

Post 5


too true

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