PARIS | run for your life

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Many people claim that Paris is a place for love, romance, shopping and so on. Many others believe that Paris is a place where people meet, talk, eat and drink a lot of wine. All of them are totally wrong. So completely mind-boggingly wrong that I've come to think of all of them as fools.

Paris is in fact a rather big city. There isn't very much you can do there, unless you have too much money, or happens to like these small and pretty dull cafés where a lot of french people are drinking beer and talking to people about things I don't understand. Partly because it's a different culture, but mainly because they're speaking french.

The french capital can be thought of as a interresting city with a large tower. It can also be thought of as a pretty dull place with lot's of cafés. But do feel free to also think of Paris as a place where people are throwing fire-crackers at you on the national holiday. That's the most accurate way to think of the city where traffic-laws are a myth of which noone believes in.

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