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I'm not really here Started conversation Jun 13, 2001
Hello Offnor.
I notice that you want to write about the Parisian transportation systems. I came back from a trip to Paris recently, and was inspired to do a project about Paris. In fact, you've already found part of it, the Versailles part, written by my RL boyfriend. I don't know if you have seen it all, but this is the link to the index page.
I have written a very short entry on the metro, as you live there I'm sure you can do much better, but I thought I'd let you know that there is already an entry. It is not in the edited guide yet, but the whole project is with the editors now. Let me know what you think?
And as I'm an ACE, I'll do my official welcome too. Nice to meet you.
Welcome to the Earth Edition of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm an Assistant Community Editor (ACE) and it's my job to help you settle in and help out in anyway I can. Click the reply button below this post if you'd like to answer, otherwise, enjoy your stay.
You might like to check out It's a page I've written that has some links you might find useful. If you'd like to visit me, click my name at the top of this post and you'll come directly to my personal space.
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