This is the Message Centre for elwood

Hej elwood!

Post 1381


smiley - surfer

Hej elwood!

Post 1382

Shea the Sarcastic

John Singer Sargent ... the man who salutes while sewing! smiley - erm

Hej elwood!

Post 1383

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Hurray! It's back on! smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1384


*backs up and knocks it off again*

Well done contestant Shea you are gaining on our fearless leader Ottox.

Good luck. And Googlespeed to you all.smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1385

Shea the Sarcastic

And whatever are you implying, Mr. elwood? smiley - angel


Google? What is this Google you speak of? smiley - whistle

Hej elwood!

Post 1386


< aside >

The < VIEWER / > tag in your title doesn't display the name when I'm logged in. Is that on purpose? smiley - winkeye

< / aside >

Hej elwood!

Post 1387


I thought I may have done that wrong, sunny.

Oh well.

As long as the QuoteQuiz still works I'm cool.smiley - biggrin

Google my dear Shea is the ultimate arguement ender at our studio. No longer are there days long fights about what the title of the 3rd song on ELPs" Brain Salad Surgury". We just Google it and everything is peace and harmony.

smiley - zen

Hej elwood!

Post 1388

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Picasso? smiley - whistle

Hej elwood!

Post 1389


No the 3rd song on ELP's "Brain Salad Surgery" isn't called Picasso!smiley - huh

Hej elwood!

Post 1390

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

Oh well, something's about Picasso. smiley - winkeye

Am I going to have to google again? Say it isn't so! smiley - wah

Hej elwood!

Post 1391



you were answering the QuoteQuiz!

What kind of host am I.smiley - silly

Hej elwood!

Post 1392

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

smiley - cry

Huh, this one's cut off, but it looks like....

Helen Keller

Hej elwood!

Post 1393


Congrats! Another point for the brainy Aussie!smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1394

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

I thought it might have been Liberace, since I never heard of Oscar Levant.

Hej elwood!

Post 1395


Pretty much the same thingsmiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 1396

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

So, do we get a new quote or what? smiley - cross

Hej elwood!

Post 1397


I'm at an or what speed these days.smiley - sadface

Hej elwood!

Post 1398

Shea the Sarcastic

Say what? smiley - huh

Say HL Mencken! smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1399

Sad, Mad or Bad? - I always wanted to be a dino, but alas, I'm just old.

H L Whoken? smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 1400

Shea the Sarcastic


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