This is the Message Centre for elwood

Hej elwood!

Post 1001


smiley - musicalnoteWHOOP...WHOOP...WHOOP smiley - musicalnote

*confetti and streamers rain down from the ceiling*

*excited announcer voice*

Congratulations Contestant Ottox! You our QuoteQuizes 1000th post!

*uproarious applause*

In honor of QuoteQuiz 'The Gameshow That's Sweeping The Universe" You are the winner of the "All expence paid Around the Universe Cruise" and all the smiley - ale and smiley - tomato you can eat in your new 2002 H2G2 smiley - rocket

I can see that you are speechless with joy Contestant Ottox!

*cut to a commercial as the strain of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" fade out*

Hej elwood!

Post 1002


smiley - blush

I guess it's okay if I go on cheating then? smiley - winkeye
#141 is William Somerset Maugham. smiley - thief

Hej elwood!

Post 1003


All other contestants wait we have an answer coming in all the way from the other side of the universe.

The answer is correct.

Congratulations contestant Ottox. (Though the quotes you get without your babelfishes help must be more rewarding - or is it a Googlefish)smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 1004


Well, is this quiz about knowledge or speed? smiley - winkeye

Good question what's most rewarding actually. Of course it doesn't feel good to cheat *rolls eyes smiley - tongueout*, but on the other side... that's when I learn something new, which is something I really like. If it's a quote I know or can guess without problems, then there's not much fun about it. If it's something I'm not sure about or something I didn't know but *should* know, then it's good to find out. If it's a quote from a person I've never heard about before, then I really learn something new (because as you'll have noticed I usually try to find out more than just the name, I want to know who the person is.) smiley - geek

Hej elwood!

Post 1005


Well that's an excellent answer.

So you shall be awarded 10 mostly useless bonus points.

It's always QuoteQuizes producers hope to entertain AND educate, so it's gratifying to hear that in some small way we here at "The Game That's sweeping the Universe" are doing our small part to uplift humanity. (but we cheated and stole this game from someone else)smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 1006


YAY!!! Useless bonus points! smiley - wow

There's also another good reason for cheating. If I didn't do it, I couldn't answer, and as there's very little competition here at the moment, you'd just once again think that nobody was interested in the quiz anymore and be sad. Can't have that! smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 1007


Too true!smiley - winkeye

Hej elwood!

Post 1008


*now waiting for #142 smiley - tongueout*

Hej elwood!

Post 1009

Shea the Sarcastic


Hej elwood!

Post 1010


whoops! Have a great weekend all!smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1011

T J: Mr. Shea


Oliver Wendell Holmes! smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1012


Humph. Cheating on one I've heard before. smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 1013


Congratulations TJ and welcome back to the winners circle on QuoteCheat "The game that's sweeping the universe"!smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 1014


*wonders if he should admit he wouldn't have known the answer*

Hej elwood!

Post 1015


smiley - biggrinHost - Hey I only know the answers because they're written on the back of the question cards here!

(and confessions are in the CatholicQuoteQuiz in the studio next door)

smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1016


But which Oliver Wendell Holmes is it? smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 1017


The correct one!smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1018

Shea the Sarcastic

Doesn't cheat ...

Bobby Kennedy! smiley - biggrin

Okay, so I cheated ... smiley - tongueout

Hej elwood!

Post 1019


Who said cheaters never prosper? Wait! That's not the new QuoteQuiz.

Well cheated Shea. Congratulations on #142.smiley - biggrin

Hej elwood!

Post 1020



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