This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board

Bar talk

Post 61


Hi Light smiley - lighthousesmiley - hug

I do not know what the title is? It is keep going around my head. As soon as I read the name, I knew it was one of theirs. So I will let you know later.

Glad you had a great time listing to the Jazz, with friends.

A fue days to raise your energy levels for next week inportant trip. So have a great week

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 62

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - hug

I hope you find the song soon, It can be frustrating when its buzzing round and you cant quite put your finger on it!

Do you remember any of the lyrics?

I have enjoyed doing very little today and trying to collect some energy - this week will be hectic with lots of important meetings too so roll on the next rest period!

* remembers the flowers *

smiley - hug

Bar talk

Post 63

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* pops by for an unexpected drink *

Bar talk

Post 64


Sorry Light I was not arround late work night smiley - grr
Hope the drink was cool smiley - stiffdrink and long, or was it hot smiley - tea?
Whatever you wasnted I hope you found it. You know you are always welcome.

You do not normally get the cahnce to pop in during the week. Long hard day?

Went on line to order the disk, 2 weeks before sending... So Will search out the album at the weekend. Thankfully it is not there in my head at the moment. Will let you know if it is the same piece.

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 65


Hi Light smiley - smiley

Record arrive today. No it was not the tune you was listing to. I could hear the, but not the words. Its gone for now!

Not sorry I orderd the album , I'm enjopying the music.smiley - cool
Many thanks for the music here is a flower in return smiley - cheerup

Different music tonight Madam Butterfly. looking forward to the music. If is as hot as yesterday It may get a little warm in the theatre, I believe the new air conditiong is being fitted over the summer closedown.

Speak soon

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 66

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* puts the flower in water *

Thank you smiley - smooch

Glad you are enjoying the music smiley - smiley

* wonders how madam Butterfly went ... *

A tired and smiley - erm Light

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 67


Hi Light smiley - smiley

its great to know you back.

* Thinks its tactful not to mention travel*

Not suprised you atr tired smiley - hug

Madam Butterfly! Not the happest stories, the theatre was hot, By the end it had hardend people, weeping. Gerat set as well. Oh the singing Fantastic.

It was great to be with younger people, and know opera is being listend to by all ages.

* Tunes Up La La La * Sorry Better not

Lots of visitors this weekend, enetertaining tomorrow, havent a clue what to give them.

Just a get to gether for coffee today with a colegue, no not work for me.
So it looks like an ear bashing weekend.

catch up Afer you have had a rest
smiley - hug & smiley - kiss's

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 68

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi there smiley - biggrin

I am slowly catching up with everything. The journey was indeed long and exhausting. The conference was hard work and all day and most evenings until about 11 was really work and then there was the tactical networking in the bar until about 3 am most mornings smiley - erm

The opera sounds great - the emotion and experience of a live performance cant be beaten

Sounds like you are going to have a really bsuy weekend and I am sure your visitors will appreciate just being with you. I will probably do some work tomorrow just so I am not so snowed under on Monday but we will have to see how rested I feel.

My mother called yesterday - my Grandmother is very sick and Mum thinks it is time to let her go, so things are a little up in the air at the moment. She is a very special lady and has always been there as an example of believing in the right things and in the individual.

Guess what I saw when I got to the hotel? My luggage had decided to take a holiday without me so I met one of the others I knew and we went for a little explore and then to look for a drink - She wanted a cup of smiley - tea and I was after smiley - coffee. we went round to the patio bar - or tried to walking along a grassy path with tall hedges with flowers either side. The patio was above the hedges and when we got there tere were round tables and on the one nearsest the hedge was a large white jug - an old fashioned ceramic one like a classic milk jug smiley - smiley The smiley - coffee was good but it was hard for me not to think about the jug!

Well I should let you get on ...

Catch up soon smiley - hugs and smiley - kisses


Bar talk

Post 69


Dear Light

Just finished with coffe, he certanly felt like a talk. Lucky I had plenty of smiley - coffee on tap.

Found I had time to get to the cinema. saw star wars II, now want to come home and see a film!!

Daft! I thought how silly it looked when I saw it. smiley - smiley You don't have a black oufit with white sqares do you?

Could not think of what sort of meal to give, so making my own up, bases on the menu, from friday night. So I'm infusing herbs in olive oil as a dressing.

Will think you your Grandmother later toninght

Bar talk

Post 70


Ops forgot to sign off
abd sat thank you for the smiley - hugs and smiley - blush

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 71

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi smiley - smiley

Glad you have had a good day smiley - smiley

I dont wear much black at all, many dark blue and white but very little with black in it.

I am sure your emal tomorrow will be fantastic and your friends will appreciate it.

I have been thinking a lot about my Grandmother and all the happy and wonderful times, about what she means to me.

I still feel exhausted and unable to rest - its very strange. I hope that tomorrow I feel more centred but I am not sure how to get there!

smiley - hug

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 72

Lighthousegirl - back on board


Last night my Grandmother went to join my Grandfather. They were very much in love so no longer being apart is a good thing.

She died peacefully and according to my father (she was his mother) she felt it was time for her to go.

smiley - cry

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 73


smiley - bluesmiley - hug
Sorry to hear your news

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 74

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - cuddle

Thank you for all your lovely messages this week - I have really appreciated them

So anyway how is your glass? Need a refil?

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 75


Great to hear from you to.smiley - smileysmiley - hug

My glass is Half full Is that half empty I never know.

Had a cople of glasses of red last night, and now need the dark glasses, Should stick to the malt.

*oh I wish I had a quiete keyboard*

Bar talk

Post 76

Lighthousegirl - back on board

quiet smiley - hug Good to hear from you too

I like the Australian reply to is the glass half empty or half full - its ready for another half!

* pours a malt and passes a cup of hot steaming smiley - coffee *

smiley - hug


Bar talk

Post 77


*Lifts the dark glasses*
Thank you Light for the smiley - hug, now the delema which one first!smiley - coffee or the malt?

smiley - coffee first I think. Pors malt into coffee.

Sacralige I know but I cannot deceide.

Sips at mixture.

I'm not sure if the email made sence this morning there is bits missing, I will try to get it right and remail.

Had to go and pick up some computer suplies. Whay you pay postage for I do not know! Been a very quiet day for me, spent most of the day cooking. hope to get out for a wlk tomorrow, hope to cach you soon.

How you been?

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 78

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hey! Good to see you smiley - cuddle

I thought the email made sense and I had not spotted bits missing!

* sips her smiley - stiffdrink *

Decisions are not manditory - it is the weekend after all!

I have had quite a lazy day too - got up late, did a few chores, had a headache so went back to bed before getting up again to get on with the day!

I did manage to book my flights for the first week in June and saw a friend for a cuppa. For once she was not as draining as sometimes - she wants to go to a furniture sale tomorrow which seems daft, she does not yet have a house and has no money as her swimschool will not open for a few months yet - still it could be interesting!

I also need to visit another friend tomorrow - a mutual friend has a birthday while I am away and he loves Licquorish Allsorts so I have been to the staff shop for them!

I should also think about getting hold of some summer weight clothes for my holiday - hmm looks like I will be busy!

I also spoke to a couple of good friends today which was lovely

I will think of you walking tomorrow - it sounds good to me - where are you planning to go?

What have you been cooking?

* pours more malt *

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 79


I'm off to walk in waltham abbey, aly's been a magical place for me.

* Takes Malt *

Scotish smiley - coffee I must remeber that, next time I cannot deciede.

I'm trying to rember...

Ah yes Toad in the hole for lunch, Collyflower cheese, Stuffed tomato.

What are you drinking tonight?

Bar talk

Post 80

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Sounds lovely! I am hoping that I will get some time to walk over this week. I may be home in time tomorrow now the days are longer at least to go for a short stroll. I will be home again on Tuesday and Wednesday, but dont know if I will have the time

Scotish smiley - coffee - interesting

I have just read your journal - beautiful smiley - hug and can I just say I feel sure you have made a huge difference to many more people than you could know - I certainly know about one!

Tonight - I have poured myself a vodka and toinic!

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