This is the Message Centre for Lighthousegirl - back on board

Bar talk

Post 21

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Glad you enjoyed the cake!

When I used to be able to eat wheat and stuff I loved to bake. Its very frustrating doing so now as the end results are just not the same! Still I have a few tried and tested alternative recepies which allow me to indulge suitably in thisng like chocolate hazel nut cake, muffins and flapjacks!

I am glad you have been able to expolit and share your love and obvious talent for lights - I believe we each have a gift and once we have identified what we do we should use it to the full - not only will this benefit others but it will also bring us the maximum personal satisfaction and growth.

I am not really sure what it is I do and therefore if I have discovered my unique gift! I mean I know the name of my profession and kinda what I do day by day and I think it is in the right area - but I think I am still searching really

I guess what I do is something to do with people and helping them get where they want to go, to resolve their issues and to help them help themselves. One thing I seem able to do at work is to help people to communicate and to understand themselves - this is on the sidelines of my work and I am not sure if it is what I am here to do.

There are a couple of fantastic books I read which I can highly recommend - the Celestine Proficy (that spelling does not look right) by James Redfield and 7 Spiritual Laws by Deepac Chopra - fantastic books that helped me through some very tough times and helped me realise it was OK to be me and to keep seacching for what ever it is I am here to do

Gosh that all sounds rather a lot and rather pretencious for a Saturday evening! Sorry!

We have had sun here too - fantastic and I have been lucy enough to spend some tome with some friends smiley - smiley

The play sounds interesting - I guessed you meant Mata Hari - hata would be a much more interesting name though!

Lee Vally Park sounds like a great place to be able to escape to! When you sit by your brook reading - what books will you read?

I definitely will go and see the next two episodes - hopefully with the same friend - I guess it will be quite a wait though - they are not going to hurry to put them out!

* smells the wonderful smell of spiced buns baking! *

Bar talk

Post 22


Glad the heavenly scent of baking is wafting from the Kitchen. I will leave some on the sideboad on good Friday, I will not be offended if you do not take them, well it is the thought.

You will have to waite until Christmas for Episode II and Next Christmas for episode III

You must wonder my replies are made up, I can assure they are not, I only say this because I do understand about your Weet allege, I need to cook for an ex to had a gluten allergy. In some ways we are so similar.

By the way it Mahler’s 4th today in the cd.

Thank you for the book recommendations. Will have a look to see if they are available, what do you mean pretentious for a Saturday night.

I have just finished reading a book called the Ghospel of Judas. And trying to get into Sandi Toksvig’s Flying under bridges, Also I’m reading The music of the spheres. Should not get mixed up one 20th century the other murder and astromany in the 17th centry.

Guess I was lucky knowing what I love to do, Mind I had to fight my way, to get where I wanted. Schools carrier adviser told me forget it, and do something else. Thank God for a brilliant Drama Teacher, who could see potential. Mind you to do what I love doing, took me on a devious route though life. Well that story can wait for another time.

If I do not catch before Easter I hope you have a good one, and bleesings rain down on you.

Speak soon
smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 23

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Thank you!

I will look forward to the hot cross buns on Friday - the smell alone is plenty for me!

Looks like I have along wait then for the films to continue - good thing I can be patient when I want to be smiley - erm

It is strange some of the similarities - but then hey life is like that and I had not doubted your integrity.

Mahlers 4th Good choice - although I have gone for soemthig very different today - Moby smiley - smiley

Sandi Tokswich is a very witty lady - I have not read anything of hers but I like her humour when I have heard her talk. I dont know the music of spheres - is it good?

I read with interest your comments about having to fight to get to where you wanted to go. I think we all tend to expect things to be easy when we find our vocation and generally they are not. We all have some adversity and it is a case of are we prepaired to fight our way through it. I would love to hear more about your journey to where you are now - hopefully you will have time soon smiley - smiley

Happy Easter and enjoy your break.

Wishing you love and laughter

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 24


Hi Light smiley - lighthouse
The postmand arrived this morning, with the books you sugested, along with other goodies. The pile of reading is getting prity high.
Speak soon

Bar talk

Post 25

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - biggrin

I hope you enjoy them smiley - hug

I have just got home for the weekend and life feels good!

I thought you were going to be away?

Bar talk

Post 26


I will be next weekend.

I have just sat down and read the seven spiritual laws. It says most of what i feel inside, I Sort of know a lot of what he has to say already. I hope this is not pretentious. The book has a lot of indewx markings where i must go back and try to understand.

Bar talk

Post 27

Lighthousegirl - back on board


I kindo know what you mean - its a book that each time you read you will learn something new from too smiley - smiley

Have you decided where you will go?

Bar talk

Post 28


Hope your easter is begging to look like a good one. thaks for the cuddle.

Boat race day today, a great day to see if the tv is adjusted corretly, I have rowed the river, and most tv's make the water blue, its mostly grey, and cold.

After a quick read though, the book I may inwardly know already what he is saying. I only wish I had the wisdom to know how to put the knowalge to use corectly. This will take a much longer time, Well I'm going to try to put myself at the center of everything as per the book. This may take some time.

Took a chance on another of his books, about finding God. but before that I'm going to read your other sugestion.

As to where im going, I hope to go down to east sussex, there is some nice gardens down there. I have been in contact with a hotell and awaiting reply.

Bar talk

Post 29

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You are welcome smiley - smiley

Putting the wisedom to work and making it part of our lives is the real challange - bit of a lifelong thing really I figure!

You will enjoy the celestine Profecy - great story - wonderful points well made smiley - smiley

I did not see the boat race today smiley - erm Did you row in 'the' boat race or at some other time. My Grandfather rowed in in it smiley - smiley He was a fantastic and inspirational man.

I hope you do manage to get to the hotel you want in Sussex - as you say there are some beautiful places there. I know West Sussex a little better but mostly to pass through on the way to relatives but its lovely

I have had quite a quiet day - but then I needed it today after a rather draining visit to my family yesterday smiley - erm

I hope this wonderful weather lasts

See you soon

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 30


Got to see the race, the best I have seen for years. No I never rowed in such elustriuos crews. The only race I was enterd for was the head of the river racees. Usually a week before the big race. The largest crew I rowed in was a four, usualy at stoke.

I know I'm going now. Even if it is not the hotel I have contacted. My herage membership cards are being warmed up for use at his moment.

I get the impression that visiting family is hard work, I was very lucky. smiley - smiley Most of the time we were on goog terms, But now they are not arround I miss talking to them.

Looking at those depressing immiges of the map of the UK it might not last much longer, the sun that is, bu hay they are often wrong.

Bar talk

Post 31

Lighthousegirl - back on board

You are right - visiting family is very hard for me - my mother means well (I think) but all she ever manages to do is put me down and tell me I am useless and unimportant. I am trying to work through it in my head at the moment. Still I dont have to go back for a while now

Today was not as sunny here but still basically Ok and I hope you have at least mild weather for your trip away. I hope you have a wonderful time


Bar talk

Post 32


Well Easter has come and gone I had a quiet Easter, for the first time for years, I have not entertained over the holiday season.smiley - sadface spent most of the time devouring nourishment,and written nourishment. I hope you spent your time recharging your body and mind ready for the next important part of your life.

Wow!smiley - cool What can I say about the Celestine Prophecy? Great book to read, I spent day and a half reading the book on one go, while watching historic events evolve on the TV with the sound muted.

I am able to accept most of the esoteric idea’s However I found the read a little annoying in one way. How simple the spiritual understanding and evolving was made to be.

Coincidence, does seem to be playing a large part of my life at the moment. What with you recommending this book to read, as well as the seven spiritual laws, some television interviews I have seen. It is telling me one thing, which I should have realised by now.

(I feel a little self concious about writing anything, after reading the chapter about life drams types.) My understanding of life the universe etc. comes form within. It may be a form of osmosis, over the years, or pre programmed into me. With the result I have always attempted to bend the natural energy to my will, I should have learned by now this is wrong.

For many years I was unable to eat out, I would eat a few mouthfuls, then throw up, I thought If I kept battling away I would overcome this problem. It took nearly two years of relaxation therapy before I was ok. I have always taken this as necessary lesion. Less emotional fighting,more relaxation letting the problems solution flow into place. Shame I have not taken more notice this before.

I liked the bit in the book about learning to see Aura’s Reminded me, when I was young I was able to see natural aura’s of people and things of beauty. Used to see also coloured lights, As I became more attached to the world this went.

Well the weekend weather looks fair, so looking forward to link myself back into nature. Hotel came up trumps, so I’m taking it as this is the right place to go. I wonder what coincidences I will come across now.

Feel like I’m rambling on a little to much. Just want to say the book has the solution re your parents but I’m sure you know that already.

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 33

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi Lightman

I hope you have had a wonderful time and I look forward to hearing all about it!

I spent most of the long weekend allowing myself to grieve for what I have lost over the last year and what I never had - maybe not the most enjoyable way to spend three days but I guess it had been building up since the loss form my life of someone important and who I thought was going to play an ongoing role. I had been hiding behind a heavy work load and lots of distractions. The time with my family and other events made me realise what I did not have in that area too. Hopefully its all part of letting go and getting ready to move on.

I am glad you got something from the books and that they helped you realise some stuff you already knew - that is to me true learning. I guess maybe the story was frustrating for you as you are further along your spiritual journey than many people - but someone who really helped me with my journey once said when talking about himself and his reaction to something he and I had both read - something which has stuck with me. I found it annoying and difficult and I dont know why so I need to understand it better to grow from it

I am not sure I have ever seen aura's in the way you describe but would love to learn to. I am not that visual a person - I dont even dream in pictures. I do however get a strong sense sometimes about people.

I dont hink you rattled on at all and infact I want to say thank you. I have not looked at the Celesting Proficy for a very long time and I guess I have been thinking of it and certain people too. I am going to try and contact those people in a little while and I guess I need to revisit the bit about the solution re my parent as I am not sure I get that. Do you mean the bit about life questions?

Speak soon

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 34


Straight away, I must say that I had a great few days away! smiley - wow Coming back not only refreshed, but with a new way of looking at my life. smiley - flyhi
I stayed on the edge of Royal Tumbridge Wells, this was to give me the chance to go to Local English heritage, and National trust properties. I felt I required to get back to nature. Sat morning I went to an ancient now derelict monastery, I arrived early, having the whole site to myself for a couple of hours, Letting my ears, hear My eyes see, and my nose smell. I started to become more in tune with myself, more than I have done for manny years. The sense of smell is now so precious to me, for years I had no sense of smell, (not good when somone was expecting compliments on a new perfume they were wearing.) I was working in the Vet college and hated the smells, so told myself I did not smell, I achieved this by willpower, Only I could not perform the reverse, by willpower, To get it back I had to learn relaxation. By coincidence the prophecies help book teaches very simular techniques, but under different name centering!

Your Easter weekend reminds me of something I was once told. The said every sensation love, anger grief must be experienced and learnt from.( Poem Friendship take a look). As you say, It is sometimes easy to throw all effert into work. Blocking out whatever is worrying you at a particular time. I have done the same thing on many ocasions. Then that wall comes up so fast, and you hit it, with unkown reactions. Phisical and mentally.

I was not going to mention your feelings toward your parents again, However I will tell you my impression when reading what you wrote. I saw two shillioettts, I will call the Right one your aura, which you set about to expand gradually reaching out true love toward the static aura, until yours contacted the fixed aura, (No colours I'm sorry) I then felt the fixed aura becoming different, the problems were not over, but it was defentaly more harmonious.

Light. You have enlightened me so much! I must say a big thank you myself. You yourself reached out, unknowing, what will happen! (Coincidence?) That love is returned a thousand fold, perhaps you are expnading as well as I, as we take a path together for a short time. Untill the parth forks and we each go our seperate way's with new understandings.

As to the reasons of my annoyance when reading the prophecies, I just know we are each capable of so much so much! I move so slowly, If I learn just one lesson in a lifetime I think this is wonderful, so 9+ in a single life!!!

As I talk to you I have just reilised something! I said I have not seen lights for some time, I have been self forcing life, and it generally goes wrong. When I let things flow, it all works our differently. After this weekend I will stop trying to force the Life force to my whims.I will plant the seeds of my wishes and see if they grow and bloom in beauty. If only to receive again so many smiles on strangers faces, normally they take one look at me and turn away.

I know not where I stand or judge not others lifes evolution of the soul. Up until now it has been like the laws of the universe are posted on door's in a language, I partialy know, You have unlocked one door, behind which is the dictionary for that door. Now I can re read the words on that door with a more complete understanding.

Speak soon.

As I finish I closed my eyes for a moment and felt myself slwly bahting you, not with water but a lovely blue light It is falling on you as if it were water.
smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 35


Hi There Light. smiley - biggrin
I'm sorry Last time I did not greet you poility, Was filed with so much energy. I have had a great week, and been doing a little bit of relaxation to centre myself.

Hope you had a reasonable week? nad now looking toward your weekend at your cottage. By the wasy have you had a chance to greet your new family member yet? I do hope so.

My cupboard is like old mother hubbard's bare! So a buisy weekend planed, off to the opera and some spring cleaning to do.
Speak soon
smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 36

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hello there!

Thank you - beautiful words and so much for me to think on - I will reply properly when I have taken the words on board a little

in the mean time would you like some smiley - cake and a drink?

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 37



Well thank you, for the cake, and drink.

I will await with great interest, what you have to say

Speak soon

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 38

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi there

Unusually for me I really dont know what to say in response to this!

I have been through a whole raft of emotions and as I think about getting ready for a whole week away again I still cant find the words to capture the thoughts. I have both cried and smiled, but in all of that felt safe thinking about these things. Thank you.

Some of my dilema in replying comes from not wanting to post some things (more factually based) somewhere as public as this - they are kinda personal, but in wanting to share them with you none the less in trying to find the leasson.

Maybe email is the answer - if you think so please mail me at [email protected] I can access email during the week which has some added benefits!

You are spot on when you say we have to go with life, ride with it not fight against it. We have to sample what it gives us, experience its joys and its sorrows, learn from it and keep journeying through.

If we are open to it we meet people along the way who will travel with us for a while, enriching the experience and helping us find the lesson.

Sometimes the journey takes us in a direction we do not want to go, its uncomfortable, difficult and seemingly away from our hearts desires. its hard to follow the journey then, but ultimately it takes us to where we should be. Something better is often around the corner we did not want to turn for wanting not to loose sight of something we are fond of.

It can be hard not to force the pace of life too, I am not sure I have learnt that lesson properly yet. Even not forcing the direction is tough for me.

I also realised my need to get back to nature. There is a special lighthouse I love to visit and its a place I find supportive in getting my head straight - there are some links to pictures of it from my spce - via the off site Lighthouse. As I hide behind my work for a little security I struggle to see when or how I can physically get there.

I find the sea a great place to think and be, walks round here are fantastic too and a stroll round today has helped me enormously.

Well I must go - I have yet tp get ready for the morning and have loads of chores to do smiley - erm Maybe I will get back later if I am focussed!

If not have a fantastic week and it would be great to hear from you be email

smiley - hug

smiley - lighthouse

Bar talk

Post 39


Hi There Light.

After reading, you needed a little time, to ponder, The last thing I was expecting was loss of words! I had not thought I had said anything earth shattering, I felt your soul was tender, hence the bathing bit, it was not for me to know why!smiley - hug

The honour is all mine, I do hope you received the email's. I had not read your journals until now, I only found them looking for your lighthouse site, they are so moving. I understand the lesson you so long to find the answer too personal, too private for h2g2. Wherever we talk, I know I already fulfill the third part of friendship! I want, I paray, My body aches for a brighter future for you light

I would like to explain, the new physical symptom, I had for days's after my trip, and I recover after mediation. Well here goes. My stomach is relaxed, but below the bottom of the ribs, it feels as I'm on fire. A heat with tingling. Its most odd and I have never felt this before, even during relaxation classes. (No it not indigestion) It is when I feel like this, I am most sensitive to vision's of coincidence.smiley - wow

On Sunday before setting off to return home, I closed my eyes and saw a stream of water and knew I wanted to sit beside it's cool water. I Got myself lost (as usual) and ended up going to Sisinghurst gardens. When entering I felt cheated until I came across the cool stream, where indeed I was able to sit, read, reflect, and learn.

It was lovely to read you like being beside the sea so much. Its lovely isn't I'm not to a sun worshipper, but being beside the sea, it evokes so much emotion. I spent a lovely day when away at Hastings, an old location for holidays when I was very young.
I can just imagine being near your favourite lighthouse now. Sitting on some crunchy prickly fauna, wind blowing in my face while seagulls circulate in the air calling out, the sound of the waves as they crash onto sand and rocks. Briefly the wind drops and the sun's warmth intensified for but a moment on one's face.

The weekend away was not without its excitement! Saturday evening, about to take a bath, I ran the water when the bath was filled enough turning the taps, the water continued to gush forth. There was no way to stop it! Contacting reception one man was dispatched, No tools, he contacted a second, both unable to stop the water. I was moved to a second room, while they awaited a plumbing company. In the end at least part of the hotel had neither hot or cold water, for a while. Luckily nothing was flooded! I can smiley - laugh now.
I think that is enough for now

smiley - peacedove

Bar talk

Post 40

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi there Lightman

Thank you for another wonderful post smiley - hug

I spent a little time this week (although not as much as I would have liked) composing a mail to you. As I sit here now I am not convinced I actually sent it smiley - erm So any moment now I should go and rectify that!

* goes to tuen on work computer *

* returns with two cups of smiley - coffee and some toast *

Thank you also for reading the journals - they are an attempt to understand what is going on around and within me without getting too specific - as you have noticed its often way to personal for here and I come here - in general to play - and dont want to burdon everyone with what is happening to me. One thing I had never expected when I registered was to learn so much about myself and to experience such unconditional friendship as I have here.

I am sure there is a bright future, it just seems that its a long way away at the moment. I hope I am doing the right thing allowing myself to grieve for what is gone and what was never there, it feels like the right thing and the right time so I have just, to some extent, followed that instinct.

I have also started re reading the Celestine Proficy this week. I have not got as far as I would have liked, work has been far too manic. Its fun but there is far too much of it at the moment! I need to write proposals this weekend for a couple of things - including how to increase the resource in my team so I can get on and do what I need to do! I will however allow myself today as a rest day.

I am curious about this physical symptom. Have you studied Chakra's as it sounds to me like you are describing a ball of energy around one of them?

I would love to get some time by the sea soon - maybe I can get something arranged for a weekend soon - although I am working so many weekends for the next couple of months I struggle to see when given all the other demands on my non work time smiley - erm Time to do some serious planning!

Anyway, enough of the tornado that is my life at the moment - how has your week been?

smiley - lighthouse

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