Who the heck is Meleenia?

I'll tell you who I am. When I figure it out.
Okay, for real. It's been rumored that I am the product of an alien encounter, however the real reason for my two completely different sized feet is much more mundane. Mostly, I'm a writer (science fiction and poetry), physcial therapist, photographer, mom, wife, and several other such wordy definitions such as Goddess. I a originally from Philadelphia, now living in Lancaster and for money I provide treatment to people with chronic pain, brain injury and multiple other diagnoses. For free, I participate in poetry readings and volunteer as Vice President of BerksBards (http://www.circlemagazine.com/berksbards" >http://www.circlemagazine.com/berksbards) an organization dedicated to promoting spoken word as an art. Presently, I am working on a project within Lancaster, Pennsylvania to put together a week long celebration of poetry. Our organization is at http://lancasterpoets.tripod.com" >http://lancasterpoets.tripod.com. I also run a small press at http://www.planbpress.com" >http://www.planbpress.com. So, that's who I am. I look forward to learning about all of you!

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Hi there Meleenia May 15, 2001


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okay Oct 9, 2001 No Replies
What I've been up to Oct 8, 2001 No Replies
Thank You from Douglas' Family May 15, 2001 May 28, 2001


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Researcher U174758


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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