This is the Message Centre for Meleenia

Hi there Meleenia

Post 1

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

I'm Granny Weatherwax, one of the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) around here, we just flit from space to space welcoming people to h2g2 so....

WELCOME, make yourself at home, have a few smiley - ales or a smiley - coffee , kick off whatever apparel makes you comfortable.

Some places you may want to visit are: our very own newspaper out on Thursdays, where you can read Abi's Activities and find out what's happening online and in real life.

After all that, if you fancy a chat or have any questions, just hit Reply or click on my name at the top of this posting and leave me a note. I'll get back to you. If I'm not about (click on Who's Online) then please feel free to ask/chat with any of the others ACEs, we get smiley - blue if no one talks to us!!!

When I read your intro, I thought you had emigrated. I didn't realise that there was a Lancaster in the States as well. Typical Brit!!smiley - smiley

Catch up with you soon

smiley - witch

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