This is the Message Centre for cynthesis
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Started conversation Mar 29, 2007
Hiya! We're up and running. It's a new thread. Woo hoo.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Mar 29, 2007
Hi there. Hoping to be more easily visible on your page now. Micio and I are doing well.
I went to the doctor today, and got lectured on diet and exercise. So, am planning to start walking, and counting calories. Any bets on how long it will last? I found a free food and exercise journal online (no, not hootoo). I'm hoping that helps. Wish me luck!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Mar 29, 2007
Yay! A new thread!!!
Hellooooo JEllen!
Yep. It's mighty visible now! Visible enough for Wile E to see it.*giggles*
Best of luck with the new health regime. I'm certain it'll be a lot easier now that it's spring and you can take some nice walks in the fresh Memphis(barbeque aromas wafting innocuously about...
) air.
I'm sure you'll do fine. Just remember that you're worth treating yourself well and everything you'll be doing will get you healthier so that life will be sooooo much better!
I'm off to a dress rehearsal for Bach's St. Matthew Passion on the east coast. My Montreal cousin will be attending a big business conference in the same city, so he'll be attending the concert on Friday night!
How's that for planning?
Take care and enjoy the spring day!
I'll probably talk with you from the east coast soon.
Hi to Micio from me and
Kibby, too!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Mar 31, 2007
Hi, I want to hear all about how the performance went!
Have been focusing on food and exercise today. Keeping track of calories, etc. I walked on the treadmill for a few minutes. Don't want to put too much stress on my weak right leg too fast. Lost a little weight so far. Yay! Looking forward to going to the grocery soon and getting some lean meats and frozen veggies. (And low fat ice cream!)
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 4, 2007
Hellooooo. *echoes round room* Not much more to report.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Apr 4, 2007
Helloooooo-oooooo-oooooo-oooooo JEllen-len-len-len!
You're right. There's a distinct echo in this new thread.
Good acoustics, though.
How are things with you? Are you settling in well with your new health regime?
I was sent home with quite a few boxes of Belgian pralines when I left Boston. And I'm trying to be moderate in consuming them...
but it's soooooo tempting!
I've got another performance of the Bach St. Matthew Passion on this coast this Friday. So, I'm still kind of on a pre-concert health regime of my own just now.
But I did eat a Ritter Sport
bar on my way home from grocery shopping today.
Surely, eating a
bar in a moving vehicle negates any calorie absorption, yes?
Well, maybe I'm no
at logic regarding calories!
But a girl can try to rationalize *miserably*, can't she?
The concert back east was really ...interesting... because of the exploits of the tenor on a rampage with a contract problem delaying things. The music turned out great, though and I got a couple of nice unexpected ovations for such a sober piece of w*rk. *giggles* Audience members were sobbing audibly through a couple of my arias. In fact, there was one big uninhibited that made people turn and giggle or glare at the perpetrator in the right balcony box, that almost made me lose my concentration.
Other than that everything went pretty smoothly despite the waiting for the tenor to come to his senses.
My cousin from Montreal and I went to the Fine Arts museum to see some lovely Italian Renaissance statues and also some very fine paintings by Gauguin and Monet. Beautiful exhibits that I could have stayed hours and hours just gazing at. I'd need a full week to get my fill of the art I saw in that one museum!
Did you see what those rascally cousins did while I was away?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 8, 2007
Yay! You watched The Prestige! I hope to catch you online soon so we can instant message and discuss it.
Happy Easter!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 9, 2007
You busy with holiday preparations? Or traveling to sing? Or computer down again? Or all three? Miss you. Come back soon.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Apr 11, 2007
Hello JEllen!
The fever's gone. I went to the doctor, who ruled out anthrax,
west nile virus, and
dengue fever...
but still gave me Cipro and a penicillin shot for a sinus infection and an infected mosquito bite on my right foot. He also said that I was suffering from borderline exhaustion and had better get my act together and catch up on some rest. So that's what I've obediently adhering to.
I always get some kind of sinus problem when I let my allergies to Easter lilies get out of hand. The church that I sang at on Easter morning had lilies everywhere and their central heating fan blew the pollen straight into my direction while I sang at the podium.
I also got some lilies thrown at me in San Francisco after my performance.
And there were lilies at the restaurants that I ate at and in the house where i was staying...
I'll be fine once I get those lilies out of my system.
How are you and Micio doing? Did you have a nice Eáster?
I'm still w*rking on eating up my eggs and one more
That's in between asthma inhaler dosages, that is. I came down with asthma because of my antibiotics.
Now might be a good time to see Lake House...I've got some extra*wheezy* time on my hands...
Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine yet?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 11, 2007
Easter was okay - the food was good - but I was rather lonely for my parents.
Yes, watch Lake House!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 11, 2007
No I haven't seen Little Miss Sunshine. The previews just did not click with me.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 17, 2007
I hope you are okay hun! I hope you are just resting like the doctor ordered. Come back soon, I miss you.
I watched Babel tonight. It seemed an appropriate film for tonight.
Take care, it's a dangerous world out there.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Apr 18, 2007
Hi JEllen!
Your Easter sounded like a good one, but I was thinking of you on that day and wondered how the day went. Holiday memories stir up thoughts of the people you love who shared those special kind of days with you. *sigh* It was very understandable that you missed your parents.
I'm doing much better now! There's still some residual pain where I tore my left abdominal obliue muscle but it's getting to be lesser in intensity everyday. It just needs time to fully mend.
Which means no ballet for another week or two. *shrugs* I've been taking 4-6 mile hikes in the morning to keep up my fitness.The maestro thinks I should be completely fine performing in France - 10 days from now!!!
How are you doing with that healthy lifestyle regime of yours? Hope everything's looking encouraging and going well.
Have you seen any must see films that I should be on the look out for? I just viewed a lot of DVDs that I'd mostly seen on the big screen before this past week while I was flat on my back and recovering. I saw Babel, too. It really was relevant and thought provoking alongside the real life happenings in Virginia, lately.
Kind of made me wonder what it takes to make us truly listen and communicate with one another when we forget over and over again that we're all so intricately connected by existence...
Thanks for those Venetian masque photos! They were so amazing in detail.
I've only been in Venice for some of those pre-Lenten revelries once, when I performed in a concert. I found it very surreal and underwater/otherworldly with so many decorously masked strangers celebrating in the rain drenched streets and flooded piazzas. I kept asking myself,"Did I really just see That?" and wondering if I seemed as strange to others as they seemed to me!
Everything was so
Did you get some of that abruptly winter-like weather?
We need spring weather and we want it Now!
Hope to see you soon, now that I'm able to be online again.
Take care and say hello to Micio for me, please!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 21, 2007
Hi there! Surprise, I'm up in the morning. Just had some blueberry cereal. How ya doing?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Apr 21, 2007
Howdy JEllen!
I'm doing just fine, thanks!
I've been getting up early because the howling coyotes tend to wake me before my alarm clock does.
I'm about to head up over the hill for a 6 mile hike. I bribed my
big bro with hearty breakfasts all this week if he comes in to look after our mum while I'm out hiking.
How're things with you?
Wile E finally saw The Hired Hand that I had recommmended to him ...oh, eons and eons ago, it would seem.
I've still yet to see Lake House!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 23, 2007
Hi kiddo,
Have been extremely tired this week, sleeping almost all day. I suppose it's just one of my depressions, though it might be anemia - I've been out of my iron supplements for about a week and haven't had time to get by the store. I need to buy some tomorrow for sure. I am coming up on the anniversary of my breakdown, so that may be a factor too. *sigh* I don't feel particularly sad though, just exhausted.
You never told me what you thought of The Prestige! Did you not like it?
I'm doing laundry tonight.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Apr 25, 2007
Thanks for the Doozy card hun! I loved it! Have fun in France.
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- 1: Ellen (Mar 29, 2007)
- 2: Ellen (Mar 29, 2007)
- 3: cynthesis (Mar 29, 2007)
- 4: Ellen (Mar 31, 2007)
- 5: Ellen (Apr 4, 2007)
- 6: cynthesis (Apr 4, 2007)
- 7: Ellen (Apr 5, 2007)
- 8: Ellen (Apr 8, 2007)
- 9: Ellen (Apr 9, 2007)
- 10: Ellen (Apr 11, 2007)
- 11: cynthesis (Apr 11, 2007)
- 12: Ellen (Apr 11, 2007)
- 13: Ellen (Apr 11, 2007)
- 14: Ellen (Apr 17, 2007)
- 15: cynthesis (Apr 18, 2007)
- 16: Ellen (Apr 19, 2007)
- 17: Ellen (Apr 21, 2007)
- 18: cynthesis (Apr 21, 2007)
- 19: Ellen (Apr 23, 2007)
- 20: Ellen (Apr 25, 2007)
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