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Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 21


How was the trip to France? Have fun at the hootoo meet?

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 22


I heard that you didn't get to go to the meet. This prolonged silence does not bode well. I hope very much to hear from you soon. Take care hun.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 23


Awwww, come back soon -- I want to tell you about Spiderman 3, and the preview to Across the Universe.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 24


Hi Sweets, just nattering on till you come back. I took a long walk today, and got a little blister. Also went out for Chinese food. Yum.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 25


Ah, heard you might be online sometime tonight, so thought I would say HI!

Hope your Mom and cousin are doing better.

Still wondering what you thought of the Prestige. And eager to get your take on Across the Universe.

I went to the mall today and bought a colorful mandala suncatcher. smiley - disco

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 26


Hi Dearie, I'm feeling increasingly invisible and estranged from the locals. In both real life and cyber life, old friends are moving on, and there don't seem to be many new ones rushing to fill the gap. I just hate it when I post to a thread full of people and go totally unnoticed. Seems to be happening a lot. And I just don't know what I'll do when my best RL friend moves home to her family in North Carolina. Ah me. Sorry to gripe. Depression seems rampant at the moment. Quite a few hootooites are feeling the pinch.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 27


Thank you, thank you for the email! Hang in there, we are rooting for you. I got a lot done tonight -- laundry and dishes and taking out trash. So I feel some accomplishment.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 28


Hi hun, I went to the bookstore and splurged last night. Bought Exuberence by Kay Jamison. Also bought So Long and Thanks for All the Fish on audio CD. And got Fragile Things on CD, a collection of short stories. Last but not least I bought The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream for a friend. Plus I am already reading Atonement! Whew!

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 29


Wow, Atonement was a really good book!

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 30


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You're back, you're back!!!!!!!!! *hops around in excitement*

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 31


Ah, I see you've just snuck back in to talk to Jazz on his birthday. smiley - winkeye

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 32


smiley - boing

Yep!smiley - somersault I've returned. ..smiley - biggrinand it's awfully good to be back!

Thanks so much for posting to these threads, JEllen.smiley - hug
I've missed chatting with you on a regular basis!

I just got back (after lots of smiley - weird flight delays) this evening.
smiley - cdouble But I'll be off again to perform up north this week.

Looks like you've been seeing some good films and reading some interesting looking smiley - booksmiley - booksmiley - books lately.smiley - bigeyes

I'm also glad to see that you're feeling much better lately. I was so sorry to be away when you were going through that rough patch. I hope things are getting better and better for you, pal.smiley - hug
How's Micio doing?

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 33


Micio smiley - cat is snoozing next to the keyboard. smiley - ok

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 34


Tee hee. How cute!smiley - loveblush
smiley - catShe makes a nice furry office decoration.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 35


I'm still very keen to find out what you thought of The Prestige. I ordered the book, and will read it as soon as I finish 1)Exuberance and 2)Devil in the White City.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 36


I liked The Prestige!

smiley - erm And so did my smiley - monsterbig bro. He now has my DVD in his possession.

The ending was a bit fluffed, I thought. It was nice that things weren't spelled out in explanation for the audience, though. *giggles* I had to remind Wile E *and* that smiley - thief of a brother what happened. Some of my friends in London called me to ask, " smiley - ermWhat did I see... during the closing scenessmiley - huh ".

I pretty much guessed what was going to happen before it did. But it was a well crafted film with plenty of interesting stuff to keep me fascinated.
smiley - dohScarlett Johannsen was a bit dull and not terribly consistent with her accent.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 37


I guessed half the end, but not the other half. Whole thing blew me away, especially Christian Bale's performance. smiley - smiley

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 38


Yeah. I loved what Christian Bale did with his role. His girlfriend/wife was also outstanding. smiley - ok

*sigh* Hugh Jackmansmiley - bigeyes...I like him alot. smiley - dohEven his cheesier film roles .smiley - blush Remember Kate and Leopold?smiley - laugh

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 39


Yes, I remember that! Blimey, I've seen a lot of movies.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 40


smiley - winkeyeI just knew you would have seen that. You're a true smiley - starcinephilesmiley - star.

Ooh. That sounds vaguely illicit...

smiley - laugh

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