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Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Jul 25, 2007
I guess you got my emails about Micio having thyroid problems?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Jul 25, 2007
Hey there, JEllen!
It's okay! I'll try to make up for all the lost sleep eventually!
I should be online more often since I need to stay at home more to take care of my Mum.
Hope you have a wonderful day and that I'll be be able to chat with you a bit later!
Give dear Micio a tickle under the chin for me!
*crawls off to collapse on her bed...*
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Jul 25, 2007
I'm up and about... but I think I could stand a nap later this afternoon. Hopefully my Mum will decide to snooze around then, too.
I went out to my garden this morning and found that the usual rosy rose, heady moonflower and chocolatey oenothera and cosmos floral scents were replaced by a ~~~skunk~~~ scented world
How's your and Micio's day coming along?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Jul 26, 2007
Quiet day. Still fighting a certain amount of fatigue. I plan to go walking tomorrow at the mall, see if exercise will help.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Jul 28, 2007
Hi hun, I saw it was your hootoo anniversary this month! And don't you have a RL birthday coming up too? Happy Birthday in advance.
I saw a very strange movie last night called Perfume:The Story of a Murderer. It was very visceral, and often gross, but well filmed and well acted. It costarred Dustin Hoffman and Alan Rickman.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
cynthesis Posted Jul 29, 2007
Hello JEllen!
Wile E reminded me that it was my 2nd hootooversary, otherwise I would have completely let it slide right past me.
His hootooversary was the 3rd of this month.
Today's my birthday! *sigh* All of 30 years now. I had a terrific weekend of parties, though.
I'm still having an all day barbeque/pool party. The mariachi band just arrived .
I haven't seen the film treatment of Perfume, but I did read the book.
if they captured the repulsive nature of some of the scenes cinematically, then they must have done a good job with that film.
How's Micio doing with those new meds
I know it takes couple of weeks to have a noticeable effect.
Hope it does the trick and that she'll be feeling more like her old self in no time.
Good to hear that you're getting out and walking. It's really the best exercise and it's such a great mood elevator!
Plus, doing that at the mall lets you get in some window shopping at the same time...just steer clear of the Cinnabuns!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Jul 30, 2007
Micio has gained back a little weight which is good. I'm just hoping that her heart murmur goes away.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Aug 2, 2007
Micio has been refusing her food some. I have a call in to the vet.
Otherwise, things are quiet. Just been doing dishes and laundry tonight.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Aug 4, 2007
Hi, talked to vet today and she advised going down on Micio's medication by half.
Miss you, hope you're doing okay.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Aug 7, 2007
Micio is doing better on the half dose. Just hope the heart murmur clears up too.
I'm thinking of moving to an apartment complex near where I live now. I like my current apartment, but I might like the new place even better. It certainly looks pretty from the outside. I plan to make an appointment to tour the inside soon. Not at all sure that I want to pack again so soon though. But you've heard me complain I'm sure about the noisy neighbors here. Ah what to do, what to do?
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Aug 10, 2007
I'm leaning even more into moving into a gated community near here. I hate my current neighbors.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Aug 13, 2007
Hello! I'm moving pretty soon, maybe as early as September. It's a lovely place, and I am excited! Please post soon so we can share the excitement!
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Sep 28, 2007
I'm reading an amazing book -- Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
Ellen Posted Oct 31, 2007
Hi hun, have you had to evacuate because of the fires?
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Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2
- 81: Ellen (Jul 25, 2007)
- 82: Ellen (Jul 25, 2007)
- 83: cynthesis (Jul 25, 2007)
- 84: Ellen (Jul 25, 2007)
- 85: cynthesis (Jul 25, 2007)
- 86: Ellen (Jul 26, 2007)
- 87: Ellen (Jul 28, 2007)
- 88: cynthesis (Jul 29, 2007)
- 89: Ellen (Jul 30, 2007)
- 90: Ellen (Aug 2, 2007)
- 91: Ellen (Aug 4, 2007)
- 92: Ellen (Aug 7, 2007)
- 93: Ellen (Aug 10, 2007)
- 94: Ellen (Aug 13, 2007)
- 95: Ellen (Sep 9, 2007)
- 96: Ellen (Sep 20, 2007)
- 97: Ellen (Sep 28, 2007)
- 98: Ellen (Oct 8, 2007)
- 99: Ellen (Oct 10, 2007)
- 100: Ellen (Oct 31, 2007)
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