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Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 41


5am here, time for beddy bye. Lovely to have you back. Don't overdo it now, remember to get your rest.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 42


smiley - smileyLovely to be back amongst dear friends!

G'night and sweet dreams to Micio and you.

Thanks for the caring advice...I'll definitely heed that as best I can.smiley - hug

Sleep well, O esteemed cinephile!smiley - laugh

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 43


Hello! You've been having an odd time of it, eh? What with weird stuff falling on the concert hall roof.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 44


Miss you. smiley - hug

I've been having fun on YouTube. Haven't posted any videos myself, but it's fun to surf.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 45


smiley - boing

Hello JEllen!smiley - hug

Sorry I haven't been around the past week. A couple of my London friends were visiting - and being online while they were here didn't come across as polite(smiley - rolleyesthey actually kept looking over my shoulder when I *did* log on and wanted to know who everyone was-even though they lurk here from time to time...and smiley - nahnah to them now!). Besides, I seldom get to see them and I wanted to spend some smiley - evilgrinspecial quality time with them.smiley - smiley

If you lurked the other threads, you'll see that we were up to just about everything. While I was performing smiley - musicalnote up north, they stayed with one of my friends in San Francisco and then borrowed the maestro's cabin(not at all rustic, I can assure you!) at Lake Tahoe for a few days. When they came back to my house they were all ready for going to smiley - musicalnote concerts and going out to the museums (when they weren't lounging by the pool or following me around watching me do my usual stuff at the ballet studio or the homeless kitchen and women's shelter...)

Anyway, they left for London yesterday. smiley - evilgrinAnd are back to w*rk in the city, I'd this very moment.smiley - ok

What have you been up to lately? Thanks very much for the youtube links that you sent me. I don't blame you for spending so much time over at youtube.smiley - bigeyes They've got some mighty fascinating things to see over there. I especially like the archival live music clips! When I ever have extra time(!) I love checking out what's on there. It'd take me years to see all the stuff I'm interested in!smiley - cdouble

Hi, and a tickle behind the ear to Micio!smiley - biggrin

smiley - towelTalk to you soon!

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 46


Hi dearie!

Things are going well here. I found a new movie discussion site that I just love -- let me know if you want to join, and I will email you the particulars. Don't worry, I will still be on hootoo a bunch, just not quite as much.


Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 47


Dang, I think I just missed you by a few minutes.

Have you seen Micio's YouTube debut yet? smiley - smiley

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 48


Yoooooooooooo hoooooooooo...

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 49


Oooo, wow, a Police concert! smiley - bluelight

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 50


smiley - yikessmiley - yikessmiley - yikes

We're online at the same last!

smiley - biggrinHello JEllen! How are you doing?smiley - hug
What's new with you?

I've been dealing with my Mum's hospitalisation for a leg infection and w*rking overtime to get prepared for a couple of smiley - musicalnote concerts that I'll be performing next week (out of the country).

I took a look at Micio on youtube! smiley - bigeyes How cute!
Hope you put up some more videos featuring her again soon!smiley - ok

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 51


Yes, I'd like to get one of her climbing her cat furniture, but timing is everything. Maybe I'll be able to get the shot soon.

In the meantime, I posted a video of my mandalas on YouTube. Woohoo.

I tried to watch the movie The Fountain today, but the cinematography was relentless dull and dark, and the script cryptic. I turned it off after about 20 minutes or so.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 52


Did I tell you Wile E. and I joined Spout?

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 53


Yeah!... smiley - bigeyeswild smiley - cat Action Shots!smiley - laugh
That would be great!

Wile E wasn't terribly impressed with The Fountain, either.smiley - rolleyes
I sat through the whole thing and felt that it was either edited woefully wrong or what got produced was not ready to be distributed in that form at all!smiley - sadfacesmiley - yuk It really was a sorry excuse for a film...

I'm going to have to check out your mandalas soon!

smiley - somersaultI'm going to see smiley - musicalnoteThe Police in concert on Saturday and Crowded House and Squeeze in August!smiley - biggrin Yay!smiley - somersault

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 54


Excellent! Hahahaha, I'm so glad I've seen The Police in concert before, or I would be SO JEALOUS.

I'm sorry your Mom has had to go in the hospital again. *sigh*

Whew, I've been staying up much more in the daytime, and this late night posting has me dizzy.

Have you heard of Stephen Fry's documentary called The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive? It's absolutely on target and excellent.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 55


*giggles*Now it's my turn to be smiley - envy jealous. I never saw them when they were together in their prime. I only saw Sting in concert...smiley - whistle a dozen times.

smiley - okShe's doing okay. smiley - ermPlus she had to be monitored for a new diabetes med as well. She had been on that drug called Avandia which has been exposed as a dangerous drug recently. They think some of her cellulitis and brain problems might have stemmed from taking Avandia for so many years, too.smiley - groan

No, I haven't seen that Stephen Fry documentary, yet. I'll have to check it out someday soon. I like a lot of the things he's done. And he's always been very candid, frank and witty during all the interviews I;ve read or seen of his.

smiley - online2longYeah, late night posting has that effect upon me, as well.
Or, at least I like to use that excuse for somesmiley - weirddizzy postings that I make about this time of night...smiley - sillysmiley - cdouble

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 56


4:15am here, I can already hear the morning birds chirping. I'd better get some shut eye. But, don't forget, even when we're not online at the same time, you can still leave me little tidbits. Or big tidbits. smiley - winkeye I love to hear how you are doing.

Night hun. smiley - moonsmiley - sheep

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 57


The lark - and not the nightingale!smiley - yikes

Hie hence, begone away!
*giggles* It IS late. I'll be toddling off in a few minutes myself.smiley - ok

Okey dokey. Tidbits right up, hot off the grill for you next time.smiley - biggrin

Nice being online at the same time, as always!
See you soon!

Nighty night and sweet dreams to you and Micio!smiley - hugsmiley - sleepysmiley - sheepsmiley - blacksheepsmiley - crescentmoonsmiley - star

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 58


Hi hun, I've been mostly cleaning today - laundry, dishes, fun stuff like that. smiley - winkeye

At least I have bookclub tonight and we can discuss Devil in the White City.smiley - devil

Saw your post that you'd had a distressing email -- sorry to hear that, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Catch you soon I hope.

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 59


smiley - cheerupHi JEllen!

Nice getting to chat with you on Yahoo the other night.smiley - hug

smiley - blush You're right, I ought to pop in here more often.
But I really think my inconsistent presence on hootoo is to be blamed upon Wile E.smiley - flustered
His smiley - bigeyeslurkinesssmiley - bigeyeshas rubbed off on me!smiley - wah
I don't post as often as I lurk! Oh! The shame!
smiley - cross And it's *his* fault.

smiley - biggrin I'm in a generally blaming mood today, as you can see.smiley - ok

How are things with you? Hope the weather hasn't affected you too much in Memphis. The weather forecasts for your part of the country have been looking frightful lately..smiley - erm

smiley - boingI've joined Spout under the name of c_hintz, or at least I think so... smiley - eurekaI think I'll blame 2legs for my uncertainty, this time!

*smiley - runs to the blaming 2legs thread to post...*

Yodel-lay-hee-hoo 2

Post 60


Hiho, I'm feeling rather blah. See my doc on Monday, so things will improve.

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