This is the Message Centre for MaggyW

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I don't know why I didn't pay a visit to your site before, Maggy! There's loads to have a poke and a prod around - and I will (taking my time - I do like to try to do everything at once and then feel overwhelmed - my homeopath said, when everyone at a party tried to get through the door at the same time, no-one gets through!).

You mentioned the Enneagram earler and I had a quick Google search. I'd not heard of it, or I may have vaguely heard of it. However, there seemed such a lot, and looking at some of the sites, I found that they seemed to expect that you knew what it was about, rather than explaining to a newcomer.

Also, one of my friends counselled caution. He said that it sounded like a front for the Scientologists so they can get into areas that don't want them. I don't know what to think as I know very little.

I don't know if you looked at my work on world debt - I set up a university entry and have stalled on it. I'll have a good look at your stuff on prosperity and abundance - an area I'm really interested in.

Have you come across ? It was reading one of their articles that got me going.

I manifested the computer I'm writing this to you on. I was beginning to seriously consider getting a secondhand computer and wondering how much it would be and where to get one from. Then, a friend rang - we were arranging a date to meet - and said we would have to meet in the afternoon as she had a new computer coming in the morning. Then she said 'You haven't got a computer, have you?' and then asked if I would like her old one. She wouldn't take a penny from it, and I've had such fun with it. Recently, I started thinking of getting a faster computer and my parents came up trumps; they're getting a computer for me and hopefully it should arrive within the next two weeks, either just before I go on holiday on Thursday, or just after I get back.

I should be preparing to go on holiday today, so I really need not to spend as much time on h2g2/360 as I would like. We're going on a children's nature awareness camp. Last year we went on the ancient technologies children's camp and my son really liked it - especially the flint knapping.

We went to the Greenwich Theatre yesterday and saw 'Robin Hood' by Dave and Toni Arthur - a May Day story with 'villagers' reenacting the story of Robin Hood with dance and folk song. Little 'un, when asked which was his favourite bit, said 'Hal and Tow', which you may know is a folk song, which I taught a singing group, which we go to once a month. We were on the second row (there was no-one in the front row, probably because of the fight scenes) and he was bouncing up and down and singing along. The villain of the piece (well one of the two - there is the Sherrif of Nottingham to consider as well), Guy of Gisburne, waggled his sword at him and said 'Tais toi, petit enfant' (trans for Mods - shut up little child).

BTW, I see you come from Birmingham. I was a student in Birmingham and spent 14 years there in total, so I have a very soft spot for it. Whereabouts exactly did you live? As a student, I started off in Sutton Coldfield, then Lozells, then Selly Oak, then Nechells. After I got married, we lived in Great Barr, where we lived until we moved south.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 2



Back from my course...still knackered but pleased that I coped well and it was excellent...had a bit of an issue with my ex husband turning up with a brand new babe (and a babe she was!) Didn't know they were coming so it was a shock! However, all's well...and my beloved was wonderful.

When you're back from hols, would you take a look at Random Acts of Kindness on A806122? I'd love to know what you think.

Can't answer it all just just catching up but I was born in Harborne and lived around there, Bearwood and Edgbaston all the time I was in Brum.

Brilliant about manifesting a computer! Not sure where you're living right now...but if you're around London and if you want more prosperity training, Bernadette, the aromatherapist on HH runs a monthly Saturday afternoon prosperity support group. I used to run it but I've got a couple of Kabbalah groups going now so don't have the time.

Some of the websites are a bit suspect. The main group up on the net on Kabbalah (the ones who sell Kabbalah water) are rather off in my opinion! I met some of them at the Mind, Body Spirit exhibition and it was all spout and no inner knowledge - in my opinion.

Look forward to talking more when I'm fully checked back in! Did you have a good holiday??

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Maggy!smiley - star

Had you said what course you were going on? Good for you about coping with the ex and his babe.

I'll have a look at Random Acts of Kindness and feed back.

I live in SE London in the borough of Greenwich.

We had a lovely holiday. A Nature Awareness camp for children, which was really smiley - cool and I'll tell you about later. I'm sure there are a couple of entries coming out of it. I've bought a couple of books by Tom Brown, who was taught by an Apache elder he called 'Grandfather', whose real name was Stalking Wolf. Grandfather earned the name as he could stalk right up to wolves and touch them without the wolves noticing his approach. As wolves have a keen sense of what's around them, it was a real feat. We're definitely going again next time.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 4


Hya, sorry, long time no speak...and I missed our conversations!

Your hols sound wonderful. My course was Kabbalah Summer School so fairly intense - 9.30am to 10pm with two hours off in the afternoons.

About 70 people from all over the world attended and it's totally exhausting. But worth it.

I'm feeling much better about the ex and his girl - maybe because the date for the divorce arrived this week - decree will be given next Tuesday and to my great relief, all I felt was great relief!

My beloved and I are off to Portmeirion in Wales for my brother's 50th birthday next month and going to Tuscany for a week in November which will be wonderful.

Now, where were we on cosmic matters?!

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 5


PS Some fairly spirited debates going on around the prosperity articles on Holistic Health!

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, Maggy!

I didn't see your posting. Probably because of going to the IOW to see my dad in hospital. I've had lots going on. Although the news about my dad isn't as positive as I would like, it isn't actually negative - they just don't know. I don't feel in my bones that it's his time to die yet, but if it is, then I would want him to go peacefully, knowing that I love him.

More changes at work. I've just recruited someone who is absolutely stunning (actually she sounds far more competant than me, but I am not afraid of that). There are several more possibilities in the pipeline.

And - I'm about to meet someone (through Dateline), who is on a spiritual path and where there are some fairly amazing synchronicities. Like me, he teaches T'aiChi and has done firewalks. My area of responsibily includes road safety and he is a driving instructor. There are a number of other 'co-incidences'. I'm not even certain how he got my details - I am outside his geographical area and he is outside mine. Although the proof of the pudding is in the eating, I have a good feeling here. Wish me well!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 7


Oh i do wish you well! I joined Dateline when I was in my 30s. Never met anyone I liked through it but met my dear, late husband Henry just a few weeks later. The signal went out to the Universe that I was serious about seeking commitment at last and there he was!

Interesting that this guy was 'outside the area.' Sounds very positive. And if not him, someone else soon.

I think you would know about your Dad...are you an Earth sign Sun or Moon? We Earthies tend to say 'I feel it in my bones and the water folk tend to say 'I feel it in my water/blood.'

Do let me know how things go.

I knew when it was my Dad's time to die - he'd gone through a lot on hospital but it just didn't feel like his time until the day I got a call from the hospital just before he was due to have an operation, saying he'd had another heart attack and could I go down? I just went and sat at the bottom of the garden and said goodbye to him. I could never have got there in time and I was closer to him in the garden than I would have been battling rush hour traffic.

We'd had a wonderful 'completion' dinner together the previous week - although neither of us knew it at the time.

I never loved my Dad when I was a kid; it was an odd childhood with the boy adored/adoring the father and the girl ditto with the mother. But in later years we got very close on an inner level - which my Mum was intensley jealous of - and we both worked out that we held aloof for many years so as not to rock the boat. Interesting stuff, family karma...

And good for you for not being threatened by the stunning new employee. If we can only learn to delegate - and have confidence in those to whom we delegate it really helps. I had a boss once who said 'you have to remember that if you asked someone to paint the wall green and they paint the wall green it's irrelevant if you would have painted it a different green or in a different order or in a different way. You wanted a green wall; you got a green wall. Any imperfections in the wall are only in your head.' I rather liked that.

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 8

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thank you, Maggy.

The funny thing is that I'd been recently thinking I'd like to move out of London and be in the country. Until we meet and have got to know each other, there's no telling. There are *such* a lot of synchronicities, though. Out of the area - yes - he lives in Wiltshire and he was jsut outside my age parameter as well.

The people I have met on Dateline in London have been nice enough, but not common ground and definitely no chemistry, so I've never made it past the first meeting (and I've only met three so far). I've not been worried.

I'm an earth sign (Virgo), earth ascendant (Virgo) and moon (Virgo) and I have Mercury in Virgo. I have a couple of signs that have been worrying me. I have a three branch light fitting in my bedroom. One of the lamps has been going out and coming back on again for weeks. It's getting more frequent. I also found myself going into work singing 'Spirit in the sky' this morning. However, I still don't get a feeling that he is on his way out just yet.

Thanks for your story. smiley - hug I've always loved my dad. He had the warm hands and as children my brother and I always wanted to hold his hand, not mum's. We had mother/son, daughter/father. Yet dad wasn't interested in anything spiritual. I have the feeling that he does believe that my seeing him well and happy and the prayers helped. Not long ago, he told me to 'continue to hold him and support him in getting better'.

I like your boss's story! I think there was a time when I would have felt threatened. Now, I can see that I can learn from her (and she from us).

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 9

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Maggy! smiley - star

I thought you might like to know that the stunning new employee is working out well so far. Looks like I will be able to talk to her about spirituality too, which is nice. The rest of my office know I have 'strange' ideas and a couple can relate a bit.

On the personal front, a new man has entered my life - a shiatsu practitioner (I sent him a link to the conversation on shiatsu) and I'm now thoroughly confused. He's a Taurean Earth Rat.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 10


I know, I know, it's like buses...none for hours and then...

You must be doing good work on yourself to be attracting them. Good for you! The only thing to do is to follow your own good advice and go inch by inch!

Delighted about the employee...

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 11

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Maggy,

I had a mixed weekend. I saw my Arien friend on Saturday and had a good day together. Lots of sharing.

Bad news today. It seems like dad is back in hospital - he went in on Friday, but he asked mum not to tell me. I think he's going to be OK.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 12


Yes, that is mixed...God bless your Dad...I guess at his age (presumably he's over 70?) there's a lot of patching up to be done. At least they can do it...

Did you fancy your friend?! smiley - smiley I can't remember if you've physically met before...

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 13

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Dad is now 84. He'd been in good shape until his heart attack in September. He walked into town daily, sometimes twice daily. He does have asthma, however. I don't know yet what the consultant's view is of him. The last time he went in, he didn't have the confidence to ask what was really wrong, and the impression I got was that they didn't really know. They did say that it wasn't old age - it was definitely something else.

Yes, I've met him four times now. We did an awful lot of talking. There is a strong spiritual connection and an emotional link. It may be that we stay as good friends. He has told me that he is up for whatever it takes to help in my growth. We'll see.smiley - smiley

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 14

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Maggy,

Just away to my parents. Dad is out of hospital (he came out on Friday) and sounds very cheerful.

Maybe the New Year will bring some clarity on my personal life - still confused.

Happy Christmas to you and may the New Year bring continued blessings!

smiley - holly

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 15


And to you too smiley - peacedovesmiley - rose. Look forward to many more conversations.

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks Maggy! smiley - hug

I had a very quiet Christmas on the IOW. Dad could not go out much (he was retricted to five minutes a day, and he didn't even get that because the weather was mostly rainy, windy and cold), so our trips out were mostly shopping for food. Dad is still remarkably cheerful.

Offpsring got a taekwando suit for Christmas and spend all day in it and slept in it too!

Spent a lovely New Year's Eve and day with my friend and we have pledged to support each other in our growth. smiley - magic

I hope your festive season was a lovely one. Blessings for 2003!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 17


Okay, cultural moron warning! What's a taekwando?

I had the loveliest of Christmasses...possibly the best one ever. My Mum came down to stay over New Year and has just gone home and my God-daughter arrives this afternoon so it's not over yet...

Your New Year sounds very hopeful. You are obviously very good friends.

Look forward to lots of lovely conversations this year.

smiley - magicsmiley - lovesmiley - starsmiley - rosesmiley - peacedove

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 18

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Taekwando is a Korean martial art, which specialises in kicking. There's a good school locally (10 minutes walk), which he has started to go to. On his first lesson, the instructor said he was going to teach them techniques and manners! I think it will be good for his personal discipline. If he is up for it, I may start lessons too, as my t'ai chi teacher is no longer teaching and it would be good to learn a sister martial art.

So good to hear that your Christmas was a good one. Was it quiet and cosy or busy and convivial? Mine could have been better. New Year was nice though.smiley - biggrin

How old is your God-daughter?

Yes, I look forward to lots of lovely conversations.

smiley - starsmiley - magicsmiley - lovesmiley - hug

smiley - fisho/|

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 19

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've now spoken with both men in my life about the other and am now much clearer about where I am. My Aries friend was really smiley - cool and when I said to him that I should now make a clear decision not to see the other, he said that if he supported my growth, then maybe it was OK. My Taurean friend said it was either him or Aries.

I already knew in my heart that I wanted Aries, even if it is the riskier relationship; I feel more for him and I feel it is the path of the greatest growth. I know (and we have discussed this) that whatever happens, we will stay close friends and I value this. I've no idea what the future with him may hold.

I have the strong feeling that we might work together in the future.

Taurus asked me what I feared and what I was running away from. If I'm honest, and if we take the attraction to both as being equal, then I fear being possessed, confined, put in a box. He doesn't seem to see the need for personal space in a relationship, even though he is very caring.

Who knows if I've made the right decision, yet it feels right. I hated going through the process of working it through though, and I felt very uncomfortable. I don't like hurting people and he was hurt and I felt very sad.smiley - cry

So now, I can turn my mind to clearing some more clutter at home.

smiley - star

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 20


Mmmmm.....It is hard hurting people isn't it? But sometimes it just has to be done smiley - cry Wouldn't it be lovely if we could all learn not to see 'no' as a rejection of our selves, just as a decision that a relationship isn't right...

I don't think I'm there yet smiley - smiley

Well done for acting on your intuition. I knew you were uncomfortable about having two in your life so now you can feel a lot more self-possessed for having done the right thing.

As you move away from Taurus, he has the chance to fill that gap with someone who will suit him better.

Taurus did react in a very Taurean way didn't he! Taurus can be very possessive and very stuck in a rut. My beloved Taurean and I need that in each other because we've both been in whirlwinds (both been widowed and both had unsupportive relationships since). Just goes to show that we all need different things at different times.

My God-Daughter has just been to stay for the weekend (following on immediately from my Mum coming for five days) so we are really looking forward to space on our own being very Taurean! smiley - magic

They were both good visits - although my Mum really pushed my buttons by cleaning the kitchen (!)

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