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The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Apr 14, 2003
Self-defence, that's why!! Only my opinion! I'm actually very fertile (got five egg sacs in my right hand ovary which is, frankly, excessive!) but I prefer to be a Godmother rather than a real mother.
I thought I wanted kids but when I married my ex, I went really wonky on the idea. I think I knew that they would swallow me up - and that he would leave me like he left his first wife (they had three kids).
I think I'm a generator too. I'll have a look later on (when I'm certain I've got my internet server here sorted out!)
You do get what you pay for...and I know so many people who under-value Reiki because they got it so cheaply. And who offer to give on the sacred symbols and then wonder why they don't work.
I suspect there's an innate system that only gives the 'full monty' when it is valued. People are very snotty about the cost of Reiki but that's to make sure that pearls are not thrown before swine. Sorry if that sounds really arrogant but we need to value these sacred things.
Reiki Mastership is a very special thing. Once you attain it (and it should be by invitation) you need to hold it and nurture it and allow it to work within you for at least four months before teaching.
I know someone who was attuned to Mastership who came home and attuned her husband as soon as she was back. They now teach cheap Reiki courses 'to stop it being exclusive to those with money.' It's MEANT to be exclusive! You have to work for the money! Otherwise how can you value it?
Rant over ... sorry!
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 14, 2003
Self defense? Interesting. We were together about 20 years in total, nine of which I was on the pill. When I realised that he was infertile, I was cross, not particularly because of the difficulty in having children, but because of what I had put my body through, in my view, for nothing.
So it was all the more interesting how quickly my son came along. First opportunity - Kazango! Scary, really!
I'll be interesting to find out what type you are. As you saw, the majority of us are generators. I was told that that doesn't make us boring. We are the only ones with real energy of our own and everyone else wants a piece of it. My BB is a Projector.
Yes, I think I agree with you about people undervaluing the Reiki. My teacher says that she studied for seven years under Beth Gray before teaching and she is very careful how she does it. She says that many teachers do not teach of cause and effect and also of releases, where things get temporarily worse before they get better.
Rant? What rant?
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Apr 15, 2003
Well the self-defence bit was pure projection really . I was amazed at how suddenly I said a definite 'no' to children when I got married to my ex. I'm sure we know something...
I know what you mean about the pill. And the napalm I had to use with the diaphragm wasn't much better...!
Having said that, when kids want to come through, they come through...not much 'what about it Mum?' just 'zap.'
Well I think we have a job to do talking about 'Real Reiki' on the site (once it goes to its new department). That is still very much on the cards but may take some time to sort out. It will then have a much more definite focus which would be great.
It's such a shame when sacred things are lost...but we humans so want everything to be in two minute soundbites and accessible to all. Imagine trying to say 'pearls before swine' like Jesus did!?! It would be seen as totally insulting but there is a point. I know I gobble up things without respecting them sometimes...and it doesn't do me any good at all.
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 16, 2003
Oh, the chart. Do let me know what you are! My analyst made an interesting comment. He said he had an intuition that I would make a good analyst (and he's seen over 50 clients and I was the first he's said this to) and maybe a teacher of analysts. That sounds like fun to me.
And I think you were right about the self defence. I hadn't looked at it in those terms, however it rang true for me. Difficult to say, really. I thought at the time that my ex would have been a good father, however children bring up so much 'stuff' for you (well, for me at least), that it can be difficult to cope with if you're immature - and my ex was. So yes, at an unconscious level, maybe there was a knowing.
And you're right about kids coming through with not so much as a by-your-leave. Mine was as instant as they get.
What's this about the site going to a new department? Real Reiki. Yes. I think I was lucky to have been introduced to my teacher by my BB. When I looked in things like Cadeuseus and Kindred Spirit, there's such a proliferation of Reiki masters, it would have been difficult to choose. Personal recommendation is often best, I find.
I'm using the Reiki on myself a fair bit at present, as I have a challenge with digestion and with menopause.
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Apr 17, 2003
Menopause? You too? I'm just into the hot flushes.
Yes, I'm a Generator...but as I'm currently in Spain on a foreign server I can't download the stuff that tells me more... I'm running this conference over Easter - but still working too. It's all a bit confusing.
Basically, 360 should be moving over to the Religion and Ethics department for proper development into a site about spirituality but they have to work out the hows and wheres...which could take until the end of the month.
It's been agreed that I go on working in the meantime (and hopefully after the move) so I am. However, I HAD booked holiday with my old boss. Luckily I only work three days a week on the site and I'm doing three hours a day from Spain, which works out fine. All a bit odd though..
How's your menopause going then?
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 17, 2003
A fellow Generator. Hey! Generator strategy is waiting to respond and being conscious of the body's response through sacral sounds. Are you a pure Generator, or a Manifesting Generator? It will generally say, although some I've seen do not.
If you want to forward it to me by e-mail, I will look at it for you and tell you what I can.
No, I'm not getting hot flushes, just heavy periods and just recently more frequent and lengthy ones. Oh, yes, and I had a gap of over two months, which had me a little worried. I feel a bit tired, so I've just started taking extra iron. Apart from that, everything is as normal. How about you?
I saw the information about your course in Spain. It looked interesting. Hopefully one day, I will be able to come on one. For the moment, child care is the big issue. Yes, I can imagine doing three hours a day from Spain will be a bit off.
How's the course going?
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Apr 18, 2003
Yes, momenta ria (elsewhere on site) has the same childcare issue. It's hard enough with a dog...God knows how you cope...
I'm just having the flushes...everything else is as normal as normal so far but I do think it must be the 'first signs'. They aren't too bad; I just get all sweaty and hot.
The course is going pretty well. Every night I just want to go home...but everyone is being helpful and constructive and the one big blip so far (someone telling me 'in love' that I wasn't leading very well) has been surmounted. I didn't change a bit and he really enjoyed the next I think it was as much his stuff as mine. At least I hope so!
It's very was a Jungian interpretation of the fourth Gospel which, the guy says, should be read as a dream sequence with the Jesus figure as yourself...your real SELF as opposed to the ego-self. My brain's spinning a bit but it was fascinating.
I can't forward you the email at the moment because I'm only on 'webmail' and that hasn't got my folder with your email address....but if you'd email me again at work I could just reply to you with it. Thanks
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 18, 2003
OK, will do.
"in love* - eh? Sounds as though you handled it well.
Off shortly for our long day in France. I'm looking forward to it. Back in the early hours of Sunday morning. Meant to be preparing now. Just too difficult to do travel food and not to include wheat - sandwiches are just *so* convenient - and I can throw the wrappers away. If I do stuff that needs containers, I will have to trog them around all day, wash them and bring them home.
Good luck for the remainder. So John should be read as a dream sequence?
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Apr 19, 2003
Well, not 'should' but it seems to be a good idea!
I know what you mean about the no sandwich nightmare. Had a similar thing with my Jewish family in law over Passover (which it is now) bread allowed so picnics and days out were a nightmare.
Hope you've had a wonderful time...
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 19, 2003
Alas, no. My passport was just out of date and we were turned away at the ferry. Lucky we arrived an hour early. We were just able to get back to London in time to catch a train locally, although not quite to our stop. We spent this morning painting a wall, then using the wall as a screen to watch the latest Star Wars movie.
The best laid plans of mice and (wo)men. Seems the ferry company doesn't believe we're in the EC.
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 14, 2003
Gosh! Is it so long since we chatted, Meg?
Since then, I've been to Le Havre and had a really good time. Sailed Club Class and had free champagne, complementary bath robes in the room and a double bed! Felt very luxurious.
Going through some doubts about my parenting ability at the moment - nothing serious - bit of a disaster yesterday trying to cycle train little - the chain kept falling off - he got distressed and I got covered in oil.
From the message by your name, you sound to be in fine fettle?
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Jun 14, 2003
My God! I never even saw your last posting. I'm so sorry But how lovely the Haigh trip sounds!
The name is actually an affirmation! It's been a bit scary lately what with one thing and another - and the take-over of the site which finally happens on July 31st. Won't say any more about that
But all is well really. My new novel is (finally) out on Tuesday. Hooray! And I'm focusing on sorting out work for the autumn. Wish writing paid a little better though!
I'm sure your parenting skills are fine. Bicycles are bastards! I remember how hard it was for me to learn...and I wouldn't cycle downhill for months as it felt too unsafe.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend in the sun
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 14, 2003
I'm doing housework - getting distracted so it's taking three or four times the amount of time it 'should'. Mostly looking around at *all* the things I have to do and feeling overwhelmed. Now, if I took on one thing at a time and ignored the rest ...
Congratulations on your book! Must be a wonderful feeling.
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 16, 2003
I had a bit of help from my BB with the bicycle. Turns out that the person who took the trainer wheels off left the chain too slack and the back wheel on crooked. No wonder the chain kept coming off!
On the Friday, I cut my right arm on the bike chain. On the Saturday, I cut the finger pad of my right forefinger (not badly). On the Sunday, I punctured my right thumb pad on a nail. All right sided stuff! Plus, the box joint of my right foot has started aching intermittently.
Right-sided stuff is meant to be about my male side. Right? Does this mean there's something I'm not handling correctly?
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Jun 16, 2003
I need notice on that question! to bed now and will think about it. Could be your animus and the fact that it's a bit unnerved by being helped by a decent bloke
Back tomorrow...sleep well (and glad the bike got sorted).
Yes, am proud of the book. Thanks...
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jun 26, 2003
Hmm. Like you, I need to think about this one. Yes, probably I do have issues with dependence and independence. The cuts were only tiny ones, but in identical places on the pad of the fingers and they hurt like hell.
Interestingly, he has helped me with stuff I've been stuck with for ages, like sorting out my fireplace. He rubbed down the metal and put the modern equivalent of black lead on it - it looks lovely now. He was wearing his good trousers at the time, so they needed to go to the cleaners.
We're off to a party on Saturday - pity - it clashes with the h2g2 Summer Party, which I would dearly like to attend, however, I get the opportunity to meet some of his friends at this one - a chance not to be missed. I don't know if I told you, but it's to say goodbye to someone who's being deported to South Africa as his visa has expired - the partner of his ex-partner. (My BB lived in what was Rhodesia for a long time and lots of people he knew there have moved to South Africa.) It will be interesting to meet them. She wants to meet little and he (BB) is working with her on a project that I am likely to be able to contribute to as well.
Are you going to the Summer Party? If you see AR1, please say hello to her for me.
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Jun 27, 2003
Oops...I never got back to you before. So sorry. It's all been a bit tricky round here, R&E have said a pretty categorical 'no' to continuing to develop the site the way it's been going and I find that fairly upsetting. I've known for some time that I wasn't having my contract renewed but I did hope they would do something to support the holistic health side of the site - especially as it's been growing steadily the last six months.
No reason why people can't go on discussing as they are...but I don't really know what to do...I suppose I really should come off the site when my contract ends...I will miss everyone
A bit of a challenge to go to the H2G2 meeting with that around so, no I don't think I'l be going.
Anyway, it's lovely to see how things are going with your BB. Things are actually fine around here too even though my BB's car broke down badly and will now be sitting on the drive until we can get the extra to get it repaired.
I'm setting up a lot of workshops for the autumn and, of course, I've got to write the new book (Kindgom is now in the shops and is soooo pretty!) so I've nothing to complain about.
The Enneagram and other stuff
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Jul 1, 2003
I have a question. I always look out for replies from you on my personal space, but never see them. When I come to your space, I see that you've replied. I don't know how that happens. Any ideas?
Who are R&E? What will happen to the site then? Will it be allowed to die, or develop under its own steam?
I would like to stay in touch as and when you leave.
I didn't go to the h2g2 party, perferring to go the the 'braaivleis' (South African for barbecue) with my BB. Only thing was that it was mainly meat. The hostess was a bit alarmed to find I was vegetarian, and therefore watching the amazing looking food pass me by. Her partner (the one whose visa has expired and has to go back to South Africa) really knows his stuff on the cooking front. I had a chat to him about his technique, so the next time I'm cooking meat on a barbie I'll know how.
The hostess was a former girlfriend of my BB and the're still very close. They are developing some materials and I will be involved too. It could be quite exciting and we could be doing workshops out of what develops!
I hope your workshops are a great success. You're writing a new book? Tell me more!
The Enneagram and other stuff
MaggyW Posted Jul 2, 2003
I get confused by that one too... I think it may be because this is on the 'discuss this' section on my page. It doesn't seem to show up on the right hand bar for some reason.
To be honest, you'd need someone more technical than me to explain what's going on! You could go to the DNA Commune on and I expect they'd tell you.
I suspect what I'll do when Religion and Ethics (R&E) take over, is just change my space over to H2G2 from 360 and continue chatting to friends as and when I can.
The trouble is that they are very good at their own jobs but don't know much about holistic health and spirituality. As their boss wanted the site to develop spirituality in that department it'll be interesting to see how it works. I hope it does, for the site's sake.
I think it will have to develop under it's own steam and hopefully it's strong enough now to do it without a guiding hand.
Loved the bit about learning to cook the meat. All the new workshops are either on the Tree of Sapphires or the Tethered Camel websites...mostly to do with writing or Kabbalah.
The new book is for Hamlyn - a 'Kabbalah Primer' which outlines what the tradition is about in words of one syllable and shows how to use it for self development. A wonderful opportunity!
There is a new Kabbalah book out by Rabbi Berg which is supposed to be very good...but I know some people from that centre and they're a bit too money-orientated for my taste (and the tradition they teach is different...a 16th century re-working of the original teaching from Biblical times).
In the meantime I continue my visits to crematoria....! I'm probably capable of compiling the 'London Good Crematorium guide' now
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The Enneagram and other stuff
- 81: MaggyW (Apr 14, 2003)
- 82: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 14, 2003)
- 83: MaggyW (Apr 15, 2003)
- 84: MaggyW (Apr 16, 2003)
- 85: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 16, 2003)
- 86: MaggyW (Apr 17, 2003)
- 87: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 17, 2003)
- 88: MaggyW (Apr 18, 2003)
- 89: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 18, 2003)
- 90: MaggyW (Apr 19, 2003)
- 91: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 19, 2003)
- 92: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jun 14, 2003)
- 93: MaggyW (Jun 14, 2003)
- 94: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jun 14, 2003)
- 95: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jun 16, 2003)
- 96: MaggyW (Jun 16, 2003)
- 97: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jun 26, 2003)
- 98: MaggyW (Jun 27, 2003)
- 99: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Jul 1, 2003)
- 100: MaggyW (Jul 2, 2003)
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