This is the Message Centre for MaggyW

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 21

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Your mother could come to me and clean my kitchen - goodness knows it needs it! I've been away a lot and now I'm trying to do more clutter clearing with a 7 year old creating havoc all round me.

Good that you had a great Christmas, though! smiley - star

Yes, it would be nice to see no as a decision that the relationship wasn't right. And yes, hopefully Taurus will find someone better suited. I would have felt confined and possessed, even though he has marvellous caring and supportive qualities. My son is dreadfully upset too, which doesn't make it any easier. Yet I feel that I have done the right thing.

My Arien is an entirely different kettle of fish and life will be much more uncertain. More highly strung and hot and cold and needs far more space. When I told him what I had done, he said that he hoped I had made the right decision in a tone of voice that meant he wasn't sure.

Whatever happens, though it will be an adventure and maybe that's what I need at this stage. I'm looking forward to growing personally and spiritually with him.

Your Taurus sounds lovely. I have to trust that what I need will come to me at the right time and to be patient.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 22


In haste! Make sure your Arian knows that you're still 'a free spirit'. That's what they want in life - and he may be blokishly scared that you want commitment now.


It's all about trusting isn't it? And we do so little of it...I suppose all we really have to do is concentrate on feeling happy and the Universe will provide more things to make us happy.

I know what you mean about the cleaning; I just had to fight really hard not to see it as a judgment on my being grubby. Mum has always been a stickler for cleanliness while I constantly attract the Filth Fairy. She turns up overnight and casts a spell over the house smiley - fairysmiley - weird

My God-Daughter's just left after a weekend's stay. She's a sweetie and I'm very honoured because I actually can teach her about Spirit (which, after all, is my job). I taught her about Guardian Angels four years ago and she talks to hers - and listens to it - whenever she has a problem.

It's never given her wrong advice either...and it has kept her safe from quite a few difficult situations.

Actually...that's a good idea for a whole new thread!

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 23

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've been learning to take more space between e-mails and phone calls. It doesn't come naturally to me. And in truth, I am still a free spirit.

You're right of course. I did try to say it wasn't just for him when I last spoke, but I was in a bit on edge as it had just happened and I didn't manage to say that. Now, as I spoke to him last night, I don't feel that it would be right to speak to him for a couple of days, unless he phones.

I know what you mean about being grubby. So I share the Filth Fairy with you, do I? smiley - smiley Mine has a little help from a certain young person.

How old is your God-Daughter? How did you teach her about Guardian Angels.

My little 'un keeps saying strange things when he's done something naughty. He gets very dramatic and goes round saying 'I want to kill myself. I want you to kill me.' This happened today at the supermarket when I was asking him to be careful and - bang! crash! - over went a £15 bottle of super duper cooking oil. It's a very effective ploy, as it gets me from being cross to telling him he's an OK lad. (I'm usually cross at the action not at him, although sometimes I forget and get mad at him too.) I'm not entirely sure how to handle it any other way.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 24

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Mmm. Life is definitely going to be interesting. I have a serious offer of help with the clutter. He has asked me which books I would keep if I had to restrict what I have to 50 books! 15 carrier bags worth of books went to the charity shop last weekend.

I have the feeling that once I have my house in order, I will find it easier to see where I am and where I want to go.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 25


Oh my goodness! Sorry I've been tardy in replying - privately as well - wonderful things happening but I've not known if I'm on my head or my toes. smiley - online2long

Will get back to you properly soonest - promise.

In the meantime - wow about the books. Just remember that the Universe will give you what you want far more quickly when you're focused - and all distractions are ultimately disempowering!

The Universe has told me that I have to move house for the 11th time in five years in March - it is DETERMINED to stop me accumulating clutter!

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 26

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - wow Gosh, If I had to move house, it would really freak me at the minute. I would like to be in a position to be able to move anywhere I wanted, though. Lots to do to get to that position, though. I know help is here, though.

Dying to hear - in your own time - don't feel pressured. smiley - smiley

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 27

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hmm, three 'though's in three sentences. I'm obviously qualifying my statements. I wonder what that means?

BTW, I did ask AstroLion about the Pluto transits, just now.

Something I identified when I was looking at my ultimate goals was to be able to feel comfortable/be happy whatever my circumstances, wherever I am.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 28


Well that's the secret to life! If we are happy, the Universe can only give us more happiness!

Now why am I on line this late? I was just checking for emails. Will come back soon! smiley - smiley

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 29

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I've just had a 2 hour conversation with someone I've been e-mailing through Natural Friends dating agency in New York! When we put the phone down, it was 3.15am there.

Just prior to the call (and I was expecting it), I was awoken as I thought my answerphone had gone off and I checked whether my phone was working. My lights would not come on properly and all the lights in the house were dim - barely a flicker. 10 minutes later, they all came on full. Most smiley - weird.

We had a very wide-ranging conversation and he put a couple of things into perspective for me, including why I don't like shopping at the moment. If I'm in the space of clutter clearing, why would I want to bring things into the house (except books which I'm using as personal development tools).

I phoned my aries friend to tell him this and he said his meditation had included clutter and the need to keep a space *absolutely* clear and in order as a sort of pattern for the rest.

Anyway, I'm off for a bath and to go to Quaker meeting, then a shared meal, then the singing group, which I'm very much looking forward to.

smiley - hug

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 30


So much going on for you! You're still casting around aren't you? You sound like all is very well and I think you've made some very important decisions... BUT do you actually know what you DO want in a partner? Sometimes it's a good idea to do a list! Then you can tell the Universe!

The Arian is a great friend anyway...he sounds ideal - for the moment at least!

Interesting about your son...of course you can't always be the perfect parent or even explain that it was the action that made you angry not the child. I'm not a Mum but my friends who are have my greatest admiration. God knows how they do it.

Anyway, they chose us - so they're getting what they wanted if that's any consolation!

My God Daughter is 17 but a very young 17 and absolutely tiny. She is registered on 360 so I won't talk about her much (though I don't think she actually does visit). I told her about guardian angels when she came to stay when she was 13 and she said she felt scared in the dark. I told her how to ask her angel to look after her and to listen for it.

I didn't see her again for three years because I went to the USA etc. but she came to stay again a year ago and we were talking about life, the universe, sex etc. and she said whenever she had doubts about things she asked her Guardian Angel. So she had taken it all in.

She talks to him every night and morning and feels totally protected. He has the persona at the moment of someone she has a crush on but as both spirit guides and angels can adopt any form they like I told her that was fine. It obviously is her helper as he came and talked to me about her the other day. There are times when I think I'm as daft as a brush but it was definitely him.

Why do they usually come and talk to you when you're naked in the bath?!

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 31

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I am enjoying the conversations, however I have the feeling that I could be really happy with him, once he has made his mind up. There's a bit of uncertainty at the moment, however I think if I'm patient, we could be great together. There's still a fair amount of getting to know each other before either of us know. I did already do a list of things I would like in a partner!

How nice about your god daughter. So you've spoken to her guardian angel - in the bath??

Why do they always come to you in the bath reminds me of my son, who whenever he finds me in the baths, strips off to come in too.

I had my computer blow up on me at work today! On Sunday morning before the call from the US, all the lights in the house went dim, for about 15 minutes and then came back up. An intermittent fault I had on one of my bedroom lights appears to have been fixed. smiley - weird

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 32


Ah, there was an astrological 'thing' with Mars and Uranus over the last few days...which meant a lot of things went wrong or blew up.

Yes, the angel did come and talk (he's a discarnate human spirit guide really). I often sense beings coming to talk - but I still have difficulty a) believing it and b) distinguishing between the real and my ego's projections.

If the science vs faith folk read this bit they'd explode!

Ages ago you asked about the house moving (I think) and I worked it out in my head on the tube this morning. I had to take all my possessions each time!

Moved from Birmingham to London
From London to a motel in Montana for two months.
from the motel to 153 South Third Ave, Bozeman.


From 153 S. Third to 162 South Third for a month.
From there to a friend's house for two weeks
From there to another friend's house for three weeks.
From there to Spain for two months.
From there to Dartmouth Park, London.

From Darmouth Park to a friend's house for a month (when the ex. left)
From the friend's to Finchley.

From Finchley to Hampstead Garden Suburb.

From HGS to Finchley (different house)

The dog's done two additional moves to people who looked after her in Spain!

It gets easier....

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 33

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oh, that explains it. My computer blew up 4.45pm one day, I couldn't sleep properly, I clipped my car, the fillter came out of my kettle, I was tearful and distracted all day. Mars and Uranus, eh?

smiley - wow So many moves!

The angel thing is smiley - cool.

Today, I wasn't at all wobbly. There has been a financial theme to today. Perhaps it's telling me something.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 34


I was going to suggest you tried AstroLion's free daily astroforecast - it tells you what the astrological 'weather' is each day.

But I think he's stopping it for a while at the end of the month. You could try a week anyway! Go to if you are interested.

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 35

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

OK, Maggy, will do. Thanks.

smiley - run

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 36


Ooo oohh! I've got my new website up! So excited! I've owned up in public at last!

How are things with you?

smiley - magic

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 37

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I'm feeling good, Maggy.smiley - magic

Congratulations on the websitesmiley - wow - I'll have a look a little later.

I've let my membership of Natural Friends lapse, which seemed the right thing to do. In so doing, I have probably lost contact with the other person I was e-mailing. That was never going to come to a romantic conclusion, however it was a supportive relationship in its own way, for both of us, I think. We exchanged private e-mails, however when we both tried, our messages bounced back. Hey ho! I still have contact with the chap from New York, who sounds nice - again, a friendship rather than anything else. We spoke on the phone a couple of weeks ago (for almost 2 hours!).

I've been reading Eckhart Tolle's 'The Power of Now', which was recommended to me and it's been good. Have you read it yet?

Will you be thereat the meet tomorrow? It would be good to see you again!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 38


The Power of Now is brilliant smiley - smiley My copy is completely dog-eared. I think it was what really got me through the marriage break-up.

No, I'm not coming tomorrow. My 'new daughter' is coming for the weekend. My partner is a widower and his daughter has had to grow up without a Mum so she is both very independent and very much wanting to be loved.

We're going to be fine - in fact she was the one who told her Dad to ask me out as she liked the look of me. But it's still a sensitive work-in-progress. I was step-mum to three boys but they refused to see their Dad (and consequently me) for the vast majority of the marriage so I've never really been a mother.

Wish me luck!

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 39

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 40

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Oops, hit the post button by mistake.

Yes, I do wish you luck! Very much so. How wonderful that she suggested that her dad ask you out!

My son threw his lunch box down today and broke it in the playground because he had forgotten his gym kit (which I handed to him on the way out this morning). His headmaster saw it and told me that the previous day, he had thrown something at his teacher and that I should make an appointment with her to discuss a common approach to controlling his temper.

I wonder if it could be anything to do with my relationship? Or am I being too quick?

I agree with you about The Power of Now. I particularly like what it says about relationships. Not sure it has anything to say about how to treat a misbehaving or unhappy child, though.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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