This is the Message Centre for MaggyW

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 61


Oh that's good. Re. films, I've been really interested that I'm enjoying watching movies with the Best Beloved that I never thought I'd ever watch...

Stuff such as the Lethal Weapon movies and The Rock, which was on earlier this week. I never went for 'violent' movies before but now I see them more like Star Wars as in the fight between good and evil...and how the good is always flawed in some way but makes it through anyhow.

Maybe I'm still getting through a lot of anger! I do find though that I can only watch so many of them (ie about one a fortnight) otherwise I get bored and go and do something else. So at least I'm not addicted!

I'm still not enthralled by the new house...but I do love the garden so that's a start! I'd like the move safely over so I can get on with creating a home... I've got a book to write in there (deadline is August) so I'll be having a literary baby there and that has to make it special...

And I've been looking at furniture which is always a good sign. Two Taureans in search of a sofa! What a summing up of astrology! smiley - smiley

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 62

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Two Taureans in search of a sofa! smiley - laugh I don't think I knew you were both Taurus, Maggy.

Interesting about the violent movies. I can see what you mean by the battle between good and evil. I think I see them the same way too.

I'm sure you will make a marvellous home. It sounds like a blank canvas for you to make your own. Is it?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 63


I think it will be a good move...and a blank canvas. After a long weekend of packing things into boxes I can feel my psyche moving forward and creating solutions instead of problems.

We've got a friend who's also moving (he has bought a house in Hertford). He's paying £900 for professional movers! I don't think it cost much more than that to emigrate all our furniture to Montana!

But the BB and I are doing it ourselves, with boxes from the supermarket. I was talking about moving for the Nth time to some friends and they said 'at least it keeps you from being cluttered.' I said in all innocence: "No, not really. I've got a whole box full of stuff that has to go to Oxfam." They all said: "That's not clutter, that's a pathetic attempt at clutter!" So that made me realised that I'm on top of that part of my life at least!

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 64

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - smiley Maggy.

It's good that you are feeling more sorted. You seem to be coping rather well. I kno't know that I could be so sanguine after so many moves. smiley - ermWell probably I could after the first. At present, that would freak me, rather.

I've used professional movers before, when I was married, and his employers were paying. We used Pickfords (I think) and they were excellent. However every single mover we have used has lost either our stepstool or our ladders.

I'm still not on top of the clutter. Although my BB came over the weekend, as he's not feeling well, we didn't do anything to address this, although there are some improvements - I can now open the door to my garden and my light upstairs isn't on the blink anymore. It seems it was the lightbulb's fault. So we kept indoors and warm. As I was looking after a friend's daughter, it wasn't terribly exciting for her, or for my son. However, i am now expecting to go on a reiki course in early April and the friend is looking after my son whil I'm there! smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 65


I will be very interested to hear how you get on with the Reiki. So many different teachers now and the discipline has changed. But the core of it is still very sound.

I did some ad-hoc healing for the boyfriend of a friend the other week and I was amazed at the power that came through even though I haven't done any hands-on for more than a year.

Our dog Didcot has been very restless and agitated all weekend - she's seen all the boxes and she knows what's up. I just wish I could tell her that she's coming too...She always does but she still gets a bit upset about it...

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 66

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Yes. I'll let you know how I get on. My BB did it a long time ago and his hands can feel very soothing. He'll be assisting at the course, and I've promises of babysitting, so I can really concentrate on the course and I'll probably stay overnight in London for the weekend.

Ooh! Poor Didcot! (Why is she called this, BTW?)

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 67


She's getting Walnut and Rescue Remedy (we all are!) and she's sleeping in our room so she knows we won't run off in the middle of the night (two Taureans? I don't think so!)

My late husband Henry and I had a silly private joke about the town of Didcot so I just called her after that because I bought her two months after he died.

We spent all weekend packing up and I'm beginning to see the light...or rather beginning to see how much cleaning is needed!

smiley - star

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 68

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Cleaning? smiley - yuk I can imagine what you find when you're moving. I've found I think I have a reasonably clean house - move things away and - bingo - the filth fairy has been at it again. Particularly round things like cookers and the like.

I remember moving from our bungalow in Pratts Bottom (yes, there really is such a place) and seeing that there was mould behind the bookcases. smiley - yuksmiley - yuk. (And I didn't know about it!)

Curiosity about Didcot is assuaged. smiley - smiley

I had a real compliment from my BB on the phone today. He thinks I am an extraordinary person (in the best way) and that he is blessed to have met me. smiley - angel Well, I think the same way about him.smiley - biggrin

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 69


Hello! Boy, what a week! We're pretty much sorted now and are relieved that the owners of the house we were in are delighted with its conditon. So that's good. And the owners of this one had cleared ALL the furniture and the garage. We had asked them to but it was a lot of work. And they'd cleaned it thoroughly too.

What a lovely compliment! I still find it hard to believe that it's quite a long-standing relationship now isn't it?!

It's been really stressful at work - BBCi has announced a load of redundancies but nobody knows who will go and who will stay. I think 360 is safe (I'm a freelance so am under different rules) but it's not a good atmosphere...and I had to spend a couple of days this week in Manchester and Birmingham 'doing meetings' about the future - just what you need when you're trying to sort a new home out!

But thank God for the spiritual knowledge...and the ability to look at 'what's really going on' in these situations - everyone gets scared including the managers.

Ho hum! But now it's a lovely weekend...and I have picture hooks to buy and all our lovely pictures to put up... smiley - rainbow

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 70

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Maggy!

A couple of days to go to the reiki course, and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm told to think of good questions to ask and what has come up for me so far is about healing childhood stuff and perhaps my digestion (which may be tied up with childhood stuff).

We're staying in a hotel for a couple of nights, so that will be a treat, and give us the feeling of having a break. A friend is looking after my son.

I had an interesting experience last night. I had a dream that woke me in the middle of the night around 3.10am. A strange dream about wanting to buy a bed made by Gurdjieff (even though it was a single bed and I wanted a double) and being frustrated by someone else buying it. I thought about phoning or texting my BB, but decided against it - what had he done to deserve my waking him at that hour.

I texted him in the morning and he rang me. He had woken at the very same time, checked his mobile,as he thought he heard the text sound, found it switched off - checked his other - that was switched off too. He wondered if I was trying to contact him. smiley - weird

How are things with you now? Does the house still feel not quite right or have you made it really your own now and peachy?

smiley - hug

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 71


Hello Honeybunch - and sorry I've not been around. As you can understand, I've been doing some freelance work to ensure that the sponduliks keep on coming in while the future gets resolved!

It's not so smiley - weird - but it's a great sign of the connection between you two! Have you ever studied Gurdjieff or Ouspensky?

The house is great - it feels fine now. We've stocked the pond with fish and I really love the garden. The only issue is the deaf neighbours' television (sigh) but we are extending our knowledge of classical music to cover...

Re. your question about Reiki - I really don't know what you'll find there. Every Master does the course differently. When I learnt One we didn't speak much at all and just practiced the handholds between attunements (which I didn't feel at all!)

Two was better because there were only three of us and we got to ask about things...and when I started teaching I did encourage discussion and used to focus on self-healing and getting people to sort their own lives out before trying to sort other people!

If I don't talk to you again beforehand - have a wonderful time. I think you will feel the attunement energy because you're much further down the line than I was when I did it.

smiley - love

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 72

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I think there will be about 35 of us on this course. I have no real expectations about what form it will take, except to say that there are discussions and questions and that we get some sort of excercise on the Saturday evening, I'm told.

Whatever happens, I'm looking forward to it and my BB is fascinated to know the difference it will make to me. I've no idea if I will feel the attunements; I'll let you know.

Yes, I do think the dream/mobile tone thing shows a closeness. No I've never studied Gurdjieff or Ouspensky, although he has and we have spoken about Gurdjieff 's excercises before now. That was why when I woke, I wanted to discuss it with him.

We've been talking about being more disciplined about our spiritual routine and issues of desire over will. Do you and your BB meditate together? How do you find it works best?

The garden sounds wonderful and I am really pleased you are happy with it. I know all about noisy neighbours - at least you get to hear classical music - I have to put up with rap and hip-hop/garage/house (or whatever it's called these days), which is quite aggressive stuff.

I'll be off-line from this evening until Monday probably. We're staying in a hotel for two nights, then coming back here for the Sunday and I've stuff to do with him on the Monday (moving things), before going back to work on Tuesday. By then, I should be glowing, I hope.

I do hope the BBC sorts out what it wants to do with 360 and you have my best wishes for the best possible outcome on that! smiley - hugsmiley - rose

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 73


How did it go? smiley - rose

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 74

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Meg! smiley - rose

Like the new/different name. It has a fresh sound to it. smiley - star

Not long back from the Reiki course. It was with Barbara Macgregor, who came over from Australia and she was *very* good.

I am told my hands are now very hot in the right places, although I could always generate heat before. I'm told that previously I was using my own energy and that as the reiki energy comes from the universal source, I replenish myself whilst using it rather than being depleted.

I'm definitely interested in joining a reiki group now and will almost certainly do the Reiki II class at some stage.

Barbara taught all about cause and effect and took an enormous amount of time answering questions, which were very enlightening to me. I found, for instance, that my scarcity consciousness probably stems from my birth, where I was separated from my mum immediately and she didn't see me until the next day. Babies were routinely separated from their mothers. Apparently she was almost given the wrong baby when my brother was born.

She didn't know that babies needed to be fed at night and so when she got home, I was rarely fed during the night, she tells me.

I can remember being amazed when I had my son and was feeding three-hourly that my mum said that she didn't do that and that as she remembered, I slept through the night from the first. Dad said that he had to get up to feed me from time to time. Makes me wonder how much she actually remembers and what actually happened.

We were encouraged to spend as much time reiki-ing ourselves and I spent a lot of time in Basic One. It became very clear that I need an awful lot of work on my adrenals. So does my BB (who is Reiki II, but it's difficult to do that one on yourself, although I suppose he could sent absent healing - as yet, I can't do that).

I will also be able to use it with little smiley - fish.

smiley - love and smiley - hugs

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 75

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi again, Meg! smiley - star

I've just found this mentioning my teacher;

I had an interesting experience when I was practicing the hand positions. In doing the throat as an extra to Basic Two, my subject started to hyperventillate, which shook me a bit. I took off my hands and she asked me to put them back. Other people came round to help and she was well looked after.

I went into my fourth attunement and forgot to take off my watch. When I came out, someone held out a tray of watches and I took one! I had to hand it back, looking very bemused. I had assumed I was being offered something to put round my wrist and hadn't noticed they were watches. I must have been well phased. I started to laugh when I realised what had happened.

I told the woman afterwards, that I was fortunate that it happened in safe circumstances, rather than occurring to me with someone out of the blue. Well prepared is forearmed, as they say.

smiley - rose

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 76


so glad you had a good time - it sounds great. And, yes, you can see how 'dangerous' it could be without the safe space. Not dangerous as such but scary for people...and unbalancing as well.

Is there a back-up system for when Barbara goes back to Oz? Support groups are really useful. You've got your man...and if there isn't one, you've got Bernadette, Imogen and me to talk to if you've got any queries (we're all Reiki Masters). There are bound to be others on site too.

I'm so glad it was just Reiki 1. Some people teach both in a weekend and it can simply be too much.

It will be great for little smiley - fish

I'd forgotten the bit about it affecting watches!

Welcome to the Reiki community! Enjoy smiley - rose

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 77

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Thanks, Meg! smiley - rose

Yes, it was just Reiki I. It took place over three days - Friday evening, all day Saturday and all day Sunday. And yes, I'm glad the incident happened in a safe place. In fact, I think I'm glad it happened, as forewarned is forearmed as they say.

Barbara was quite definite that we should not go on to Reiki II unless we have reviewed the course at least once (which means we can go on another one without further cost and be present throughout). I feel that I will almost certainly want to do it.

It's great to be part of the Reiki community - thanks for the welcome.smiley - magic

Little smiley - fish is already benefiting. We had an upset today about a lost book bag at school and I used it as part of calming him down, although it wasn't the main part - that was acknowledging his upset and disappointment.

We had a task of playing at being five year olds on the Saturday evening, and I had ice cream and jumped up and down on the hotel bed - and I banged my head on the light fitting. smiley - laugh So I did it again the following morning, without the headbanging.smiley - smiley

Yes, there is backup, apart from my BB (who reports that my hands felt like balls of fire on his adrenals!) and I think it's likely that we will form reiki groups if enough people are interested, where we can give and receive reiki together. This will mean I can get my adrenals done, which *really* need work.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 78

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Got another opportunity to practice my Reiki today at Quakers. One of the members, a homoepath, had achey arms, so I did reiki for them in turn and she reports both heat (which lasted for quite some time after I took my hands away) and relief.

I think it's pretty amazing how this works. smiley - magic

Did I tell you that i had a Human Design reading? Fascinating stuff. I'm a 2/4 Generator.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 79


I'm so pleased! You've had such a positive experience with such a good, sound teacher! You'd be amazed what goes on sometimes. I used to get calls from people who'd been really frightened by Reiki because their teacher didn't know enough to explain to them.

I even got a call from a girl half way through a Reiki 1 course saying she was too afraid to go back in there as she felt so uncomfortable.

Awful smiley - yuk

But is is wonderful how it works! We shouldn't find it hard to believe but it is still surprising. And little smiley - fishes love it. So do animals. I once sent some to a friend's little girl across a swimming pool. She had swallowed some water and got scared and was howling. I sent it and she stopped at once and was fine. Amazing.

No, never had a Human Design reading. Tell me more!

The Enneagram and other stuff

Post 80

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

My BB tells me to Reiki the water I give to plants (well he told me to do it to one that was rather dehydrated anyway). I like your story! smiley - magic

I had an interesting conversation about Reiki from a friend of mine who, when I told her about the course said 1) why didn't I tell her about it, she could have got it for me from a friend of hers more cheaply and 2) what a rip-off it was anyway and it didn't work for her. Talk about trying to deflate me when I was feeling good!

I didn't go into why important it was to have a good teacher in the face of that negativity!

Human Design. Yes. A channelled/revealed thing. It's based on the I Ching, on genes, on the Zohar and something else I can't remember.

it says that there are four basic types of person, simplistically they are:

Manifestor = mover and shaker (18%)
Generator = doer and builder (70%)
Projector = manages the energy of others 11%)
Reflector = thinker, wise person (1%)

Here's where to get a free chart reading:

Apparently I am have mostly undefined channels, which means I am a very open person. I have the channel of mating/reproduction! I wonder why I married an infertile man?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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