Journal Entries
Just wanted to say
Posted Dec 23, 2001
I'm feeling so alive, so peaceful and so... GREAT!
It's Christmas, the time of peace, family, love and everything that's good. If you'd be in my house right now, I don't doubt you'll feel just as good as I do; Mum preparing Christmas dinner , the tree in the living room, lovely decorated with the great white Angel on the top
. Tomorrow my whole family is coming over to celebrate: Brother, sister, uncles, aunts, grandmother, niese and friends!
I know many aren't in my position, with a loving family and a safe enviroment - remember to help and support those with all the kindness that's in the heart.
You know, to all who doesn't feel this way, I recommend that person to read "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens to get their perspective right. I read it every Christmas.
I love Love, Life and Everything that's Good!
Good night an God bless us all!
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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2001
Goo vs. Alabaster
Posted Nov 20, 2001
You have white and then you have blue - I have always had it set on Alabaster since that was what it was when first got here, and I haven't given it much thought... Until now.
Goo is just so cool... relaxed and nice to look at - but all the links and buttons are on the wrong places! I'm too lazy to scroll down my whole personal page to get to the conversations I'm subscribed to! I think I could always get usd to all the other buttons, but those are what I mostly live for!
After hours and hours of Alabaster, I easily get a headache - which wouldn't have happened if I had it on Goo. All the links and buttons (and my conversations!) are nicely put where they're most practical. But the text looks dull and small...
I'm in a big dilemma - I've never thought of all this before... What shall I do? Which one shall I use? Aargh! Why couldn't it just be some scheme named "Conversations-where-you-want-them-Goo"?
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Latest reply: Nov 20, 2001
Posted Nov 16, 2001
I'm an ACE, I'm an ACE! Yay!
Good! Even more good news. Why do they all happen on the same day? First, I buy "Great Expectations", "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "King Lear" for £2, then I get the job as an ACE, and THEN I find out that my favourite singer, Michael Ball, is returning to the West End in a stage production of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (that was the one that was hardest to swallow, but I'm fine now)
Now, how can I convince my parents that a trip over to London is a economical and healthy thing to do in March...
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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2001
All my animals
Posted Nov 8, 2001
All animals I've ever owned:
Lillepus (="Little-kitty") [RIP]
Missi the 1st [RIP]
Missi the 2nd
Hopp (="Jump") [RIP]
Pelè [RIP]
Trine [RIP]
Pelle/Peppa [RIP]
Lots and lots of 'em
And I love them all very much!
(Gee, am I an animal person? )
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Latest reply: Nov 8, 2001
I'm mad
Posted Oct 17, 2001
Yesterday a teacher came into my classroom and said something like this: "Tilde, I heard you could play and sing. Would you like to be the entertainment in a big get-together for people against drugs on Thursday?"
Well, I had never done anything like it. Sure, I had sung on the stage before, but never alone. This was something noone would expect me to do. Who knows, maybe it'd reach all the way to Eidsvoll, so the as*holes there would get that Tilly has moved on. I'll do it!
It's as easy as that.
I'm barking mad.
She didn't say, however, that I would be the ONLY entertainment and that I should be the warm-up for some political person's speech. Think about it; this huge mass of people marching all night, they'll arrive at the outside-stage, where I'll sing/play "Big Spender"! Or, "sing" is the wrong word. "Screech"'s so much better.
I've practised all day, but it still won't sound right. I can't get as high on the "Hey! Big Spender" line and there's no chance of going down.
I could realy need some words of encouragement, for every nerve in me are all chopped up. I want to call someone and say that I can't do it, but that was exactly what I said I wouldn't be doing, to show how much courage I've got.
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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2001
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