This is a Journal entry by Tilly - back in mauve

Just wanted to say

Post 1

Tilly - back in mauve


I'm feeling so alive, so peaceful and so... GREAT! smiley - holly

It's Christmas, the time of peace, family, love and everything that's good. If you'd be in my house right now, I don't doubt you'll feel just as good as I do; Mum preparing Christmas dinner smiley - xmaspud , the tree in the living room, lovely decorated with the great white Angel on the top smiley - angel. Tomorrow my whole family is coming over to celebrate: Brother, sister, uncles, aunts, grandmother, niese and friends!

I know many aren't in my position, with a loving family and a safe enviroment - remember to help and support those with all the kindness that's in the heart.

You know, to all who doesn't feel this way, I recommend that person to read "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens to get their perspective right. I read it every Christmas.

I love Love, Life and Everything that's Good! smiley - smooch

Good night an God bless us all! smiley - peacedove

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