Journal Entries
Demons are Real
Posted Jul 24, 2005
It was sad to meet a supposed 'Christian' this morning in after-church coffee who said he 'didn't really believe in demons'. What on earth was this guy on, and why didn't he believe the Bible?
This chap (Robin was his name) used the old atheist line, that is to say that he claimed the term 'demon' was simply used to describe phenomena which were not fully understood in Biblical times, such as epilepsy or schitzophrenia.
Obviously this man was not genuinely saved at all, or he would not have displayed such an appauling knowledge of the things of God. In Matthew 8, we are told very clearly about how Jesus drove a legion of demons into a herd of pigs. If it was not so, the Bible would not have said so, and God is a liar.
Today, just like in Biblical times, we continue to see demons manifest themselves all around us today. Psychics, new age 'healers', astrologers, ouija boards, and 'psychopath' criminals wandering our streets. Sometimes medical science tends to devise fancy names to describe such phenomena, but that makes them no less real. They don't always come across as 'evil', but the Bible tells us that, as Christians our fight is not against humans but against powerful spiritual beings of evil (Ephesians 6:12) and that Satan and his angels can appear as angels of righteousness and light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
And, just like in Biblical times, these things are forbidden today by the Law of God:
"There shall not be found among you any one ... that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
It is very sad that most people choose to follow Satan to eternal destruction instead of following God to eternal life. Let us remember that we place our faith in our Creator, and that He has given us to Word to live by through all time. God does not lie.
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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2005
How I became a Christian
Posted Jul 23, 2005
SoRB asked me elsewhere how I became a Christian and what God saved me from. This, I feel, merits a separate discussion.
I have been a Christian now for 8 years. I got saved at the age of 11, after attending an open air meeting by the great preacher, Michael Reid. I was fortunate in that most of my family were already saved, so I am more fortunate than most in that we have a home based around Christian values and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So what was I saved from? In short, the answer is SIN. The Bible teaches that all men are born in sin, and will also die in sin unless they repent and be born again. I was no worse than most children of that age. I used to catapult buses and steal sweets from the supermarket pick 'n mix, but nothing out of the ordinary. It is true to say that the Lord uses many personal crises to bring people to him. Often people need a short, sharp shock to wake them up to the unsaved state of their soul and the imminent need for salvation. With me, it was not quite like that. The Lord simply called to me at that gospel rally one Saturday night in May 1997, and I responded.
You too can know the truth about the risen Christ if only you open your eyes. Your sin is slowly killing you. It is strangling your soul, and eternity in an everlasting fire awaits unless you repent!
It is not a popular thing to say this, but the truth of this statement cannot be denied. Repent now and be baptized! Ye must be born again.
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Latest reply: Jul 23, 2005
Latest Terrorism Attack
Posted Jul 22, 2005
So, once again, the satanic has struck at the heart of our great capital city. Praise the Lord, for this time they were stopped in the path, and I would like to congratulate the police for depleting their numbers today, even if only by one.
So how can such outrages be prevented in the future? Are we forevermore under threat from this deeply evil and outrightly satanic form of Islam?
The answer is, I fear, yes. This is all part of the run up to the last days, as foretold in Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation. Watch out for the beginning of the temple and the emergence of the antichrist. It cannot be far away.
In the meantime, we should impose an immediate blanket ban on immigration and scrap this ridiculous Human rights Act which says we cannot lock out enemies up until after they commit an atrosity against us! Prayers for our police and intelligence services and political leaders are also particularly needed at this time. Let us not forget the power of prayer.
But ultimately, Jesus Christ alone has the answer. I think we are seeing the beginnings of a great Christian revival - particularly in certain islamic countries like Pakistan and Iraq where new churches are prospering and bringing new members through their doors each Sunday by the dozen. That truly is something to be thankful for, and we can only pray that the number of converts continues to grow - just like in the early church were we are told how the Lord added to their number daily!
Come, Lord Jesus, pour out your spirit...
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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2005
Posted Jul 20, 2005
My cousin called around at lunctime today with his homemade cider. It was truly vile, and didn't help our post-lunch endeavours to deplete our local rabbit population either!
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2005
Evolution and Immorality
Posted Jul 20, 2005
There are various reasons why we Christians view the false theory of evolution as the source of much evil in the world:-
1. Evolution is the major theoretical underpinning of eugenics, the despicable science used by Hitler as a basis for attacking blacks and Jews. It is well known that Hitler adored Darwinism.
2. Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2.
3. Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation (since we are descended from monkeys). Thus no better than animals, since we are incapable of distinguishing right or wrong like animals. By contrast, Genesis teaches we are a special creation in the sight of God, created in His image since the foundation of the world. If we are all merely animals, then there is no reason why we should not kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti.
4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die.
5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded. Genesis tells us how sin entered the world in addition to how God created it. If one denies the truth of the Book of Genesis, you deny how sin entered the world and thus deny the need for a Saviour. That is why one cannot be a Christian and an evolutionist. It is one or the other.
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2005
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