This is a Journal entry by GrandSamDonald

Evolution and Immorality

Post 1


There are various reasons why we Christians view the false theory of evolution as the source of much evil in the world:-

1. Evolution is the major theoretical underpinning of eugenics, the despicable science used by Hitler as a basis for attacking blacks and Jews. It is well known that Hitler adored Darwinism.

2. Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2.

3. Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation (since we are descended from monkeys). Thus no better than animals, since we are incapable of distinguishing right or wrong like animals. By contrast, Genesis teaches we are a special creation in the sight of God, created in His image since the foundation of the world. If we are all merely animals, then there is no reason why we should not kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti.

4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die.

5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded. Genesis tells us how sin entered the world in addition to how God created it. If one denies the truth of the Book of Genesis, you deny how sin entered the world and thus deny the need for a Saviour. That is why one cannot be a Christian and an evolutionist. It is one or the other.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 2


There are various reasons why we evilutionists view the false theory of the Bible as the source of much evil in the world:-

1. The Bible is the major theoretical underpinning of slavery, the despicable science used by many as a basis for attacking blacks and other groups. It is well known that Hitler adored the Bible.

2. The Bible has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: the Crusades, and many others. {As an aside, has any country ever gone to war saying "God's against us, but never mind, we'll win anyway."?

3. Since biblists deny that there is nothing after we die, and say that only the saved will go to heaven, the unsaved have no reason not to kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti.

4. 'Things will be better in the afterlife' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die.

5. Biblists reject the account of creation as given in the Earth. The world is absolutely meaningless if evolution is discarded. If one denies the truth of reality... well, there's no hope for you, really.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 3

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"There are various reasons why we evilutionists view the false theory of the Bible as the source of much evil in the world:-"

Whilst Sam's post is utter nonsense (did you all spot a certain Law being activated, by the way?) I'd rather you didn't include me in that statement. My problem is strictly with creationists, not the book they worship or the religions they have co-opted in order to foist their special kind of evil upon the world.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 4

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

Compare Sam's foam-flecked rant with the calm reason of this site:

Evolution and Immorality

Post 5


"Whilst Sam's post is utter nonsense (did you all spot a certain Law being activated, by the way?) I'd rather you didn't include me in that statement. My problem is strictly with creationists, not the book they worship or the religions they have co-opted in order to foist their special kind of evil upon the world."

Fair point, and apologies - I should have phrased my post a little better.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 6

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

A better version of my previous link (as it covers his whole site, not just the single essay I linked to):

Evolution and Immorality

Post 7

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

That's OK. We're not all atheists you know smiley - smiley

I did note your use of the phrase 'biblists' though; Sam's certainly one of those.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 8

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870"

Oh go on then; I'm in the mood to be entertained. How did evolution cause the Franco-Prussian War?

Evolution and Immorality

Post 9


"That's OK. We're not all atheists you know"

Don't tell Sam. I'm not sure he could cope with the shock.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 10


Read this!!!

Evolution and Immorality

Post 11


Also what 'law' are you talking about? I didn't mention the second law here, if that is what you were referring to.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 12


"Read this!!!" I did. I feel ill. I should know better than to read creationist sites concerning fossils. Interestingly, they claim that rocks are all dated using the theory of evolution. They also mention that all the major divisions of the geological time scale were defined decades before the publication of the Origin of Species. Good trick, that.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 13


Nobody will tell you the name of the law, as it contains a corroraly [spelling?] that anybody who points out a transgression of the law is also in transgression of the same law, only more so for having to point out the bleedin' obvious.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 14


1. Please describe exactly how the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2 were started by evolution.

2. We already knew you didn't understand evolution (and continue to refuse to understand it even when it is spoonfed to you [see A4021516]), but your fourth point beggars belief.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 15

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Sam, evolution doesn't claim we're descended from monkeys. It claims we share a common ancestor with them.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 16

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

Interesting set of quotes. I wonder what context each of them was made in?

Evolution and Immorality

Post 17


>>1. Evolution is the major theoretical underpinning of eugenics<<

Incorrect. Eugenics is based on the observation (and scriptural edict) that like begets like.

The science of evolution is about events that happened in the past, events that continue to happen today, and events that will contiue to take place in the future.

All science is the study of what is - not what should be.

>>2. Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2<<

Incorrect. I can't decide whether this is sheer pig-ignorance or a deliberate lie. Either way, this statement has no basis in historical or scientific fact.

>>3. Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation (since we are descended from monkeys). Thus no better than animals, since we are incapable of distinguishing right or wrong like animals<<

All social animals have a sense of "right" and "wrong", so there goes another so-called point out the window.

>>4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die<<

No, you are (again) confusing the scientific observation of what is with the political ambition of what should be. Your perverted version of christianity is what tells us that the poor and sick should be left to die (after all, no-one with a defect in his sight may enter the congregation of the LORD, nor may any man with crushed testicles (which, frankly, you'd think was punishment enough))

>>5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation<<

That would be because it's a preposterous (and morally dubious) fairy tale.

So, in summary: 5 assertions, 4 of which are demonstrably incorrect and the fifth is a compliment to others' intelligence and sanity.

You lose, Sam.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 18


>>Also what 'law' are you talking about? I didn't mention the second law here, if that is what you were referring to.<<

Godwin's law. It means you lose (again).

Evolution and Immorality

Post 19


Actually, you are allowed to mention Godwin's Law - I misinterpreted "Quirk's Exception":

Evolution and Immorality

Post 20


That's just plain stupid, and has absolutely no rational basis whatsoever. I shall refer to the Nazis as and when I see fit.

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