This is the Message Centre for GrandSamDonald

Evolution and Immorality

Post 21


And we will mention reality as often as we like, so NYA NYA NYA!

smiley - scientist, smiley - wizard or smiley - ghost - choose your reality.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 22

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Oh no! Not reality! Help me JEVUS!!

Evolution and Immorality

Post 23


Kiteman wrote:

1. Please describe exactly how the Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2 were started by evolution.

Easy. Wars are caused by humans. Humans were caused by evolution, therefore evolution has caused all the wars including the Franco-Prussian one of 1870.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 24

Andrew Briggs

" Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: "

As Darwinism in its accepted form has only existed since the latter years of the nineteenth century, would you care to explain how it could have been responsible for warfare "throughout history" ?

I think you'll find, Sam, that arguments over mythical gods have been responsible for 99 percent of wars in human history. There has never been *one* war fought over Darwinism. It's just *not* something that people would fight over....but religion is of course. Because all religion is a form of madness.

But you *know* all this. You *know* that your knowledge of science, of history, of anything pretty much really is wrong. It's been proved toyou time and time and time and time again. Whatever demon is in your head, you must fight it. You really must, for the sake of your sanity.

Sam, you really, really are drifting perilously close to the edge. It's sad to see this degree of fanaticism and brainwashing in one so young. I'd advise you to stop listening to whoever is feeding you this garbage, chill out, smoke a few spliffs, shag some women, drink some JD and stop filling your mind with so much bitterness, anger and hatred towards people whose only crime is the pursuit of knowledge.

If not....I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 25


>>chill out, smoke a few spliffs, shag some women [and] drink some JD<<

I would add to that list some magic mushrooms (you might have to wait until they come into season, it now being (for no adequately explaied reason) illegal to sell them). I have never known anyone cling to dogmatic beliefs after a psychadelic experience.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 26


That's just plain stupid, and has absolutely no rational basis whatsoever. I shall refer to the Nazis as and when I see fit.

I see you chose to address the Godwin's law issue, rather than the detailed point-by-point fisting I gave your original post.

Very interesting. Tell me about your mother.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 27

Don't Buy Vardy Cars

"I think you'll find, Sam, that arguments over mythical gods have been responsible for 99 percent of wars in human history."

And, to echo another thread, I wonder how high a percentage of suicide bombers are YECs?

Evolution and Immorality

Post 28

Jock Tamson's Bairn

That's just plain stupid, and has absolutely no rational basis whatsoever. I shall refer to the Nazis as and when I see fit.

That's the whole point of the Law. Violating it is YOUR CHOICE, and thus losing the argument is also YOUR CHOICE.

I also note, from factual innaccuracies like...
4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die...that you adopt the anti-evolution stance without having taken the trouble to learn anything about it.

Are you certain that it is wise to parade your ignorance in public like this?

Next thing, you'll be telling us that the Sun goes round the Earth.

The wean

Evolution and Immorality

Post 29

Jock Tamson's Bairn


Evolution and Immorality

Post 30

Jock Tamson's Bairn


5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded. Genesis tells us how sin entered the world in addition to how God created it. If one denies the truth of the Book of Genesis, you deny how sin entered the world and thus deny the need for a Saviour. That is why one cannot be a Christian and an evolutionist. It is one or the other.

The last pope accepted that parts of Genesis consisted of the popular myths of primitive people.

How do you reconcile this with your fundie version of reality?

The wean.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 31

The Cybercontroller from Telos

And the baptist community was split with regards to support Hitler or not. Many baptists were nazis and supported the holocaust.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 32


"1. Evolution is the major theoretical underpinning of eugenics, the despicable science used by Hitler as a basis for attacking blacks and Jews. It is well known that Hitler adored Darwinism. 2. Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2.

Evolution is a physical process that is proven fact, the theory of evolution which you hate so much is merely an explanation of this observed fact and it explain it bloody well... not in 150 years has the basis of the theory been found at fault

Deal with that please.

Briunging up eugenics, Hitler and facsim:

a) loses you the argument staright off the bat

b) is entirely irrelevent, the theory of evolution continues to explain the fact of evolution regardless of whether others abuse it to justify their actions or not.

Bringing up this argument shows how little you understand the debate OR how desparate you are not to lose it...

"3. Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation (since we are descended from monkeys)"

APES NOT monkeys!

"If we are all merely animals, then there is no reason why we should not kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti."

Sam, don't be a cretin. There's a very very good reason why we shouldn't, because we wouldn't like it...

Do unto others as you would have done to you is common sense and not divinely inspired.... sorry, but that is the most moronic argument you could possible use and further shopws your panicked desparation.

"4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die.

Since it is not a doctrine, you are wrong. Besides, you're a capitalist, you should agree...

"5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded. Genesis tells us how sin entered the world in addition to how God created it. If one denies the truth of the Book of Genesis, you deny how sin entered the world and thus deny the need for a Saviour. That is why one cannot be a Christian and an evolutionist. It is one or the other.


I think you've missed the point... it doesn't have to be taken literally for those take home messages to be of use...

Evolution and Immorality

Post 33

Yvonne Strong

"It is well known that Hitler adored Darwinism."

It certainly seems to be well known by creationists. It doesn't seem to be well known by anyone else. Hitler was using whatever excuses he could find to justify what he wanted to do, and those excuses also included religion.

"Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare"

Since Darwin's theory is about 150 years old and "throughout history" is a great deal longer, your assertion is nonsense.

"Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation"

I think you'll find that evolutionists who are Christians don't do anything of the sort. They understand, unlike you, the difference between science and theology.

"If we are all merely animals, then there is no reason why we should not kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti."

Really? How many zebras go around killing and eating each other? What on earth are you on about?

"'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die."

Rubbish. As you well know.

"Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded."

Large numbers of Christians disagree with you.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 34

The Cybercontroller from Telos

>1. Evolution is the major theoretical underpinning of eugenics, the despicable science used by Hitler as a basis for attacking blacks and Jews. It is well known that Hitler adored Darwinism.

Hitler was a christian as well and used the bible to help his plans. Many Baptists throughout the world supported him.

>2. Darwinism has been used throughout history as a basis of warfare: The Franco-Prussian war of 1870, and WW1 and WW2.

So the religious, race and political motives never really happened then?

>3. Since evolutionists deny we hold a special place in God's creation (since we are descended from monkeys). Thus no better than animals, since we are incapable of distinguishing right or wrong like animals. By contrast, Genesis teaches we are a special creation in the sight of God, created in His image since the foundation of the world. If we are all merely animals, then there is no reason why we should not kill and eat each other like the animals of the Serengeti.

Like people have said, show is examples of cannabilistic rhinos or zebras. Funny thing is that farmers, even good christian farmers have fed their animals with feed that included parts from their own species.

>4. 'Survival of the fittest' doctrine dictates that the poor and ill should be neglected and left to die.

Wrong again Sam.

>5. Evolutionists reject the Genesis account of creation. The Bible is absolutely meaningless if Genesis is discarded. Genesis tells us how sin entered the world in addition to how God created it. If one denies the truth of the Book of Genesis, you deny how sin entered the world and thus deny the need for a Saviour. That is why one cannot be a Christian and an evolutionist. It is one or the other.

Wrong again. People like Steave on the religion board, believe that the days mentioned in genesis are not the same as the ones now and were lot longer.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 35


>> People like Steave on the religion board, believe that the days mentioned in genesis are not the same as the ones now and were lot longer.<<

I'm not sure using steave as an example of a cogent, rational christian is a great idea.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 36

The Cybercontroller from Telos

What was I thinking of smiley - erm, you are right Knight. Considering that Steave seems to believe in was like blue whales, I must have blanked out while writing that. smiley - laugh

Evolution and Immorality

Post 37


Hitler was NOT a Christian. He said "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has ever existed."

Evolution and Immorality

Post 38


Hitler was NOT a Christian. He said "I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has ever existed."

He also said this:

Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord

That's from Mein Kampf.

Evolution and Immorality

Post 39


And another Hitler quote:

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter."

Evolution and Immorality

Post 40


The very fact he contradicted himself shows he was not a Christian. My understanding was that he was a catholic.

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