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bah humbug parcel mail

Post 1


Nessie gets back to house lunchtime Monday...a red card in the letter box...tried to deliver a parcel but no one in. Oksmiley - smiley..rings number gets delivery office answering machine...leaves a message can you deliver on Tuesday please .smiley - ok
Tuesday no parcel smiley - erm
Wednesday evening we both get back about 6pm....another red card saying tried to deliver parcel no one in..we now have two parcels for yousmiley - erm
Rings again on Thursday morning...answering machine again..leaves message please deliver on Friday.
I take the day off work wait in all day ,,,no parcelssmiley - steam
Rings again this morning..same answering machine,..this is Wear Valley sorting office etc....Consults phone book..there is a number for weekends and evenings...turns out to be a post code finding servicesmiley - doh...tries customer services number....ring ring..This is wear valley sorting office answering machine.....aaaarrgghhhhhhsmiley - grr
The sorting office is miles from where I live, I don't drive and it is only open at hours I am at work. My sister's christmas present is in one of the has to be wrapped and may be next christmas before she gets it.
If anyone in hootoo land works for royal mail , do I get my parcels delivered?smiley - crysmiley - grovelsmiley - bigeyes
score : Royal Mail parcel office:23 Tabs and Nessie: 0 Santa : -10

on a lighter note we have put up our treesmiley - xmastree and the catssmiley - cat are sporting some nifty new spotty reflective collars.
smiley - hug to all- have great weekend

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

parcel delivery is big business, but only for business parcels.

there is an Aussie postal firm who took over a Dutch postal firm you could try.
do not know if they expensive.

I used them once to send registered parcel (GBP 5) from here to the UK.

oh the cats must look xmassy!

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 3


hey pheloxismiley - smoochsmiley - hug how are you?

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

not too was sunny today and not too cold...

bit annoyed parked cyclist and parked cars on pedestrian path. one lady in a svu saw walking towards her still she parked there to open a door to parking space. I had go on the road to pass her svu. she was alone in that big thing in the city centre. waste of gas and incredible selfish of her to block the pedestrian path. buy a mini or smart. end of rattle.

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 5


I agree with you. If you don't live in the country or up a dirt track, you don't need a SVU.

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh another person with hired van placed his van partly in front of school entrance and the other side blocking pedestrian zebra path. if placed his van about 10 yards further he would not bothered any one. he had walk 5 yards further.


it is xmas busy in town...

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 7


the traffic here is horrendous..took me an hour instead of the usual 20 minutes to get to town on Tuesday. I set off for work at there 9.30 am. luckily everyone knows what the traffic is like so no one bothers.

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 8

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

city centre is mostly free of personal cars, but the route to parking garages are just outside the city centre.

the city buses and vans of shop suppliers are keep it busy.

the main shopping street the licensed shop suppliers are only allowed until 11 am, but it is not really working. they are thinking of placing barriers that can go into ground.

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 9


is there no one in hootoo land that works for royal mail who knows how i get my parcels delivered?
maybe i should move to the netherlandssmiley - sadface

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 10

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

no one can employ a genius like me, modesty forbids to tell the wage I'd need

from the Prof, to all my friends

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 11

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Wish I could help m'dear...smiley - erm

I'm lead to believe this is cheering if you have the time - winkeye

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 12

I'm not really here

There is someone on h2g2 who either works for Royal Mail or used to, but I can't remember who it is. If you try h2g2 they might pop up. There was a thread about RM on Ask h2g2 some time ago, and he did pop up in that, if you can find it!

I hope you get your parcels - I tried to order a laptop over a year ago, and found it impossible to get hold of someone for a delivery date so that I could take some time off work. In the end I had to get a refund, and they had the cheek to say 'we did try to deliver it three times, what more can we do?' TELL ME WHEN YOU WERE GOING TO DELIVER IT PLEASE!! Pah.

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 13

I'm not really here

I found him - U234614smiley - goodluck

bah humbug parcel mail

Post 14


Thanks Mina smiley - hug
They brought another parcel but failed to bring the first twosmiley - doh so my kind neighbour was going in that direction on friday and fetched them for me. Nessie has been ill so I didn't want to leave her whilst I went up on the bus.
so much for the royal mail being efficientsmiley - laugh

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