Journal Entries

Fiddling with my knobs again

Because I've got my guitar amp back, and i can fiddle with the knobs to my hearts content smiley - biggrin *twiddles the volume knob up to Eleven smiley - musicalnotesmiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley Not only is it fixed, but they must have cleaned it up a bit or something, cause It definatly sounds better than it did before it went wrong smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Feb 20, 2002

Homocidal Hairdryer

My hairdryer attempted to kill me, two days ago smiley - ermsmiley - yikessmiley - vampiresmiley - erm

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2002

Wednesday Dec 19: 0129

I should be in bed.
Leaving tomorrow morning.
back to Suffolk.
My life, well, some of the c**p accumulated during it, sitting in 14 boxes, two large bags, three guitar cases, and assorted loose items, filing cabinate, fan, amplifier, computer chair, laptop/laptop bag, unit.
well, Hmm, I should really be in bed.
I'll not be around so much for the foreseeible, but who knows? I don't, which is the great thing about the future: one things certain: I'll be the last person to know whats its direction smiley - smiley I should really be in bed...
Hmmm, night smiley - smileysmiley - zzz

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Latest reply: Dec 19, 2001

Daylight robbery...

Some one came round today, just after lunc time, and stole all my dirty clothes.... smiley - sadface <smiley.
and then brought them all back, but clean a few hours later smiley - biggrin:: smiley - yikes ::

Arranged to examine Mouse on Friday... smiley - yikessmiley - run find out what the mouses jeans are like smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2001



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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2001

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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

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