This is the Message Centre for Willem

Dream Journal One

Post 301


Glad you appreciated the humour in the dream Peanut!

Your dream cane does sound like an exquisitely crafted piece!

I am a much more prolific artist in my dreams than in real life. I often *lose* loads of paintings in my dreams, somehow. Then when I wake up I'm happy I haven't lost any real works of art ... but I only wish I could draw and paint like I do in my dreams.

It's still hard for me to remember my dreams. A couple of nights ago I dreamt that Cindy Crawford was helping me, as a patron of sorts! It made me so happy that someone with actual money was investing in me.

Dream Journal One

Post 302


I had a couple of nights of better-than-average dream recall. Last night I again had a 'thwarted exploration' dream. The real-life subtext: there is so many wonderful places to explore around where I live, but I can't get to them because they're on private land! In my dream I wanted to go explore to the west of town, where there were some wonderful accessible patches of 'veld, but in the dream I couldn't get out of the city! Every road towards the west wound up in a dead end with walls and buildings preventing me from getting out! It was very frustrating.

In another dream I dreamt I was in school with many children, I was also going to class with them though I was adult. The teacher at a point complained about me being too old to be there, but then I told her I taught these children as well. I have a dream teaching-job in which I go out to poor, rural areas and teach the children there ... it is a very irregular gig, only happening every several months, but interesting that it does reoccur regularly in my dreams.

At a point Floor Jansen was there ... not sure if she was actually also in the class, or if at this stage it was university rather than school, or some other kind of gathering. But in the dream I spoke with her ... she was actually someone I was good friends with ... then it finally hit me that I should hit on her! In the dream I'd known her for a long time and never was there the slightest sign of her having a boyfriend (or girlfriend of that sort) and we got along very well.

Dream Journal One

Post 303


I had a very strange dream last night.

I dreamed a bottle shaped table lamp next to my bed burned out and a woman who was a srranger to me replaced the bulb.

Next the bulb burned out again and I reached under the lamp shade to unscrew the burned out bulb.

The lamp shade fell off and I found that rather than a single bulb, there was a veritable tree of multi-bulb adapters with a large number of burned out bulbs and attempting to unscrew one in order to replace it, a number of bulbs shattered littering the carpet with minute shards of glass.

The woman who'd replaced the bulb before approached asking if I needed a hand with the bulb.

I replied there was broken glass on the floor and that she should be careful approaching closely.

She replied that she shouldn't risk an accident in her bare feet.

Next I unscrewed the entire assemblage of multi-bulb adapters and burned out bulbs and in the process turned the table lamp upside down, with the consequence that dirty and somewhat oily water began dripping on me through the candelabra from the bottle like lamp base.

I shuddered, thinking I didn't even know if the lamp switch was on or off and knew that the lamp was not unplugged and put it aside thinking I didn't want to risk electrocuting myself.

Dream Journal One

Post 304


Hi and thanks for sharing your weir dream ITIWBS! I should post some dreams here again as well ... but I've been having absolutely horrifying dreams lately, mostly ...

Dream Journal One

Post 305

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I had one last night. smiley - laugh In it, I was talking to a guy in a burnoose, who had a braided beard and hair. Nice guy, but he was worried.

I said, 'I've figured out a cheap, clean energy source. No more problems about oil. People won't fight with you any more.'

He said,'But what will we trade for food for our livestock?'

I was explaining how to solve that problem when I woke up. smiley - rofl

Dream Journal One

Post 306


Interesting dreams! I'm just analysing ITI here. smiley - rofl. As if. And I wouldn't even attempt to analyse Mr D. smiley - rofl.

I guess dreams mean whatever we think they mean. Unless they don't.

I had an interesting dream the other night which was totally relevant to various emotional familial situations I have recently been dealing with. I knew this when I woke, and in fact it helped me to resolve some things, even though I don't know how ....

...because the imagery involved swimming through murky yet lovely warm water with rocks beneath, (very archetypal) and a scruffy rocky cove with people around on the shoreline, including a guy we know who sells property dressed in multi coloured feathers.

smiley - redwine

Is familial a word? Meaning relating to family?

What's a burnoose?

Dream Journal One

Post 307

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Lawrence of Arabia costume. smiley - winkeye

And familial is a word. smiley - laugh

Dream Journal One

Post 308


Hey, is there actually something going on here? I will post one of my own dreams then! Thanks you guys for contributing!

Dream Journal One

Post 309


A Lawrence of Arabia costume? smiley - rofl

Yes! Willem! Hullo!

Dream Journal One

Post 310


Waiting for some dreams!

And I'll try to remember mine!

Dream Journal One

Post 311


OK I had some dreams last night. Can't remember the others, but one was about LEGO! My dad was alive again and I came across him on the carpet with lots of LEGO bricks around him. He was searching through the 'mixed LEGO's' we have in a box here for kids to play with. In the dream, he had found info online that would help him segregate the pieces from the big mix back into the original sets they came from! He would also be able to replace missing pieces from each set. This of course would make those old LEGO's suddenly worth a lot of money!

Can't remember the other dreams except one where I was back at university. Can't really remember the details though ...

Dream Journal One

Post 312


LEGO! How amazing, Willem.

Isn't it funny how we often see people still alive in our dreams. I had that for ages after my parents died, it was so weird, but OK also, although a few times I woke up crying.

smiley - redwine

And its strange how external sounds get into our dreams, and the dream somehow makes a context for them.

I had that last night, there was a storm with a strong wind, and the sound of the wind came into my dream, but I can't remember the context or what else was happening.

When I woke and heard the actual wind it seemed familiar because it had been in my dream already, but the dream wind was not quite the same as the real wind.

Sort of thing...

If you understand that garbled paragraph you're a genius. smiley - rofl. Which you are anyway, so ...

Dream Journal One

Post 313


That's weird, this posting wouldn't post in Brunel skin, but I see it's here anyway in this other skin which is the pale blue one, just forgot what it's called. I pressed Post Message a few times, so if it suddenly appears fifteen times in Brunel skin, erm .. ignore it, or read my paragraph about dream-wind fifteen times. smiley - rofl

Dream Journal One

Post 314

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork The skin was 'out' for a short time. It is now back.

Dream Journal One

Post 315


I like the idea of skins being out, skins falling apart for a while. It could lead to strange dreams.

My confident skin was out today, it fell apart, lost its nerve, but my leopard print skin took over and managed my life for me, so much so that someone thought there was a leopard on the loose in the department store and raised the alarm.

What am I talking about? Erm .. well ...

Dream Journal One

Post 316

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I've got you under my skin...' a new computer game...

Dream Journal One

Post 317


smiley - rofl. I love it. Wish I'd invented that. Can I borrow your brain please?

Dream Journal One

Post 318

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Heh-heh. smiley - hug

Dream Journal One

Post 319


OK more dreams ... with real-life subtext. I had a nightmare a coupla nights ago: I dreamt my paintings were deteriorating because of having been painted on poor paper! Some of them were badly defaced, detailed areas sort of sloughing off. It was a nightmare indeed! It was brought on by a slight bit of damage I had inadvertently caused to a painting. It was very minor and I could cover it up with a bit of paint. In the dreams the damage came back with a vengeance! And they were some lovely dream paintings before disaster struck ...

Right, and last evening I dreamt of weird plants again. In my dreams there are various collectors around the dream version of Polokwane. This one dream guy had some amazing weird specimens last night, of which I wanted a cutting or few.

Dream Journal One

Post 320


Something interesting in the literature of dreams, taking it from the title story of this anthology, H. G. Wells, "The Door in the Wall and Other Storys"

Goethe relates a variant of the same dream in the first volume of his autobiography and curiously enough, I had a variant of the same dream a few days before I happened on this listing.

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