This is the Message Centre for Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1861

soeasilyamused, or sea

*makes no comment about the immense amounts of illicit substances being used in this thread* smiley - winkeye

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1862

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

...and what is that supos'ta mean? *is naturally this screwy without the help of anything legal or not!*

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1863


*to everyone but SG*

Do you know what she's talking about? smiley - erm

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1864


I've read some speculative studies that suggest that incomprehensible threads on H2G2 can be transcribed in Futhark runes, subsequently converted into strings of numbers and from this a number can be calculated which provides the answer to the riddle.

No prizes for guessing what that number invariably is.

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1865



Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1866

soeasilyamused, or sea

I was suggesting that YOU ALL ARE ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1867



Such sweeping generlsantionzz... smiley - wowsmiley - magicsmiley - zzz

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1868


*to Inky*

You know...sea seems a bit on edge, irritated, perhaps even a bit paranoid. I've heard certain types of illicit substances, used in significant quantities, can bring about these behaviors.

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1869

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

...... or lack of same substances in certain scenario's of course

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1870

soeasilyamused, or sea

in this case, it is most definitely the latter. smiley - nahnah

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1871


*still to Inky*

Oh Good Heavens!! Now she's squinting an eye, sticking her tongue out, and shoving her thumbs in her ears! This poor girl needs some help...

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1872

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Have you seen the colour of that tongue as well ! What kind of decadent degenerate practice would cause that !

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1873


I'll fetch the special jacket just in case

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1874

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Inkers, better make it the one with the extra straps smiley - winkeye

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1875


Have we cleaned out the stock cupboard and put up the rubber wallpaper yet?

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1876

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

yup - fitted the 3-ply heavy duty stuff and fitted extra locks smiley - ok

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1877


Have we taken into account the very obvious and dangerous fact that she won't be entering the room (or the jacket) voluntarily?

smiley - erm
We may need some back up...

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1878

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

...I've got a gun loaded with elephant tranquilizers. Will that do it?

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1879

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

It will probably suffice if you hit her over the head with the gun as well !

Maybe add some alcohol to the tranquilisers just to be on the safe side smiley - winkeye

Matricide(it ain't mothers day now is it?)

Post 1880


I think Red's right, it should do the trick... but, SaturnGirl...

Why on Earth do you have a gun loaded with elephant tranquilizers?!

Are there elephants on the loose? *looks around suspiciously*

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