This is the Message Centre for Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Snuffles to the rescue.

Post 1801

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

It's so lonnnnng!!! Oh! Btw mom says hi, right now she's on the couch snoring Biiig smiley - hug to everyone!!!

Snuffles to the rescue.

Post 1802


smiley - nahnah back at ya, Saturn Girl smiley - biggrin

Congratulations Sergeant! smiley - ok just looked at your name. I may be a bit behind the times, but credit where credit's due. smiley - smiley

Did anyone else see a grey desk walk past, or was it just me?

Snuffles to the rescue.

Post 1803

soeasilyamused, or sea


*waves at Vulpix*

Long time no see!

Snuffles to the rescue.

Post 1804

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Easy, RD...

smiley - online2long = constipatedsmiley - winkeye

Hey Vulpix!smiley - smiley *waves*

Thanks Inkwash. You're not too far behindsmiley - smiley

Snuffles to the rescue.

Post 1805

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

Serg, Sea. It's been so long. Nice ta type to ya again.

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1806

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

I haven't got to take a fan club in a lonnnnnnnnnnng time. Plus I was bored. *Whisper Whisper* Sorry Red! *Decorates the place in *Nsync And Backstreet Boys posters. Plays *Nsync on the radio*

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1807

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*waves at ex too* heysmiley - smiley

*looks at the new decorations*

You forgot the take that posters too Vulpixsmiley - winkeye

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1808

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

I meant over! Take over a fan club! *Bangs head on the wall*

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1809

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

/me blinks

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1810

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - yikes Insurrection??

I don't thik so. smiley - winkeye

Potted plants, sieze the revolting rebel!

*the carniverous plants move closer*

Insurrection!!! Mwa hahahahahaha!

Post 1811

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

It was you're idea!!! *Uses flamethower forgeting Ex-r was in the way*


Post 1812

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - yikes Ow! Hothothothot!!
*Runs around the post flaming as her sheet burns. Slams into the side of the post, knocking herself out. Lays there in a pile of smoldering ashes.*

...A tiny voice comes from the pile of ashes...

"Of course, you realize this means war!"


Post 1813

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

Ahh!! Mom's going to be (or not to be that is the joke) mad
when she gets out of there!!! smiley - yikes


Post 1814

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost

*A wind picks up, whirling and swirling, turning the pile of shes into a black texas twister. As it grows, it scoops up little vulpix and then climbs, higher, higher.....

*.........smiley - star.......

*and then the twister fades. Vulpix plummets to the sharp, jagged rocks below...

*oh, did I mention there are sharp jagged rocks below?

*Well, there are, and poor helpless vulpix is plummeting towards them.

*She picks up speed....


Post 1815

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

*Calls Lugia*
5 seconds later...
*Lugia swoops down and catches vulpix*

"smiley - nahnah you didn't get me!smiley - tongueout"

*Has Lugia use Pyskick*


Post 1816

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

*smiley - ghost takes the hit. Spinning backwards, smiley - ghost becomes visable. She goes rocketing across the post and slams into the side, then slides down to lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom.*

"Is this how you treat your mother?"

Ok, vulpix, you got a free shot


Post 1817


Everytime I come here Red, there is either one of two things going on...or in this case both at once:

1) Some rather crude references are being tossed around, usually at the expense of the poor H2G2 smilies, and

2) Somebody (usually Ex or Shroom) is causing some kind of mischief!

So kudos to you for that smiley - cheers Now, where did that "nothing at all" thread go?


Post 1818

Red (and a bit grey) Dog


*lunges across the thread*


Post 1819

Indiana Vulpix ,the ACF mascot! now with sugarXD

*Hits Ex-r with a Psykick blast, forgetting that Apollo was behind her and sends her hurtling towards Apollo at high speed*


Post 1820

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*lunges for Apollo, misses, and catches RD around the ankles*smiley - yikes

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