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Currently in hiding

Post 21


Ottery's November 5th celebration is one of those weird old customs that survives against the odds. There were fears that it wouldn't happen this year - oddly enough, nobody was keen to insure an event which involves blokes hoisting burning tar barrels on their backs and legging it through crowded streets!

Currently in hiding

Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

GD- Lewes' madness doesn't have Catholic undertones, it has a whole anti-Catholic tune, complete with brass band.

smiley - ale

Currently in hiding

Post 23


Yes, I don't know what it is about the rest of Sussex that it thinks it's alright to have such displays of overt bigotry. Last year the bonfire society in one of the neighbouring villages to Lewes decided that the effigy that they were going to burn was a caravan load of gypsies - That one ended up with a bunch of arrests for incitement for racial hatred, but sadly no successful prosecutions.

As for last night's affair in Lewes. I see that there were some good effigies after all. Setting fire to Traffic Wardens and John Prescott is something I think that we can all agree is a fine idea - - winkeye

Currently in hiding

Post 24

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

...burning gypsies!??/ Awww.... smiley - bleep no!!!

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