This is the Message Centre for GreyDesk

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 21


That bit's now finished. She's put on a dressing gown and gone down stairs.

The show is over for another night.

That's all folks! smiley - biggrin

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 22


Derek B, I traditionally give up my room with the comfy bed to visitors to Chez Desk, whilst I sleep in the tiny broken down uncomfortable bed that's in the back bedroom. Oh! Ooo-er smiley - bigeyes

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 23

Number Six

Wasn't Derek B some sort of Hip Hop DJ?

smiley - mod

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 24

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I bet she's having a bet on with her mates as to how long she can keep you distracted from the computer.

smiley - laugh

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 25

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I think the next Meet should be at GD's house.

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 26


tut..tut nawty this could be yoooooo

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 27


I'm in... although with fifteen of us hanging out of the window she might notice. smiley - winkeye

smiley - fairy

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 28

Baron Grim

I recently watched some show or film that this reminds me of... A fellow has noticed a woman in the shower across the way but she has frosted glass. He's thinking aloud and rationalizes that he can see more of her than she thinks she can but figures that she can't see him... then she waves to him! "Busted!", he thinks. But then we see from her angle that she's just washing under her arm. smiley - laugh

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 29

Mu Beta

Up n' Under?

Samantha Janus. smiley - drool


I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 30

McKay The Disorganised

I used to have a Polish girlfriend - this could well be her way of trying to persuade you - or somone else in your street to say hello - they are very direct ladies.

smiley - cider

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 31

Demon Drawer

Memo to self. Must start looking up the Polish residents in the area.

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 32

Demon Drawer

For the Euro elections next time of course.

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 33

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - smiley Its nice to know GD is still GD smiley - winkeye

I know I shouldn't watch, but it's not my fault

Post 34

Trout Montague

Is this any use: A1118738

Warning: Check the legal status first of course

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