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Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 1


Parked on the double yellow lines outside my house there is a very posh looking Audi TT cabriolet.

- It's just been given a ticket by a traffic warden.
- It's been left with it's roof down, and it's pissing with rain at the moment.


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 2


Maybe they did it on purpose.

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 3


so that's where I left it smiley - erm

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 4


Frankly, anyone who double parks and - in England - also leaves the top down on their car is just, um, stupid?


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 5

McKay The Disorganised

Good chance to nip out and P1ss on the seats smiley - ok

smiley - cider

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 6


You can still say piss here, McKay - one of the few possible swear words still left for us . . .


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 7

McKay The Disorganised

Nope, I can't it blocked me when I tried to say annoyed in another thread.

smiley - cider

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 8


You can't say pissed off?


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 9


hmmm, wonder why I could then . . .


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 10

McKay The Disorganised

I used p1ss off on the joke thread and it was blocked.

As this just was, and I've had to edit it. smiley - huh

smiley - cider

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 11


Ah, so we can say pissed off but not pïss off? Gee, that makes sense. smiley - erm


Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 12


So is a little bit of context creeping into the filter? I mean those two phrases have different meanings and only one has ever been considered (and only ever mildly) 'profane'.

Anyway, the car disappeared. I wasn't around to see the driver come back and collect it. But the traffic wardens are still hanging around as they've done the entire side of one of the streets just up the hill from me - you're allowed to park there overnight but have to move the car by 9am - and they've done about 30 cars this morning.

Bad day for an Audi driver

Post 13


<> (GD)

Well, kinda. But you really have to think about it. I mean, I could say somewhere that the sort of thing that would really pïss off a person would be having a stupid car double parked in front of their house - and that would be blocked.


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