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Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 1


Twice this has happened to me.

Twice I've gone out and paid cash money for a director's cut DVD only to find that it gets given away free in a newspaper some months later.

It first happened with the Observer and 'Cinema Paradiso' about a year ago. Tomorrow it's going to happen again with 'Donnie Darko' with the Sunday Times.

Yes, I suppose you could argue that by buying the original DVD release I've got the box and artwork, and any additional features that might be included. But that's not much of a return for twenty quid a pop for the original DVDs.

Pissed off I am smiley - cross

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 2

I'm not really here

Thans for the reminder - I think I'll buy the Times today.

It's a conspiracy against you though. I think you should sue.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 3


smiley - huh

Why was that post hidden?


Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 4

I'm not really here

smiley - cross I assume someone objected to it in some way.

It didn't break the rules - and I should know! smiley - winkeye

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 5


It must be because I said, "S*nday T*mes".

* hangs head in shame *

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 6

Demon Drawer

It could have been worse you could have mentioned the smiley - star. Or the News of the smiley - earth.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I'd be very interested to hear the reason your post was pulled GD, and the gist of any conversations you might have with the Eds over it.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 8


I haven't had anything so far. The post was referred not failed, so I don't get an e-mail saying that I've been a naughty boy. We'll see what happens when the staff get back on Monday morning and have to work their way through the moderation decision queue.

I can't say that I'm happy with the moderation decisions so far - recognising that this one at the moment has *not* been made by an italic - as this is the second of my journals to be failed in recent months smiley - sadface

(Note: The long ago "F**k me I've been moderated" journal was different, unique and a special case in oh so many ways smiley - tongueout)

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 9


Well, it's back now. I'd wonder more about the people lurking on your journal than the mods, GD.

Noggin and I are presently collecting dvd's of the Cirque du Soleil, which are being offered with the one of the Sunday papers for 5 euros. When we went to the circus last month we saw them on sale there for 40 euros!


Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 10

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Pissed off am I too - I want to see the film and didn't know it was being given away smiley - grr If your journal hadn't been pulled I'd have known and could have acted accordingly smiley - steam

It is back now - was there any reason given?

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I managed to be quick enough last week to get 2 of the Carry On dvds given away with the
at 12 noon last Monday there were no Carry On Cleo's left smiley - grr which is the one I *really* wanted but I have got Carry On Screamingsmiley - okwhich Andrew was *most* annoyed about because it's in black & white.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 12

I'm not really here

I had to send my dad out looking for papers, as the DVDs had all been nicked from the shop near me. smiley - cross

That's a bummer though kelli, that you missed out because of this. smiley - sadface

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 13

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Harrrumph! I know it has been on terrestrial telly, but they showed it during my honeymoon...

Did someone yikes it for swearing, failing to realise that 'pissed off' is ok?

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 14

McKay The Disorganised

~I have had jokes pulled in the "tell us a joke thread" which I considered topical rather than yikesable - one was suggesting that instead of mistletoe they would hang Glitter in Vietnam this year.

I think there are some people on the site who are acting in a very negative way to what this site is. If you only look at the chat threads, and then follow that to people's PS you would not understand what the site was about, and the difference in attitude between - Ask - PS - PR - General chat.

smiley - cider

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 15


Since when has Carry on Screaming been in black and white? smiley - erm

Can't believe that that fisrt post was hidden, temporarily or not

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 16


Well I guess that answers my feelings on the subject. Carry on Screaming has always been in colour to my recollection and its entry on the Imdb confirms this.

Freebie DVD's - dodgy quality...

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 17

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I *thought* Screaming should have been in coloursmiley - grr

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 18


Ah well having it in B&W is better than not having it at all smiley - smiley

It is the cream of the crop Carry on wise

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 19


Nothing has been edited out of my original post.

I've no idea who reported it, and I can't think why they did it.

As for Carry On Screaming, and all of the other Carry On movies for that matter, well to me they are all in black and white. But that has a lot to do with my family being amongst the last to move to colour TV. I think it was about 1982 before we upgraded.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 20


I'm interested to know how the director's cut of Cinema Paradiso was different from the original film.


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