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Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 21


When I looked at this morning's papers in the Students Union shop, I was pleased to see the words 'DON'T PANIC' in large, friendly letters. smiley - dontpanic Unfortunately, it was the front page headline on the very unfriendly 'Daily Mail' smiley - yuk, heading their take on the latest bird 'flu scare. (I didn't read the story, but I imagine the 'Mail' thinks it's all the fault of asylum seekers.)

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 22


The director's cut is about 50 minutes longer. The main differences are:

1) the woman who is with the adult Salvatore at the beginning of the original release and never seen again for the whole movie has a role to play in the director's cut.
2) There is a love story with Salvatore as a young man that is absent from the original release.
3) The original release goes in the order - present day, rememberance of childhood, present day. The director's cut jumps back and forth between Salvatore's present and his past, and we see how the latter influences the former.

The downside of the director's cut is that it is nearly 3 hours long, which in my book is too long for a cinema release. The first time I saw it in that form I didn't enjoy it as I desperately wanted to have a pee for about the last 40 minutes, but couldn't leave the auditorium as I was the cinema's fire officer and had to be present until the end of the film and all of the patrons had left.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cdouble

smiley - bruised

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 24


Thanks GB! I'd love to see that version so perhaps I'll have a look for it on Amazon. It's one of my favourite films of all time - it would be great to see an 'expanded' three-hour version. smiley - bigeyes

I agree that 3 hours without an intermission is way too long for a cinema release. Poor you!


Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 25


GB? smiley - erm That was meant to be GD, which I then confused with BG, not to mention Annie up there. *waves to Annie*


Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 26

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*waves back*

I thought for a moment there, that you were thanking me for my impersonation of someone who desperately needs a pee.smiley - silly

smiley - laugh
(which is no laughing matter)

Moral: Never pass up a chance to pee.

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 27

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Just posting this here because there are other people subscribed to GD's journal than mine.

smiley - towel

smiley - bluelightI've got a newspaper freebie DVD today, won't post the name of the paper unless asked, but it's "Maybe Baby" starring Joley Richardson, Hugh Laurie, Rowan Atkinson, Emma Thompson, Dawn French, Joanna Lumley..smiley - bluelight

Can't wait to watch it!smiley - biggrin

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 28


Well that's 2 hours of your life that you'll never get back again smiley - tongueout

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 29

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

As I said to my husband yesterday after seeing an ad for that - nothing could ever induce me to purchase that particular paper...

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 30

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh dear, that bad is it? Oh well, I've nothing better to do tomorrow morning.

Sorry kelli, didn't mean to offend, I thought I was helping those who might otherwise miss a bargain.smiley - smiley

Newspaper DVD Freebies

Post 31


* googles for which paper is doing the giveaway *

Oh yes, that one is a bit close to the mark.

I'm not averse to buying unusual papers just for the freebies, but that one would be a big step! smiley - bigeyes

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