I am told that i now have to write an introduction, but i really can't think of anything to write! prehaps i should write about myself, in the vague hope that anyone will be remotely interested in who i am.
well, I'll start by saying that i am a massive fan of the hitchikers guide to the galaxy, which i suppose is how i got here.i like to read alot, and i like writing poems and stories, though i don't finish writing stories very often.
I'm going to University next year, which should give you some idea of my age, but i don't really know where i want to go yet, i know i want to study creative writing, and i might combine it with philosophy or film studies or something.
i really like art, i don't know what to say about that, my A-levels are Art, English Lit, RE and last year i did history, but i dropped it.
I'm quite shy, and i like to imagine myself as a pirate (so I'm probably more than a little strange) I ride around on an old shopper bicycle, with a basket on the front, lots of people make comments about that, but i just think it's funny. I was very cross recently when somebody stole my bike from outside my house, but my dad got me a nicer one, it must have been sitting in someones shed for ages, because it's hardly been ridden.<BR/>
That's more or less me, if you are going to sum me up in a few words, what else can i say? I guess i would consider myself a feminist, though also a traditionalist, so not an extreme feminist.
I like: Madness (the band) hitchiker's guide, chocolate, sleeping, writing, drawing, using nice coloured inks and dip pens, fairy tales, poetry, escapism, camping, motorbikes, dreaming, smoked salmon, 'the young ones', Blondie, the charge of the light brigade, chocolate, back to the future, Chronicles of Riddick, Alison Moyet, Moulin Rouge, Chocolate, Jaffa cakes, Jane Austen, happy endings, peppermint creams, pirates, new haircuts, chocolate, Aunties, the Clash, haveing a tidy bedroom for once, being home alone, good news about cancer(like it's not getting worse), tomatoes, birthdays...
I hate: Smoking (not smokers themselves though because that would be mean)(Later: forget that, I'm feeling mean) People who argue about things they know absolutely nothing about (Hypocrite!) cold days, bicycle thieves, brothers, money, writing essays, vegetables, social pressures, the fact that I'm lazy, the fact that my room is a mess and it's only my fault because I can't be bothered to do anything about it, giving up chocolate and finding that you just can't survive without it, cold weather, IT teachers, art exams, brothers, doors, those stupid rubbers that you get on the end of cheap propelling pencils that are just really a piece of useless plasitic that rubs out nothing, when you accidentaly eat all of the peppermint creams you made in one day and feel very sick and very high on sugar and upset because there will be no more tommorow!, when grandparents get sick, the fact that you can never find any decent shoes in the womens section, but the men's shoes are way too big, cancer, birthdays...
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slightly different definition | Jan 24, 2007 | Mar 5, 2009 |
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Art Exam | May 24, 2007 | No Replies |
dog kicked out of the vets | May 9, 2007 | No Replies |
Researcher U1635511
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."