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Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 261

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh no, no, no, Lady. I've had a bit of time to research, and I really don't think this little town is UP to that ferocious beak-ed beastie. Rabid ducks, squirrels with attitude, even a rampant painted turtle or two ... but ...

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 262


Are you sure? She's great at handling the neighbors dogs too.. smiley - evilgrin

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 263

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I wouldn't be at all surprised if our town had a by-law against Attack Fowl. They've enough other foolish notions. smiley - laugh

How's your week looking so far? Did enough of the renovations get met to pleasantly surprise your other half? smiley - smiley

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 264


Nope! They got the stone in and it wasn't what was ordered so they're looking for more stone.. they say it should be done this week though because they're already hunting down the new stuff..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 265

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah yes, I do know that frustration ... Order and wait for something, only to have the wrong stuff arrive. smiley - erm

Here, it looks like the long week-end has taken it's toll. A few have booked off sick, another went home with a strained back, and others simply haven't appeared at all. So the shop will be quite quiet.

And no one nattering on the e-mails. How-ever am I supposed to get on at work? smiley - laugh

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 266



It's not that the stone was the wrong kind but you know... it was made billions of years ago so there was nobody to direct consistency in color and gold-flecky-ness and all that... smiley - winkeye

The man from the granite and marble place feels certain he can find some stone that more closely matches the small slab they had in stock.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 267

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh I understood about the stone-stuff. When you're shelling out some serious $$$, you'd like to have a pretty consistent colouration and "texture". We ran into a small snag along that order when we had our kitchen floor ceramic tiled. One load was of a patterning that we liked, but the lower layers proved different enough that it would have looked ugly. And ya know, with a kitchen being a very popular place in a home, you don't want eye-sores on a daily basis.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 268


*giggles* you could have smashed the lot and gone for the mosaic look.. smiley - winkeye

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 269

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

If I would have tried to install it myself, that's what we WOULD have had. smiley - laugh I've never used a wet-saw, and didn't think that was a good time to learn. Maybe with someone else's floor, ... smiley - evilgrin

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 270


*giggles* we have someone coming next month to do all the tiling and the hardwoods..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 271

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

It's sounding like your home is going to be quite a show-piece when you are finished with it. About how big is it?

Ours is a simple 3-bedroom bungalow, with nearly a full basement. I built an extra "office/library/PC-room" in the basement last year, so that I could then punch through a wall and conjoin two bedrooms in to a nicely sized bed-suite. And found some perfectly lovely (and well finished) hardwood under the ugliest shag carpet known to people-kind.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 272


It's pretty big... smiley - erm too big IMHO.. but PC wants get (Bob help me) an even bigger home.. I just don't see why since most people with houses like this have a litter of kids to store in them..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 273

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Some just want a great deal of elbow room, I suppose. We bought large enough for our needs, as a child-less couple, about 1,100 square feet. Room enough for guests ... The original reason for thinking of joining the two rooms was the possibility that my daughter, her hubby and one child may have moved in. (From Newfoundland, until they found work and a home) But now that they have 3 kids, ... we just haven't the room.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 274


See that's about the size house I want.. Ideally in Center City too.. ours is closer to 3000 and now he wants at least that much plus a full basement in the next place.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 275

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

smiley - yikes The house I grew in, with 6 kids, wasn't that spacious.

Mind you, you'd not be happy in our "city". While it suits our needs very nicely, with only about 18,000 people you'd find it far too sparse and tame, I imagine.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 276


we live in what I refer to as 'suburban hell'... all the houses look the same etc. etc.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 277

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Our town has a lot of variety of houses, complexes, etc. So no part is particularly boring. And we are far enough (so far) from any major city that we haven't had any influx of yuppies.

Just the way you say it, I'm immediately put in mind of the opening bits of "All in the Family" ... Before Archie and Edith's horrid singing.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 278


No.. this is a different style of suburban neighborhood... smiley - erm think Desperate Housewives..

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 279

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Do I really have to? I've caught parts of that show, and not been terribly impressed... But apparently it's quite popular.

Some day, mebbe you could drop a few pics of your place and the surrounds, by mails. Of course, excluding that neighbor with the weed-patch that may be hiding remnants of the Titanic.

Open the Bat-Channel, boy-blunder !!!

Post 280


I'm no fan of the show either... it's just the neighborhood that it looks most like.. big houses, all the same..

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