Punk Rock: A How To Guide

How to go from 0 to<a href=http://www.h2g2.com/A295995>Punk" >http://www.h2g2.com/A295995>Punk Rock</a> in under a minute.</font>
Here are the five most important steps to becoming a <a href=http://www.h2g2.com/A295995>Punk" >http://www.h2g2.com/A295995>Punk Rocker</a>, or a Punk. They do not include screaming and jumping and breaking things, although these things are not discouraged.<BR/>
1) Go out and buy a copy of these two albums: The Dead Kennedy's "In God We Trust/Plastic Surgery Disasters" and The Dead Milkmen's "Big Lizard In My Backyard". Listen to them again and again. If your like The Dead Kennedy's more, give yourself a mohawk. If you prefer The Dead Milkmen, go buy some ratty old plaid shirts and big black boots.
2) Call your place of employment and quit.
3) Start a band, and call it something that will attract people based on the name alone (my band is called Heterosexual and Ashamed, and at least half of our crowd each show just comes because of the name). Don't bother getting too good at your instruments, just write dirty lyrics, or lyrics that could be considered dirty where ever you're from.
4) Refuse to make any money off of your band, just play for beer/liquor and squat in an abandoned warehouse downtown. If you don't have a downtown, move to a city that does. This is the heart of the D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) philosophy, not taking help from anyone else.
5) Get old and never change. Maybe start a few new bands. Be offensive and loud up until the day you die.


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