This is the Message Centre for AngryPanda

greetings AngryPanda..

Post 1

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Greetings and welcome to h2g2.
My name is Seven of Nine and I am an Assistant Community Editor {ACE} and also a Guardian Angel. I am part of a large group of Researchers like yourself who like to meet, greet and hopefully befriend new Researchers to the Guide.
If you would like to have a look at some new entries just written, they are here:
You may get inspiration for your own first entry!
If you have any questions regarding the site, or you just want someone to talk to, please just click the reply button and I will returnsmiley - flyhi
I have prepared my own page of links for newcomers, if you would like to take a look, it's here:
I hope you enjoy hitchhiking around h2g2!smiley - ok
~Seven of Nine~smiley - angel

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