Epilepsy: My Story

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I am an epilectic. <BR/>Since I was 12 years old I have been subject to wiring problems in my brain that cause me to malfunction temporarily. <BR/> Sometimes I hallucinate, sometimes there's an impending sense of doom, often I get nauseous, I have had clonic tonic (gran mal) siezures, and occaisonally all of the above have occurred. <BR/>There is no known reason for my epilepsy. <BR/>From what the various neurologists and pyshcotherapists have told me, there is nothing wrong with me that can be fixed permanently, like a tumor or a lesion on my brain, but with the right amounts of medication I can control the shakes to the point that I feel cured until I run out on a trip somewhere and don't have enough money to cover the cost of a few pills. <BR/>Then I am screwed.<BR/> As of the writing of this I have had 3 clonic tonics and innumerable partial (petit mal) siezures, all of which left me feeling very defeated by my brain.<BR/> <BR/>"Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be epilectics."
<BR/> -me

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