This is the Message Centre for Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide)
Welcome: Translation
Ottox Posted Jan 4, 2001
Any relevant links should be at the pages for the different languages. Such as a link for the Danish thread at the Polyglot Plaza in the Danish page and a link for Hugo the Fish' bubbletranslator in the Bubblish page. If anyone knows such relevant links, please let us know!
Welcome: Translation
pathew sgleiniog Posted Jan 5, 2001
I go away for five minutes and the thread bursts to life! Sorry for the delay!
"In Welsh"="Yng Nghymraeg"
(I think - those danged mutations)
Should I have posted this at the Welsh welcome page?
I'll go there now anyway.
Hope you had a good portion of festive fun everyone!
Welcome: Translation
pathew sgleiniog Posted Jan 5, 2001
The Welsh page looks fine to me. And if there are no more Welsh speakers my mistakes will remain hidden forever .
Where do I put the Hello message thing you were talking about earlier? I'd be happy to be a feedback responder.
Welcome: Translation
Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide) Posted Jan 5, 2001
Thanks Pathew!
Lady K here, by the way.
Great! - the message should be posted as a a discussion under the Welsh page.
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 6, 2001
Thanks pathew! Looks good. Next time one of us logs on as Ambassador, we can add your name to the list of consultants, if that's okay with you.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or anything else you've translated, please feel free to post to the Ambassador forums, or email it to our address. ([email protected]).
Thank you,
Lady K
Welcome: Translation
pathew sgleiniog Posted Jan 8, 2001
A Consultant! Excuse me for a moment...
* of pride*
It would be an honour!
What sort of translated bits are you after, in general? Or do I need to -gulp- take initiative?
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 8, 2001
lol Wonderful!
As for translated bits, one major task suggested by Kes was the translation of the H2G2 Welcome pages into other Guide User languages. After all, the first thing, currently anyway, that people are usually directed to when they register are the 'how-to' 'q&a' and welcome pages.
I will see if I can post a link for you...
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 8, 2001
Here are the links to three of the first and most important pages to which Newcomers are often directed. These pages give most of the immediately relevant information about the Guide, and direct one to places where they can ask further questions. They, as well as several others, would be well worth translating into every language possible. Obviously, when we actually add the pages to the Embassy, we'll also want to post links to the relevant language Forum, at the Embassy, and/or extant elsewhere on the Guide.
Ideally, eventually there might be a link to the Embassy on the front page of the Guide, specifically for interested Users who read other languages. But that's in the future!
Welcome: Translation
Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide) Posted Jan 8, 2001
To Hugo and Pathew, I have added your names and user links to the Terran Ambassador User page. Congratulations on your appointments! Hugo, please let me know if you don't wish your name to be there as a Consultant.
And for pathew, and anyone else interested in doing some extra translation work (hint hint, grin ), here is an example of the kind of thing that needs doing:
It's a translation into French of this page (done with the help of Sebasto Guacamol):
Thanks for all your work so far!
Lady K
Welcome: Translation
pathew sgleiniog Posted Jan 11, 2001
A worthy task indeed, hint taken.
There's at least one other Welsh-speaking entity on h2g2 (and I think they're probably better at it than me), so I might ask for some help.
bye for now, pathew
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 11, 2001
Excellent pathew!
As you know, we need all the help we can get!!
Lady K
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 19, 2001
Oooh mighty AND beautiful too! I'm flattered.
Thanks very much! This is very helpful - there are some small problems with coding, and I will probably need your help figuring some of the characters out (since I don't know how to spell the words!). Most of the nasty characters are things I can figure out though.
And of course, I expect changes in the translation to make it sound natural. I trust that if this has switched up some of the coding as well, I can ask you to tell me what's wrong (when you see the Entry posted I mean) so it can be reformatted?
Below is a link to the list of special characters and their GuideML and HTML codes, for letters and such that can't be typed in Entries (such as & and non-English letters...). Please note that this Entry will be posted in GuideML, not HTML (there are separate codes that work for one or the other. The page gives instructions on which to use for what.)
One last thing -- what are the translations for the words in between the link tags? That is, you will see a <, followed by the words "LINK H2G2" and then at the end of it all, "/LINK>". In between them (I believe there are three), there are words that need to be translated, in keeping with the context of the sentence they're in. Here are the sentences:
--> If you would like, we invite you to send your opinions, questions, comments, suggestions, and your application for employment (volunteers only please)
-->translation for "here"
--> This
is where you'll find the English Embassy page.
-->The Administration
-->"The Administration" I believe you already did that one in the other letter, but just to be sure, I put it down.
Again, thanks for your help. Hope all's going well with you, at the Guide, and in RL!
Thanks very much,
Lady K
Welcome: Translation
Ottox Posted Jan 19, 2001
Lady K, would you like me to "do" the page. I understand what it says.
- and AngelGabriel. Thanks!
Would you like to help answering questions in Swedish? To be a consultant with your name on the Embassy Office page?
Then it's best that you post the second message you translated yourself - and with your own name instead of Lady K's of course.
One question to your translation: You've used "åsikter" for both "opinions" and "suggestions", making the sentense look a little odd.
Wouldn't something else be better? I would think that "suggestions" could be translated "förslag", but then I'm not Swedish, so please tell me if another word is better.
Hej då!
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 20, 2001
Ottox -
Yes, thanks, that'd be a big help!
A question - is it just me or are the Welcome page ( and the Newcomers' Welcome page ( exactly the same page, with the same forum threads and everything?
I ask because it seemed a bit odd to me that there are a few links on the Welcome page to the Newcomers page (and vice-versa?) but they seem to me to be the same when you follow the link! I was going to translate both into french, when I noticed it wasn't necessary to do two of them?
Welcome: Translation
Ottox Posted Jan 20, 2001
You're right, it is the same page ( = ). It's confusing!!!
Try to have a look at
Welcome: Translation
Kumetanzuka the capricious Posted Jan 21, 2001
Ah, well that clears it up a little.
So then do you think it's okay that I make a couple adjustments on the translation by leaving out a couple things - mostly the parts that link you to another page that's the same as the one you're reading!?
I wonder if maybe the Towers are aware, but just don't want to remove the page for the sake of all the people who know where it is, and all the links that send you to it.
Anyway, thanks.
Welcome: Translation
AngelGabriel Posted Jan 23, 2001
Okeydokey, I´ll supply you with a translation of the pertinent part of the links. It´s a pleasure to serve, any way I can.
Welcome: Translation
AngelGabriel Posted Jan 23, 2001
Saint Ottox!
I know the part you are referring to, I found it myself just before checking the latest postings! That translation error was a mistake on my part, I was staring myself blind and missed it completely. "Förslag" is quite correct, you are not putting me on, are you? About not being Swedish, I mean. Well, anyway, nicely spotted, and if you could take care of the problem, it would be much appreciated.
About being a consultant, please send me further information as to what it entails. I´m flattered to be offered the position and I would like to help out, but I´m afraid I don´t know enough about the functions and services of h2g2 myself to be of much help. If you are talking about answering questions about Sweden, well thats different. I also have something of a time problem. Sometimes time just accelerates around me and !ooops! it´s three weeks later in the real world outside my office and my brain. In other words, I find the offer very tempting, but I do not want to let you down for lack of time...
By the way, what miracles did you perform, oh my Saint? (this is a serious question, I´m not being sarcastic)
Extatically Yours
Key: Complain about this post
Welcome: Translation
- 21: Ottox (Jan 4, 2001)
- 22: pathew sgleiniog (Jan 5, 2001)
- 23: pathew sgleiniog (Jan 5, 2001)
- 24: Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide) (Jan 5, 2001)
- 25: pathew sgleiniog (Jan 6, 2001)
- 26: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 6, 2001)
- 27: pathew sgleiniog (Jan 8, 2001)
- 28: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 8, 2001)
- 29: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 8, 2001)
- 30: Terran Ambassador (trying to promote continuing multilingualism on the Guide) (Jan 8, 2001)
- 31: pathew sgleiniog (Jan 11, 2001)
- 32: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 11, 2001)
- 33: AngelGabriel (Jan 19, 2001)
- 34: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 19, 2001)
- 35: Ottox (Jan 19, 2001)
- 36: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 20, 2001)
- 37: Ottox (Jan 20, 2001)
- 38: Kumetanzuka the capricious (Jan 21, 2001)
- 39: AngelGabriel (Jan 23, 2001)
- 40: AngelGabriel (Jan 23, 2001)
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