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speshul friend pressie

Post 621

Trin Tragula

smiley - rolleyes That's me coming up in the middle of a field, a la Steve McQueen smiley - cross

speshul friend pressie

Post 622

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - bigeyes

You? smiley - smiley

Steve McQueen?smiley - rofl

Ahhh me oh mysmiley - brave*wipes tears*

speshul friend pressie

Post 623

Trin Tragula

smiley - cross

I do all me own stunts, you know...

speshul friend pressie

Post 624

Mrs Bojangles

Yeerrrs! Tripping over stuff, stubbing your toes and dropping the tea tray doesn't exactly amount to 'doing your own stunts'smiley - rolleyes

speshul friend pressie

Post 625

Trin Tragula

smiley - cross

Going to go jump the fence on my pushbike smiley - run

speshul friend pressie

Post 626

Mrs Bojangles

See you in a bit then. I'll just leave this here, y'know, incasesmiley - smiley

speshul friend pressie

Post 627

Mrs Bojangles

Having just realised it's Friday, I also realised that that made yesterday Thursday..(I know, genius!smiley - wow)...and that we were supposed to do a caffofag, and I forgot, clean went out of my head. It's currently full of paint fumes and brick dust. Total immersion in chaos and disorder and playing 'make a silk purse out of a sow's ear' with the aid of power tools. My house is now like swiss cheese...holes everywheresmiley - wow

smiley - sorry

*sits on naughty step*

speshul friend pressie

Post 628

Wilma Neanderthal

No worries, you're forgiven for that...

'sept Trogster now has your Mr T's throatie germs - I won't arske the obvious question

(smiley - bigeyes They haven't, have they?)

smiley - rofl

Jess gis a call whenever youse free fer us. Trog is working Sat and Mon smiley - erm so no Ban Collie Day fer us smiley - sadface

speshul friend pressie

Post 629

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - bigeyes

A mirage made in heaven? Fnur! Highly unlikely, but a damn funny ideasmiley - biggrin

Ends up, it's the tonsilitis thingmys yet again, as I thoughtsmiley - rolleyesSaw a jolly good doc this time around though, accepted and agreed with the 'let's not do antibios if we can possibly help it' thought. Gave him some stuff for hayfever though, as it's really collared him this time and the extortionately expensive herbal hocus pocus I bought for him didn't worksmiley - cross

Bad crap = pointed out a mole I was concerned about, and she felt it needed further lookings at, so we have an appointment in July to see a mole specialist bod. So, two months of scaredy pants worryness before we find out what's whatsmiley - sadface

It's likely to be next week afore I can do a meet up. This is all taking so long as I'm a total Scopey now,smiley - cross and can only do bits at a time, but I have to keep going while I can and to get it finished...well, this bit of it anyway. Just the lounge, hall, bathroom and kitchen to tackle nextsmiley - erm
But deffo next week for caffofags at some point,smiley - hug just don't go laughing when you see me, have to wear the splint thingys pretty much all the time now and I've had to dust off the walking stick and bring it out of hidingsmiley - cross

speshul friend pressie

Post 630

Wilma Neanderthal

Two smiley - crosssmiley - cross faces -

one for the doc making you wait 2 months (smiley - erm 2 months?!?!?!? What's that all about??) to see a doc smiley - rolleyes

and the other for the splinty thingy and stick.

smiley - hug take it slow, hon. Please.

I'm hobbling about because my knee has given up the ghost (again) - It is complaining because I made it do stuff it didn't want to do. Spoilt git.

My lil man's been given antibios. I have not filled the script yet though. I looked in his throat - it's bright red - viral, innit? (smiley - erm innit...?)

See you when I see you?

speshul friend pressie

Post 631

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - run

Fried egg 'wich with painty bits and coffee breaksmiley - drool

First, taking it as easy as poss, given that stuff needs to be done and if I don't do it, then it don't get done. The crap bits aren't going to go away, so, just got to work round them innit?smiley - smiley

Twothly, I was given a choice of hospitals that do paed molexaminations, and you makes yer choice and books 'em online. Given the choices, and having pretty extensive experience of just about every hospital in London, I opted for the one just up t'road from us as had the earliest appointment and it's still new enough to at least be clean.smiley - rolleyes

Threethly, probably is viral, might not be though.smiley - biggrin Either way, tends to go of it's own accord, eventually. Personally, I'd hang fire for a couple of days, see what happens, and if it worsifies, least you got a script to cash in and use of need be.smiley - cheerup

Yah! Boo! Hiss! To rubbish knees and unworky body parts in general. They smellsmiley - cross

Not if I see you first. BoomBoom!smiley - wow

speshul friend pressie

Post 632

Wilma Neanderthal

*opens mouth to start saying stuff*

*sees the time*

smiley - yikes *gasp*

lilsmiley - divaschoolsmiley - run

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

speshul friend pressie

Post 633

Mrs Bojangles

*shoves a smiley - donut in agog gob*smiley - biggrin

Bah! Is it that time already? smiley - cross

Best tell the Deppster it's time to leave thensmiley - whistle

speshul friend pressie

Post 634

Wilma Neanderthal

I missed that post smiley - cross

smiley - biggrin Just watched the Libertine smiley - drool and smiley - yuk all rolled into one.

Want it?

*dangles deeveedoo in front of Jangly's nose*

speshul friend pressie

Post 635

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - bigeyes

*sits up and begs* (for the second time recentlysmiley - erm)

*runs round Wilma's legs*

smiley - boingsmiley - boingsmiley - boing

*rolls over and plays dead*

*lays down, does cute whining and puppy dog eyes*

smiley - drool

speshul friend pressie

Post 636

Trin Tragula

Oh I see - perfectly happy to do the whole cute schtick for Wilma, but not so much as a scamper for my biccies smiley - rolleyes

speshul friend pressie

Post 637

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - roflsmiley - laugh

n'awwwww smiley - loveblush so kewt!

*tickles Jangly's chin hairs*

It's yours, hon. Living in my smiley - handbag since I posted that smiley - winkeye

smiley - ok

speshul friend pressie

Post 638

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - bruised oops, sorry Trin, didn;t see you there, all green and smiley - envy odd-looking...

smiley - run

speshul friend pressie

Post 639

Trin Tragula

Well, you know what it's like, you head down the shop and there's a windowful of Jangleys all bouncing around, but you always have to go for the lethargic one that's snoozing in the corner 'cos she's cutest and then when you get her home she won't go running for biccies or anything smiley - erm

speshul friend pressie

Post 640

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - biggrin

Trin, sweetheart, what you need to understand is, there's biccies and then there's the Deppster, and then there's the whole non-comparable thing. smiley - smiley

smiley - boing

*licks Wilma's face*smiley - loveblush

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