This is the Message Centre for Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

If I had a hammer

Post 141

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Just don't tell the customers.

I am gluten-allergic and lactose intolerant, so limits on milk products, too. Oh, and some citrus, nuts, now, strawberries...

If I had a hammer

Post 142

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh my, that restricts you to all the food I wouldn't want to eat. smiley - hug

I have to admit, though, that the products have improved since more and more people need gluten-free food. The range is very varied here and growing. Same goes for lactose-free products. Shame they cost so much more than 'normal' food. It's like punishing people who have allergies. smiley - sadface

If I had a hammer

Post 143

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You're right. And the gluten-free flour is getting almost bearable.smiley - winkeye

If I had a hammer

Post 144

aka Bel - A87832164

There's a whole range of gluten-free flours here, too. I've never tried any of them, though.

If I had a hammer

Post 145

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I usually don't bother, just eat low-carb.

Though right now, I have some mini-pizzas in the oven. Pizza frozen, of gluten-free flour, topping cooked by myself.smiley - smiley

If I had a hammer

Post 146

aka Bel - A87832164

I guess with the right topping, you can eat almost anything. smiley - winkeye

If I had a hammer

Post 147

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl You should suggest that as a marketing slogan. I like it.smiley - winkeye

If I had a hammer

Post 148

aka Bel - A87832164

I hope it's not ambiguous. smiley - laugh

If I had a hammer

Post 149

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl I didn't think of that.

If I had a hammer

Post 150

aka Bel - A87832164

I have a knack of doing that without intending it, so I'm wary now. smiley - biggrin

If I had a hammer

Post 151

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh That can happen. Especially around Englishmen.

Or MMO players. Yesterday, somebody complained (on a German server) about the name 'Citymilk'. I said, 'Okay, what does it mean?'

The other person said (in German), 'It's English, it means City and Milk...'

smiley - rofl I was just afraid it was a new form of horrible slang.smiley - whistle

If I had a hammer

Post 152

aka Bel - A87832164

It's a weird name, but then I guess that's what you end up with when trying to create a user name that doesn't exist yet. I know somebody calling himself starlightcasino. smiley - biggrin

If I had a hammer

Post 153

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh That sounds good, actually.

Yes, you rack your brains for these names, sometimes. And then some bossy person goes and changes it because it is rude, or 'doesn't fit the roleplay'.smiley - winkeye

The ones that I have had to change, well, they wouldn't get past the profanity filter.smiley - whistle

If I had a hammer

Post 154

aka Bel - A87832164

Really? smiley - bigeyes

I once yikesed an 'Adolf Hitler'. I really thought it wasn't an appropriate user name. I know it's only a website, but I was very upset at the time.

If I had a hammer

Post 155

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You are absolutely right to do so. Those names do not belong. They're only doing it to annoy.

Like the ones who name characters 'Meinkampf' and such. It's just children being dumb.smiley - rolleyes

But the question 'Why can't I be named Rektalprobe?' is pretty funny, you have to admit.smiley - winkeye

Along with, 'I want you to cite him for verbal harassment! He called me an Erdferkel!' @

@Hamsters: 'Rektalprobe' means what it looks like. 'Erdferkel' means 'aardvark'. Oh, and 'Mein Kampf' was the title of Hitler's memoirs. Do not attempt to read this without a large bottle of aspirin, even in English. I have read it in German. I know.

If I had a hammer

Post 156

aka Bel - A87832164

Rektalprobe smiley - rofl

And Erdferkel is much nicer than Sau (sow).

I've never read MK. I don't think I could stomach that. We read excerpts in school when I was 12 or 13. It still makes me shudder.

If I had a hammer

Post 157

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I don't blame you. That book is horrible in more ways than one.

A professor of mine in Cologne, who was Jewish, had a funny story about 'Mein Kampf'.

At the end of the Second World War, my professor, a young man, was working as an interpreter for the American military. On the weekends, they went souvenir hunting. His captain wanted a copy of this book.

Unfortunately, everybody had destroyed all the copies.

So my professor and a friend made fake ones...out of old novels in Fraktur, nobody would know, right? Put in a new title page...smiley - whistle

They needed the money. And it was a good joke.

Twenty-five years later, he met this same captain - who was now a lawyer in Texas. He was still trying to buy a copy of 'Mein Kampf'.smiley - rofl

This time, for big bucks on the black market. He'd photocopied some of the text...smiley - winkeye

Once bitten, twice shy.

This story gave me enormous respect for the talents of my professor at the Martin Buber Institute.

If I had a hammer

Post 158

aka Bel - A87832164

People can be so creative when there's money involved. Have you ever heard the name of Konrad Kujau?

I think it wasn't just the German 'Stern' ridiculed, but some English magazine (the sun?), too.

There's a great movie about it, with Uwe Ochsenknecht as Konrad. smiley - biggrin

If I had a hammer

Post 159

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, is there a movie about that?smiley - rofl I'll have to find it.

We lived in Germany when that happened. In fact, I remember when it came out in 'Stern', which we read every week...

A colleague of mine, an historian, was ecstatic. I was contemptuous.
'I could write a better Hitler diary than that,' I scoffed. He insisted, no, absolutely authentic, Hugh Trevor-Roper said so...

So, when it turned out to be a fake...smiley - whistle

There's a Southern expression, 'in the catbird's seat'. I was in it.smiley - winkeye

That would make a great writing assignment. Write the diary of a famous person...

What is the title of the movie?

If I had a hammer

Post 160

aka Bel - A87832164

I never read the 'Stern' - I think I may have read Brigitte back then. smiley - biggrin

The film is called 'Schtonk'. The director was Helmut Dietl.

Götz George is in it, too.

I think I'll go to bed now, I'm getting very tired, and it's late.

Have a good evening. smiley - smiley

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