I think therefore I joined H2G2
I suppose I should write one of these if I am serious about joining. The trouble is where to begin. Well, I am obviously a fan of all things Adams, as well as a variety of humor: Monty Python (specifically John Cleese), Mel Brooks, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Seinfeld, George Carlin, Sam Kinison, Steve Martin, Peter Sellers, Chevy Chase, David Letterman, and plenty more. I have a rather extensive movie collection and an even larger body of seen films. The list is sort of here: http://dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?id=toosmartforbond2" >http://dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?id=toosmartforbond2
/>However it hasn't been updated, and since they only allowed so many entries for Owned and Seen, there are things that I own not represented there. Favorite actors include Anthony Hopkins, Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, Paul Newman, Kim Basinger, Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Orson Welles, Humphrey Bogart, and Marlon Brando.
Books are also a great hobby of mine, but to list them all would be another task too great for me. Instead I refer you to my favorite non-Adams authors: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, JRR Tolkien, JD Salinger, Ernest Hemingway, and Kurt Vonnegut.
I am also an avid video gamer, and have been ever since 1987 when I started to play with very first Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then I have owned an SNES, a Sega Genesis, a Sega CD, a Nintendo 64, Playstation, Playstation 2, and Gamecube and I have played on the X-Box as well as an old Sears-Atari Super Pong home console. My video game collection is here: http://users.ign.com/collection/toosmartforbond2?objType=1" >http://users.ign.com/collection/toosmartforbond2?objType=1
I am also a user of the very same IGN message boards, with the same user name. It is also my AIM name, for chat purposes. In short, Resident Evil is my favorite series, followed closely by the Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, and Final Fantasy. Individually, Chrono Trigger and Xenogears are my favorite RPGs, while Max Payne takes the cake for TPSs and Timesplitters for FPS. Drakengard was the best action/RPG I've ever played, Resident Evil 3 was the best RE I've ever played, and Super Mario Brothers 3 is the best of the Mario series, in my humble opinion.
I am a huge James Bond fanatic. I own every film on VHS and DVD and have watched each film at least three times (I used to watch them as I walked on my treadmill at home during high school, which made it easy to see every film again and again). As for music, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and any and all true rock and roll are my utter favorites. I despise rap, and most new music, since it seems to lack talent, soul, or purpose.
Finally, I am a chemistry major minoring in both mathematics and history at Boston College in the good old USA. I try my best to be the genius I always thought I was. I am a great lover of science and all knowledge, and I can never get enough interesting information. Sites like this, and Wikipedia, will hopefully offer me yet another venue for gaining more irreverent, pointless, but interesting as all hell knowledge. I play trivia games and complete cross word puzzles whenever I can. If I forgot anything, it's my own fault.
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