Mandletoad The First

Working in TV

Anyone attempting to get into the field of TV, Advertising or any other visual media should heed the following statement - as with Lawyers GOOD GUYS COME LAST.
This means unless you are arrogant, rich, trendy and/or goodlooking with an ego the size of Essex you can be sure you'll be stuck with the cruddiest job (eg:runner, tape op) with little or no chance of progressing *. Anyone called Lucinda, Max, Jamie, Alistair etc should have no trouble, the rest of us mortals are doomed to press buttons, make tea and work crappy shifts until we give up and a)Become a shop assistant, b)Become a teacher (guaranteed job, society is that desperate), c)Have babies.

By the way, the streets of Soho are not paved with gold, only fag ends, puddles of pee, and chewing gum. And the drains are a joy to the senses in the summer.

*Pointing the fact you have been making tea for a year when you were supposed to have been trained as an edit assistant/studio assistant in three months will cause your boss to do the "nice cop nasty cop" routine and send you on your way with a P45 and "thousands of other young hopefuls out there who would love this opportunity" ringing in your ears.


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Mandletoad the First

Researcher U157793


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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