This is the Message Centre for Mandletoad the First

Hi Mandle

Post 1

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

Hi I'm Courtney one of the Gardian Angels here to try and help new comers ease into this crazy place BTW this is an "unofficial" welcome an ACE will be by to offer an "official" welcome. So on to the links I found very helpful when I was new... The Guardian Angel's Page: and The GA's New Users Page:
The h2g2 newcomers page very helpful at There is also a quick reference guide at

The best thing I have found here is The Guide ML Clinic, if you need help with your homepage:

An ACE will be by to say hi and add what I missed or drop by their page at Aces home page The Aces' Home Page is at and there's a forum specially for newbies to get to know each other at

There's also a page at for people who have just registered and who want to know what they can now do with their new account.

If you have any questions feel free to ask smiley - smiley

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