Journal Entries

Sex and drugs

Is it just me, or at some point in your life, do your parents suddenly become cool again? My mother, who is in town for the holidays, has been cracking double entendre sex jokes for the last two days...either she has suddenly become funny as hell, or I have been missing some damned fine jokes for a while. And my mother and I have both lightened up about alcohol, after having spent way too much time with alcoholic parents. We actually went and had a beer today. It was the most bizarre thing. She surprised me, and I think I surprised her. We talked about my drug use in college, and she said she had always wanted to do LSD, but was afraid to, and then asked me what it was like. We decided that perhaps our souls had been switched, because I was so much more the hippy chick than she had been. Being 18 in 1968 would have been somehow easier, and more fun, for me. As it was, she didn't feel like she fit in until the 80s, where I felt completely out of place. I guess there is something to that.

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Latest reply: Dec 23, 2000

Been thinking too damned hard...

I have spent the last three weeks in the past, trying to understand prostitution at the turn of the century. I don't know much more than I knew when I began. They are so elusive, these women, sitting there on a page of a Register of Prisoners. Women without someone to be concerned with their personal welfare, without a voice. Trying to give them a voice is harder than I thought it would be, mostly because the idea of being a prostitute is so foreign to me. Or is it? If I bought the feminist rhetoric that all male/ female relationships are a form of prostitution, and that real hookers are just more honest, I guess it would make sense. But to reduce human relationships to nothing more than the buying and selling of flesh seems so reductive to me, so simplistic. It as if the desire to make sense of something so complex requires making it something base. Lowest common denominator, perhaps? I find it specious and somewhat lacking in true feeling. And where, I wonder, does that leave gays and lesbians? Are their relationships any less filled with what, essentially, becomes Marxist struggle? Or are they above that? All these questions swirl around my head, and I don't have any answers. Perhaps, if I am lucky, someone with something approaching an answer will happen upon this rambling THING and help.

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2000

Art as Mistress

Is it, somewhere, written that artists *must* be tortured souls, doomed to a life of unceasing rejection and pain and twisted agony? Or is that something an artist has to live *up8 to, so that art can be meaningful? What is it with that whole artist as tortured thing?!
I only ask this because I am currently going through a separation, and the central focus has been this whole artist as a demanding mistress that I am somehow in competition with, although as I see it, a breathing human being is always a step above a cold piece of sculpture. Yikes.

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Latest reply: Oct 22, 2000

the truly non-sequitor joke

Two penguins, walking across the tundra. One turns to the other and says, "you look lke you're wearing a tuxedo." The other replies, "well, maybe I am."
Okay, had to be there? Anyway. I found it amusing, to say the least. At one in the morning, well along the way to a nice buzz, with a bunch of folk who also get it, it was pretty damned funny.
So, on to bigger and better things...wait, I forgot. Nothing much more interesting than that going on. Oh, that bodes ill for the weekend.

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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2000


I think, at this point, it should be noted for the record that in some alternate universe, someone is getting all of MY sleep. And I want it back. Theology of suffering? I am, I am! Latin? I feel about as old as a Roman senator trying to find yet another novel way of killing a bad emperor.
Good night...good's time to say good night
(okay, so I am really, really, really tired!)

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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2000

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